This chapter is translated into English, but not yet translated by WitchCultTranslations. You can find it here by Eminent Translations.
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This chapter is translated into English, but not yet translated by WitchCultTranslations. You can find it here by Eminent Translations.
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Kinda had a feeling about that ending when I read the title of the chapter but man, am I glad it really happened
Well brothers we reached the end of this peak arc I wish it was a great run and now that we’re done we can move onto the land of the wolves I have high expectations
WELCOME BACK REM, I been waiting for this for a long time, after seeing this great arc I’m looking forward to what the next Arc will be like
Subaru: “I won’t save you.”
Also Subaru:
FINALMENTE ela voltouuuuu !!!!
Rem, Rem, REM, REMMMMM, Rem finalmente, mds como esperei por esse momento <3
obrigado pelo capitulo !!
mda… it’s a pity that she will kill him about 5 times, since she does not remember him and considers him a cultist.
if this is a spoiler then fuck you fr.
Sleep with your eyes open if ts a spoiler.
I was lowkey disappointed in phase 5 as a whole, but this chapter definitely boosted this phase up in quality. Def the best chapter in phase 5. Phase 4 carried this arc tho, def the best phase in all of rezero.
Phase tier list: 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1
Arc tier list: 4 > 5 > 6 > 3 = 2 > 1
Phase 3 is either first or 2nd place for me.
to be honest. the people watching the anime in october will be certainly rating this low and hating the ending of this arc. not because its bad or anything but because they gotta wait another 5 years for another anime to know what happens next
also cuz emilias final trial sucked ass
Sadly true, idk… Emilias trial wasnt that great ):
arc 6 was an absolute insane journey, what an arc now i now why the community lauds this
onto arc 7
thank you for your work of translation through this arc !
What a chapter, also that’s a crazy cliffhanger
Rem is back and doesn’t have her memories AND Louis has a body AND he’s now in some random grassland
Arc 7 is gonna be crazy
Last 10 chapters or so were alright, everything else amazing. Overall, there was still some good chapters like this one. This was just the worst loop he succeeded in imo. After all that trial and error memory loss Subaru went through it felt like none of it was used which i’ll say is fair to some extent because he didnt gather much information, ill come back to this point.
The encounters of each fight were alright, besides maybe Vs Shaula and possibly Emilia somewhat but because she would’ve own either way (Though if it’s true she only won because she shared same handprint as Satella, also feels off). What I mean is their encounters they all pulled out something new in order to win their encounter, Felt coincidental and that Subaru should’ve already gained this information.
Just felt like Subaru did all that dying and was in a very bad position overall that he COULDN’T die in (Bc spawn point could go crazy and reset ALOT) and that it came down to luck, whilist making other Subaru seem almost completely useless in information gathering, which may have been a little bit of the point. Wasted opportunities imo and felt like a lot of these things like could’ve happed originally but were avoided so the author could satisfy us by making them pull out their cards last second (or .
May get hated on for thinking this tbh. Anyone else agree though.