Visual Complete Volume 2 – Ram


Machine Translation by:

  • Goldkills

Proofread by:

  • Shadow

Japanese to English Checking By:

  • Rageasu

Cover by:

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


Character – Ram

The older of the twin maids who work at the Roswaal mansion, where the injured Subaru was brought.

She is an arrogant and abrasive person with a sharp tongue. Compared to her younger sister, she is lacking in all areas, including cooking, washing, sewing, and cleaning.

She has a sharp gaze, harsh with her words and actions, is a teacher with a no-nonsense approach to education, and has an unbearable personality to match.

She is devoted to her master, Roswaal, and in general, she does not open her heart to anyone except Roswaal and her younger sister, Rem.

She is in charge of Subaru’s education while working at the mansion, and she continues to bully the incompetent protagonist with her venomous tongue.



[Of course, ability and loyalty are necessary to work at the Mathers family’s mansion, but the two who stood out in those two senses are―― Ram and Rem.]

[The older sister, Ram? Hmm, yes… I am a little worried about Ram’s ability as a servant.]

[Although it would sound better to say she is good at getting their work done, she has a terrible habit of cutting corners to get things done efficiently, and to begin with, she already had a rather arrogant way of speaking… it is difficult to say if she is particularly suitable to be a servant.]

[However, there is no doubt about her ability in other areas and, above all, her loyalty to the master of the house… Roswaal L. Mathers-sama.]

[It would be safe to say that half of Ram is made up of her feelings for Roswaal-sama, and the other half is her feelings for her younger sister, Rem. No, that is no joke.]

[I believe her feelings are different from that of obsession. Ultimately, it is a type of deep affection.]

[She is very devoted to who she confides in. And when that is combined with her excellence, the results are simply bountiful.]

[That girl fully believes in Roswaal-sama and fully believes in herself who fully believes in him. She does not waver or hesitate in that, and if anything stands in her way, she will not hesitate before taking on a challenge… I think that is simultaneously both a strength and a worry.]

[The only person who can truly be said to be Roswaal-sama’s confidant is Ram… I think that Ram is the only one who knows Roswaal-sama’s true thoughts and intentions.]

[What is the Master thinking, and why does he keep Ram by his side?]

[Whenever needed by the Master, Ram responds without hesitation.]

[I am both a little afraid and a little envious.]

[…Garfiel would assuredly be angry if he heard me say something like that.]

《Comments on Ram, from a scary-faced colleague》



Character – Reinhard

A handsome young man with blazing red hair and eyes as blue as the clear sky.

A perfect superhuman with refined manners whose every word and action is full of consideration for others.

Heralded as the Sword Saint and the Knight Amongst Knights, he is a celebrity who is well known throughout the Royal Capital.

He usually serves as a member of the royal guard in the Royal Castle, but on his days off, he can be found strolling around the Royal Capital.

What did this young man, who always does his best for the city’s people, see on his day off?



[If asked who my most respected friend is, I would not hesitate to give his name.]

[He is a member of the Kingdom of Lugunica’s Royal Guard, the Knight Amongst Knights, and the Sword Saint.]

[Indeed, this generation’s Sword Saint, Reinhard van Astrea’s name.]

[Although we are both part of the Royal Guard now, I have known him for a long time.]

[I believe the first time I saw him was when my father took me to the Royal Castle.]

[I was only about ten years old, so he must have been around seven or eight.]

[To my embarrassment, I was a child who lacked awareness of my position at the time.]

[Of course, I had learned proper etiquette and how to behave at the royal palace, so I was not disrespectful.]

[However, looking at him then, I was reminded that I had no understanding of the true nature of any of those actions.]

[Even at such a young age, Reinhard had already been vividly aware of his position and strength.]

[He was never prideful of the immense power he bore, nor did he ever neglect to use it to help others.]

[When I first witnessed him at the Royal Castle and viewed the sincerity in his eyes, I felt quite ashamed of myself.]

[It is because of that encounter with him that I became the person I am today, someone who diligently works to improve myself to the point of being deemed the Finest of Knights. I would like to thank my friend for that.]

[My motivation behind diligently striving to better myself to the point I have been deemed the Finest of Knights is my encounter with him on that day. I would like to thank my friend for that.]

[…However, I sometimes find myself thinking.]

[I wonder if he, if Reinhard, ever feels any discomfort from standing tall like that all the time. I have never asked him about it personally, but the environment he is in is not exactly an ideal one.]

[Even though he must have had times when he suffered and wanted to give up… he has never demonstrated it. That is what gave me my opinion of him.]

[I hope my friend can find someone he can confide in and distribute his burdens with.]

[I cannot help but loathe my immaturity, which prevents me from being in a position to be relied upon.]

《Comments on Reinhard, from the Finest of Knights》



Character – Elsa

A beautiful woman with long, black hair, a rare sight in this world, who exudes a seductive aura.

She flaunts her glamorous figure in a provocative outfit, and does not hold back in showing off her seductive charm to those around her.

However, despite her demure appearance and gentle tone, there is a darkness lurking in the depths of her eyes that sets her apart from other working women.

It seems she had some business at the loot house, and made an appointment to meet Felt there.



???: [Oi! Have you found the woman on the wanted poster!?]

???: [Nah, she ain’t here. Her appearance stands out, so there’s no way she could’ve been overlooked…]

???: [Do you suppose she’s hiding somewhere? She clashed with Reinhard-sama, didn’t she? A bunch of people saw the light of his sword strike the sky. I don’t think she could survive that…]

???: [The fact that Reinhard-sama couldn’t finish her off is probably the cause of all this fuss!! She’s a menace who escaped from the Sword Saint’s blade. How can you call yourself a knight if you’re just gonna let her run wild in the Royal Capital?]

???: [Don’t yell at me, sorry…. But, what kind of person is the woman on the wanted poster?]

???: [You didn’t even know…! Oh, shit! That woman is Elsa Granhiert, but she’s also known as the Bowel Hunter.]

???: [Huh, the Bowel Hunter…!? Who’s that…?]

???: [She’s a savage killer who loves to slash open her victims’ bellies with an absurdly huge knife and watch their guts pour out.]

???: [Apparently, she calls herself a mercenary. However, she’s considered a menace and was accordingly placed on a wanted list. If you find her, report to the guards or the knights. If she makes any suspicious moves, arrest her immediately… so they say.]

???: [If she’s earned that kind of reputation, she must’ve committed some terrible atrocities…]

???: [Her most notorious deed is the Red Snowfall on the Orcos Domain, which took place in the northern country of Gusteko.]

???: [There was a noble lord named Orcos who ruled a domain along the border between Lugunica and Gusteko. When he had a dispute with another noble lord from a neighboring domain, Elsa was apparently among the mercenaries hired by the rival side.]

???: [No way, the one who killed that lord was Elsa…]

???: [No, it wasn’t just that. The Bowel Hunter had the initiative to kill everyone associated with the domain. Not just the people connected to the Orcos Domain, but the entirety of the faction of the lord she was employed by.]

???: [Wh-Why would she do that…?]

???: [Who knows? Anyway, after that incident, she became wanted by Gustekan authorities for being a menace. And because of that, in Lugunica, if you see her, you’re supposed to contact the authorities immediately.]

???: [Now that you know how dangerous they are…]

???: [Uh, hey… that woman, she had black hair, black eyes, and a big knife, right?]

???: [――? Yeah, that’s right.]

???: [Co-Could that possibly be her right there?]

《The final conversation between guards searching the Royal Capital for the Bowel Hunter》



☆Out Off (The Convenience store)

Subaru: [Kicking off our explanation of terms, we have a convenience store from my old world.]

Emilia: [Convinyence stoar… huh, what does that mean?]

Subaru: [A convenience store is a type of store where you can buy just about everything you need for daily life. Out Off is a major nationwide convenience store chain. There were two of them within two hundred meters of my house, and it felt like they were eating into each other’s business areas. I understand the strategy of dominating a certain area, but isn’t that taking it too far?]

Emilia: [Um, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about, Subaru, but you’re probably right.]


☆Demi-Humans, Demi-human Species, and Demi-Human Tribes

Subaru: [My image of them is that they are humanoid races other than humans, but is that correct?]

Emilia: [Well, that’s mostly true. The most well-known demi-human races are the elves and dwarves. There are also the Giant Tribe and the Dwarf Tribe. The beastman types are divided into the Beastman tribe and the Half-beast tribe. If you include those who are half-human, there’s a reaaally large number of them.][1]

Subaru: [From what I saw when I was in the Royal Capital, it looked like there were a lot of humans. It seems like demi-humans and humans live together, but do they ever have any conflicts with each other?]

Emilia: [I heard that the relationship between demi-humans and humans varies from country to country. In Lugunica, they coexist now, but a while ago, there was a civil war between demi-humans and humans. It’s a problem everyone has to deal with, but I hope we can reduce these misunderstandings… even if only a little.]


☆The Royal Selection (The Pick for the Throne)

Subaru: [The fact that the royal bloodline has ended smells of a fishy conspiracy.]

Roswaal: [It has been thoroooughly~ investigated, so there’s no doubt. The decision was made after considering the possibility of them… feigning illness. Everyone in the royal family has passed away with nothing to hide.]

Subaru: [That’s a pretty irreverent guarantee… Anyway, that’s why the opportunity has come to Emilia-tan. Since it’s a selection, after all.]

Roswaal: [Of cooourse~, there are other candidates as well. All of them are people who are very motivated to take the throne for themselves. Ahaaa~, this is getting intereeesting~, isn’t it?]

Subaru: [At the very least, Emilia-tan and I are feeling uneasy about the smile you’re wearing right now.]


☆The Royal Capital of Lugunica

Subaru: [The Kingdom of Lugunica’s capital… Its biggest city and the place I was initially summoned to.]

Reinhard: [The population of the Royal Capital is around three hundred thousand. However, that is just the number of permanent residents, and it is difficult to accurately measure the number of people who are coming and going to and from it at any given time.]

Subaru: [By the way, what’s the population of the Kingdom of Lugunica as a whole?]

Reinhard: [It is said that the entire Kingdom’s population is around fifty million. However, this is not an accurate figure that has been gathered by traveling around the various regions. It is a sum of figures that have been collected from regional lords. Still, there is a possibility that the numbers of their subjects have been inflated in order to collect taxes, so I do not consider it a very reliable figure.]

Subaru: [How unexpected to hear an illicit story about the Royal Capital…]


Kadomon’s Fruit Stall

Subaru: [This is Mr. Save Point’s shop. For some reason, whenever I Returned by Death, I ended up back here, so I was scared that maybe it was being caused by the old man.]

Kadomon: [Stop making a racket. If you’re not gonna buy an appa, then get lost.]



Subaru: [It’s a sort of badge in the shape of a winged dragon with a red jewel in its mouth.]

Felt: [I was hired to steal it from the silver-haired nee-chan, and if I hadn’t messed up after that, I woulda gotten paid a holy gold coin for it… shit, I screwed up.]

Subaru: [But if you’d succeeded, you would’ve become a national criminal. Since it was a qualification for participating in the Royal Selection, the guards throughout the Royal Capital would’ve been desperately searching for you.]

Felt: […Either way, it didn’t turn out well, dammit!]


☆The Forbidden Library

Subaru: [There’s a nasty rumor that the reclusive loli in the Roswaal mansion calls her room that…]

Beatrice: [Do you wish to be blasted away, I suppose? With Betty’s Door Crossing, this is a place that is separated from the rest of the world―― that’s the Forbidden Library, in fact. It is connected to only one door in the mansion at a time and is always changing, I suppose.]

Subaru: [For all that, it’s pretty easy to find.]

Beatrice: [You’re just an anomaly, in fact! Normally, it shouldn’t easily… ah, Now Betty is angry, I suppose!]



Subaru: [I can write it down if you don’t believe me. It can be used as evidence in court later.]

Beatrice: [Binding oneself with the soul, rather than with paper. In this world, that’s the idea behind making Contracts, I suppose.]

Subaru: [Binding someone with your soul sounds cool. They must feel like they’ve made a commitment, right?]

Beatrice: [Even if you disregard them and move on, demi-humans and those involved with magic emphasize a great deal of importance on Contracts, in fact. Especially with the older races and spirits, you can be sure that the topic will invariably come up if you talk about them, I suppose.]

Subaru: [I heard that a Contract also binds Emilia-tan and Puck.]

Beatrice: [How regrettable, in fact. If there were no contract between Bubby and that girl, Betty would forcibly tear them apart and keep Bubby by Betty’s side, I suppose….]

Subaru: [What are you raving about, you loli? Scary.]



Subaru: [So, it’s okay to think of it as an organ that’s necessary for a magician to use magic, right?]

Rem: [It’s not something you can physically see, so it’s a bit of a stretch to call it an organ, but it’s what allows you to take mana from the air, convert it into magic, and release it back into the world. That’s what it does.]

Subaru: [The better the magician, the bigger and more numerous the Gates they tend to have. Roswaal’s probably an anomaly, though.]

Rem: [The world has blessed Roswaal-sama as a magician. Rem, Nee-sama, and Emilia-sama are above average, and Subaru-kun is below average. No, well below average.]

Subaru: [You didn’t need to say “well”, did you!? I already knew without you telling me!]


☆The Sword Saint

Subaru: [With such a bombastic title, it really resonates with my chuuni mind.]

Reinhard: [I am honored that you like it, but I personally feel that I am still too inexperienced to carry the title. The title of Sword Saint has been passed down through the generations.]

Subaru: [I seem to remember that building and the sky being cleaved in half; is that not enough? Are all the previous Sword Saints monsters like that?]

Reinhard: [The first Sword Saint is said to have clashed with a dragon using only a sword. That sword has been passed down to me, but the dilemma is that my own will cannot draw it. It would be presumptuous of me to call myself a Sword Saint when the sword itself has not even recognized me, would it not?]

Subaru: [From my point of view, it seems like the sword is a bit too extravagant.]



Subaru: [Well, if I remember correctly, she’s called the Witch of Envy or something like that…]

Emilia: [I’m sorry, I don’t want to talk about this.]

Beatrice: [Even saying the name of that abominable Witch you should hesitate to utter, I suppose.]

Rem: [Please don’t say anything rash and upset Rem.]

Ram: [It’s no use expecting such subtlety from Barusu.]

Subaru: [What’s with this ganging up on me…]


☆Return by Death

Subaru: [It’s the power to literally rewind time and restart the world by dying.]

Ram: [Well, it seems like Barusu’s hopelessness has finally spread to his whole body.]

Subaru: [Can you stop patting me on the shoulder as if you were comforting me with that sad look on your face? I can talk about it because we’re in a meta place, but I don’t know why I have this ability, either! I wish I could’ve been given a cheat that would have just made me super strong!]

Ram: [That’s what makes Barusu Barusu because he can only see such a bleak future due to his rash decisions. I guess you could say Return by Death is cause for celebration.]

Subaru: [Damn, I can’t deny that… Remember this. My future prospects will show you one day…!]


☆The Great Waterfall

Subaru: [When I say even further east than the easternmost point, people laugh at me and say that’s nonsense.]

Puck: [The Great Waterfall is a waterfall that runs off the world’s edge. At the edge of the continent, at the end of the world, the sea ends, and there is a waterfall that goes on forever. Where does it disappear to when it falls? Not even Spirits know what lies beyond the end of the world.]

Subaru: [That’s pretty scary. I see. No wonder why they laugh when they hear I’m from beyond the Great Waterfall. That damned Reinhard, he was probably making fun of me…]

Puck: [It is said that only Dragons know what lies beyond the Great Waterfall. Although they certainly exist, they have no place to live, and it is said that they have their own paradisebeyond the Great Waterfall and that they spread their wings and fly over to this continent from time to time.]

Subaru: [You’re not fooling anyone with that line about literally spreading your wings and taking a vacation, so don’t laugh!]


☆The Loot House

Subaru: [It’s a den of thieves where the unscrupulous criminals of the Royal Capital amass their ill-gotten gains.]

Rom: [Don’t make it sound so foul. This is the headquarters for ne’er-do-wells.]

Subaru: [Even if you change the wording, the meaning doesn’t change! Since when have you been in that kind of business?]

Rom: [It’s been ‘bout fourteen or fifteen years since I settled in the Royal Capital… I’ve been doin’ this for a long time… but I guess I’ll be hangin’ around for a little bit longer.]

Subaru: [Use this opportunity to find a proper job. Maybe it’ll help put a stop to Felt’s bad habits.]

Rom: [You’re just a nobody who doesn’t know anythin’, sayin’ whatever ya want…]


☆The Natsuki Family

Subaru: [I’m from a family of three, consisting of my father, mother, and me. Since I, the eldest son, was teleported, the family line will end with me.]

Emilia: [Do-Don’t say such sad things. After all, there’s a chance that Subaru might get a new younger brother or sister.]

Subaru: [That’s not something to joke about. I’m afraid that if they find out I’m gone, they’ll have no qualms about making more children. I don’t wanna imagine my parents doing something like that!]

Emilia: [But I’m sure they’re worried… I hope they can find peace of mind soon.]

Subaru: […I don’t know. Maybe they’re better off without me.]

Emilia: [Subaru…]

Subaru: [I know that’s not true. I’m the one who should know better than anyone.]

〈The second half of the glossary continues in Volume Three.〉


Extra Episode “Ram”


The faint sound of a pen nib skimming across a paper was the only echo in the silent room.

A girl with short, pink hair sat at a desk, holding a quill pen.

Her face was more cute than beautiful, and her strong-willed, light-crimson eyes were distinctive. She was wearing a maid outfit that exposed her shoulders and back, and even though it was the middle of the night in her own room, she was still donning a white headpiece on her head.

――Even though this was her private room, it served as proof of her steadfast attitude towards her duties. On the desk in front of the girl were a number of papers, and as she looked through them, she sometimes wrote her signature, sometimes wrote responses on blank sheets of paper, and left scribbles one after another on the notepad at the edge of the desk.

Her concentration was so intense that the cup of tea she had on the desk had completely cooled down and had been left untouched.

???: [――Whew.]

Suddenly, she exhaled and ceased moving the quill pen. The girl cast aside the last of the documents she had been looking through, and, touching her eyelids with her free hand, she looked towards the window,

???: […Feeling exhausted, and it’s already this late?]

The girl muttered this when she saw the morning sun rising faintly from beyond the mountains in the distance.

???: [There won’t be much time left now.]

As she said that, the girl quickly gathered up the papers on the desk, put away the quill pen, among other things, and then looked at the now completely cooled cup of tea. She took a sip, lightly moistening her tongue and lips, and then stood up. She made her way to her bed, removed the white headpiece and ribbon from her head, untied her shoulder straps to shed her maid uniform, revealing her white-naked body.

???: [It’s cold.]

The girl, now in her underwear, put on a thin nightgown-like negligee and crawled into the covers.

She placed a pillow under her head and closed her eyes, and her tired consciousness drifted quickly into sleep. It was almost sunrise―― there were probably less than three hours until she had to commence work.

For spending that brief time sleeping was simply a part of the girl’s―― of Ram’s daily routine.



???: [Nee-sama, Nee-sama. It’s morning. Time to wake up.]

For this girl, her day always began with the voice of her beloved other half.

She felt the sensation of someone shaking her shoulders from above the bed, and her consciousness slowly returning to reality. She opened her eyes in response, and her gaze met with the light-blue eyes of the person looking in at her.

???: [Good morning, Nee-sama. Today is another beautiful day.]

When their eyes met, and the other person realized that she was conscious, her lips parted in a thin smile. It was a fleeting smile that seemed to disappear, a smile that only those who were close to each other could understand.

She thought to herself that if she smiled more clearly, she would have a smile as lovely as a flower.

The same could be said of the other girl. After all, the person who woke her up was her twin sister, who had the same appearance as her.

???: [Nee-sama, are you awake yet?]

Ram: […Mmm, just four more hours of sleep.]

???: [Sometimes Rem would like to let Nee-sama sleep a bit longer… but that would set a bad example for Subaru-kun. He never oversleeps, no matter what.]

Ram: [Hmm… It’s quite a pain when Barusu laughs over oversleeping.]

The words of her younger sister―― Rem, reminded her of the boy with black hair. He had joined them as an apprentice servant at the mansion just a few days prior. The boy’s abilities were so poor that he was practically useless as a servant in a nobleman’s mansion, but for that very reason, she wanted to avoid showing any weakness.

Reluctantly, she rubbed her eyelids and sat up, and Rem supported her unsteady upper body with an outstretched hand. Leaning on Rem’s support, she slid her hips down, sat on the bed with her feet on the floor, and,

Ram: [Rem. ――As usual, please help Ram get ready.]

Rem: [Yes, Nee-sama. As usual.]

In response to her haughty older sister’s orders, the younger sister did not disobey but nodded with a look of delight in her eyes.

Having gone behind the bed, Rem slowly combed Ram’s pink hair with a comb in hand.

Feeling the careful touch of fingers on her nape, as if handling jewels, Ram glanced out of the window and estimated that it had been around three hours since she fell asleep.

Rem: [Nee-sama, are you tired? Your workload has increased, as you’re also looking after Subaru-kun’s studies.]

So asked Rem, who was busy preparing her older sister. Usually, they would be having a conversation, but today, they were both silent, lost in their own thoughts. Ram shrugged and said, “No, that’s not it,” sensing the concern in her sister’s sigh.

Ram: [Teaching Barusu is no different from training a dog. It’s not exhausting, and yesterday we finished early, around midnight.]

Rem: [If that’s what Nee-sama says, then that’s fine… but if you’re tired, please let Rem do your work for you. Please don’t overdo it.]

Rem’s voice resonated pleadingly as she combed Ram’s hair. However, she could not afford to rely on Rem’s kindness. Rem was already undertaking more than eighty percent of the general household chores in the mansion by herself. Ram and Subaru were in charge of the remaining twenty percent, and even that was not being satisfactorily completed.

Ram, of course, and even Subaru, did not want to put any additional burden on Rem.

Ram: [If anyone should be taking a break, it should be you, Rem… Ram knows exactly what Ram can handle, so to say that is unreasonable.]

Rem: [With those feelings alone, Rem can work for ten or even a hundred years without needing a break.]

Ram: [We’ll see about that.]

It was an exaggeration, but her attitude was certainly not a lie. Rem, who idolized Ram, seemed to be trying to confirm her own sense of worth by devoting herself to her. Ram, who sensed that this was a distortion, was unable to say anything because she was similar to Rem.

――Rem’s words, “ten or even a hundred years” pierced deeply into her heart. If nothing changed, Rem would continue to spend her days relying on Ram as she had said. Although that was not necessarily a bad thing, she did not think it was right either.

Ram: [That’s why, just for a little while Ram will…]

Rem: [――? Nee-sama, did you say something just now?]

Ram: [It was that no matter how much sleep Ram receives, it would never be enough. Why is it that sleepiness never seems to dry up but just keeps on flowing? Is it because dreams quench your heart just like spring water quenches your thirst?]

Rem: [Quite the poet… Nee-sama is so wonderful…]

Rem finished combing Ram’s hair, muttering absentmindedly. Then, Rem decorated her sister’s hair with a ribbon that matched her own, placing it in a position that was symmetrical to her own, and then,

Rem: [Nee-sama, it’s time to change into your uniform…]

Ram: [Yes, hurrah!]

In response to Ram saying that in a casual manner and raising both her arms, Rem remarked, “Excuse me”, then proceeded to slip off Ram’s nightgown. The morning air was chilly against her naked body, and while Ram’s eyes narrowed from the cold, Rem brought out a change of uniform from the closet―― the same type of maid uniform she had worn the previous night, and dressed her older sister.

She slipped her head through the opening at the neck and shook her head lightly, and finally, Rem put a white headpiece on her head,

Rem: [Yes, Nee-sama. You look wonderful today.]

Rem carried a full-length mirror to the bed and Ram observed herself while sitting down. While she adjusted the slightly wrinkled chest area and the angle of her ribbon ―― Rem diligently put on Ram’s white stockings, which reached past her knees, and her preparations were complete.

Ram: [Haah… Well then, shall we get back to work today?]

Rem: [Yes, of course. By the way, Nee-sama, what’s that stack of papers on your desk…?]

Ram, who was yawning with her hand over her mouth, was called out to by Rem, who had verified her sister’s personal appearance. At these words, Ram glanced at the paperwork she had been working on until the early hours of the morning ――the documents she had completed were on Roswaal’s behalf. They were related to the internal affairs of Margrave Roswaal L. Mathers’ domain. Ram had not told Rem about the fact that she was helping out in a way that went beyond the duties of a mere servant. She had no intention of telling her sister about it in the future, either, making her feel guilty.

Ram: [It’s nothing important. Barusu was studying his letters, so Ram was looking around for something that might be useful for children learning how to write.]

Rem: [For Subaru-kun… as expected of Nee-sama. Would you like Rem to help too?]

Ram: [No, it’s okay. Rem is much busier than Ram, so you should prioritize your work. Although Ram was the one being worried about, so it seems like Rem is the one who has not been sleeping enough. Your eyes look tired.]

Rem: [Nothing can be hidden from Nee-sama. It seems that Rem stayed up a little late.]

The younger sister, wearing a forced smile, showed no sign that she knew her older sister had stayed awake even later than that. Ram pushed Rem’s back towards the door as they headed outside, and,

Ram: [If you’re in trouble, just say so. Ram is here for you to rely on in times of need.]

Rem: […Yes, if that happens, would you please do that, Nee-sama?]

When Rem gave a weak smile, Ram patted her shoulder to reassure her. Then, as they were about to leave the room and venture downstairs.

???: [Haah… Ah, good morning, Mesdames-senpai.]

Subaru appeared at the end of the corridor, putting a hand to his mouth and yawning with a carefree expression. He was wearing a strange gray outfit―― and seemed to be on his way to interrupt Emilia’s morning routine.

Ram: [How can you be so brazen as to do it morning after morning?]

Subaru: [Don’t make it sound like I’m doing something bad. I’m just going to obtain some motivation for the day.]

Subaru, with his lips pouted, argued with Ram, and then he raised his hand in surrender to the two of them,

Subaru: [I’ll join you for work after my morning routine, so thanks for your efforts today.]

Dangling his hands with a nonchalant demeanor, Subaru turned and walked down to the opposite side of the hallway. Noticing how Rem emitted a wordless exhale as she watched him pass by, Ram, thinking about her sister’s unusual reaction, declared,

Ram: [That’s why Ram has a little… hope for you, Barusu.]

Rem: [――? Nee-sama, just now, did you say something?]

Ram: [No, it’s nothing.]

Upon hearing her sister’s mutterings, Rem, with a furrowed brow, asked her a question, but Ram simply shook her head to dismiss it. Then, taking her sister’s hand, she led her towards the stairs leading downstairs, and as they set foot on the first step,

Ram: [Well then, today is another busy day for everyone except for Ram.]

And so, she pompously declared that she would skimp on her work.

〈Continued in Volume Two of Re: Starting Life in Another World from Zero〉


[1]Translation Note: The words used for “Dwarf” here are ドワーフ and 小人族(meaning Little people or Child people tribe/race), with 小人族 being used in the story and this being the only instance of ドワーフ being used so far. That is why the translation uses the same term twice.

3 thoughts on “Visual Complete Volume 2 – Ram”

  1. Could it be that 小人族 are not dwarves but halflings or something? It would explain why the ones we know look like children, instead of stout short old men.

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