Arc 5, Chapter 19 – “Theatre of Malice”



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All rights belong to Tappei Nagatsuki, the original author of the Re:Zero series. This is an English translation of the free web novel which is available at:

Translated by:

  • Nanashi-tan
  • Phantaminum

Proofread by:

  • Phantaminum
  • SSCaide

Art Sources:

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Those words were spoken with both intimacy and graciousness.

Hearing the bandaged figure’s opening speech, the crowd could only gaze up in stunned silence. The figure standing high above them had a peculiar, striking appearance. Its voice was ear-piercing, yet incredibly entrancing.

However, those notable features were secondary to something much greater.

The reason why no one dared to move their eyes from that figure was, in fact, incredibly simple. Calling that reason biological instinct would be no exaggeration.

——No one would be so foolish as to heedlessly look away from a life-threatening enemy.

???: [Huh, what?]

???: [What did that person say just now?]

???: [This a joke, right? The Witch Cult, what’s with…]

Delayed understanding gradually spread through the crowd.

However, no one took action. Everyone merely questioned the people near them, as if doubting what they had heard.

Rachins: [Just now, what did that bastard say? Did you hear it!?]

Rachins, who had raced back towards Subaru, shared that reaction. Although he crossed the crowd and approached Subaru while keeping an eye on the clocktower, Subaru, standing at a distance from the crowd, did not let his gaze waver for even a second.

A disaster would surely occur as soon as he looked away.

Considering the identity of that figure, that was a doubtless fact.

——That is, that figure was a creature of the same breed as Petelgeuse.

Subaru: [Also, claiming to be a Romanée-Conti…?]

The bandaged figure had given its name, Sirius Romanée-Conti.

Ridiculously enough, Romanée-Conti was in fact Petelgeuse’s surname, although it was impossible for that Spirit of evil to have blood relatives.

Subaru: [It doesn’t feel that all the Sin Archbishops have that same family name.]

An entire family named Romanée-Conti would be far too much of a nightmare to handle.

A wicked religion spreading the teachings of the Witch, and a family under the name of Romanée-Conti, producing Sin Archbishops for generations? Even just the thought seemed so distorted and foul it made Subaru feel a proverbial nauseating stench.

At the same time, an endless wave of anger towards the Witch Cult rose inside Subaru.

Although it was not the Gluttony that he had been pursuing, if this was someone who could give him a lead, then——

Subaru: [——I’ll try to capture it and force it to spew everything out.]

Although difficult, that could force open a path to Gluttony.

Determined, Subaru calmed his blazing heart, and focused on finding his connection with Beatrice. Beatrice would appear for Subaru as soon as she was summoned.

This was an effect of the contract between a Contractor and his Spirit. Deep within himself, Subaru grabbed onto their connection, and prepared to seize it, when,

Sirius: [——Alright! That’s enough!]

Subaru: [——!?]

Just as he was about to call Beatrice, a shrill, dry voice called loudly from above.

That voice gave the impression that it could permeate the entire city. The bandaged person clapped its hands, and Subaru opened his eyes to see it watching the crowd beneath.

Sirius: [It took twenty-two seconds for everyone to fall quiet. However, thank you all for your attention. I am very happy. In addition…]

Despite the irony in those words, the bandaged person, Sirius, kept its arms crossed as its entire body shook. Although it looked incredibly happy, the friction between the chains hanging from his arms and the walls of the clock tower created a nerve-wracking sound.

Sirius: [You and you there, and the two buddies there, and you there too. My apologies, but please do not be so angry. I am very sorry to take up everyone’s precious time. Sorry, and thank you.]

Subaru: [What…]

Sirius twisted his body around, as if it were genuinely complaining.

Subaru had been prepared to yell “what a joke”, but, before the words started leaving his mouth, he noticed that he had been included amongst the four people who Sirius had pointed a finger at when saying “do not be angry”.

Looking around, he saw the other people who Sirius had pointed out—— They all seemed to possess some amount of skill. A demi-human with a sword at his waist, a woman in a blindfold, and Rachins, each sporting blushed faces.

Those who had been named had all been people who had been prepared to take some action against Sirius. This was a warning that their plans had been seen through.

Subaru: [————]

Subaru felt cold sweat begin to bead his forehead, and he stopped calling for Beatrice.

He had long understood how terrifying an attack by the Witch Cult was, and knew that survival was everything. In the square around Subaru, no fewer than thirty people had gathered.

If he was not able to find an advantage in any way, then his situation was already deadly.

Subaru gave a wink to the other four who had been mentioned by Sirius, forming eye contact.

The demi-human, who looked like an adventurer, caught his eye, and the blindfolded women sensed his intention, as did a sharp-looking city merchant. Only Rachins’s face revealed vague confusion as he looked away from Subaru.

Rachins held the most powerful card—— the ability to summon Reinhard.

On the previous day, Reinhard had cautioned Rachins to remember to signal him in case anything happened. So there was a well-established signal between them, and as soon as Rachins used it, Reinhard would come. And as long as Reinhard rushed to the scene, then Witch Cult or Sin Archbishop or Sirius or whatever, any enemy would be cut down without fail.

However, there would certainly be casualties as soon as Rachins made the signal. That was probably what led Rachins to hesitate.

If sacrifices were disregarded, that would be the best way to deal with Sirius.

But did they have to resort to that immediately? Would those sacrifices be worth it?

Sirius: [Okay, thank you. It looks like we have all calmed down a little bit. I understand your restlessness. Hearing the name «Witch Cult» did not give you a good impression, did it? I am not planning to do anything too special. The reason I took everyone’s precious time today is because I wanted to confirm a matter.]

???: [To confirm… a matter?]

Sirius: [My apologies, but please do not chatter so much. My head is not too good, so if everyone speaks at the same time, I will feel troubled. Then I will be very sad. That would not be good, would it? If there is anything that is currently bothering any of you, please tell me. I am taking up everyone’s time, and I feel very guilty, so no matter what the question is, I will answer. Is that okay?]

Sirius, from beginning to end of that speech, spoke in an intimate, rational manner, but that attitude was off-putting. That was a given, considering the sense of disgust people would direct towards a bandaged figure who revealed only its teeth and eyes.

Presumably, everyone thought like this. Even at Sirius’s suggestion, the crowd remain silent and eyed the people near them. In that case,

Subaru: [With all due respect, may I ask you a question?]

Since no one took the initiative to raise their hand, Natsuki Subaru spoke up, raising his hand.

Subaru, detecting himself at the center of a wave of surprise, kept his gaze fixed intently on Sirius, who looked down to Subaru.

Sirius: [Yes, please do. Thank you. You were someone who had gotten a little angry earlier, so I am very happy that you are willing to talk to me. What do you want to know?]

Subaru: [Although I don’t know what’s going on here, I’m keeping some girls waiting. Four of them, actually. So it’d be nice if you could let us go as soon as possible.]

Sirius: [Oh, my! That is truly terrible, my apologies. But I did not expect that of you. Is it a man’s dream to have four girls to serve? That is really bad. Is it not sad to leave some of them crying? We have to put an end to this unallowable disloyalty that absolutely cannot happen that must be completely banned.]

Subaru: [O-oy?]

Sirius’s voice grew more and more energetic halfway through the speech, before dropping into a whisper. However, after hearing Subaru’s puzzled voice, Sirius raised its face suddenly.

Sirius: [No, no, I just got a little emotional. My apologies. Although I try so hard to remain level-headed, I always become unwittingly excited. Thank you for worrying about me. Well… you asked when I would let everyone go?]

Subaru: […Ah, that’s right. We’d appreciate it.]

Sirius: [My apologies to bother you, I am really very sorry. But there is no problem. Even though I am in the Witch Cult famous for not being calm and quiet, I honestly hate troubling anyone. The others often worry other people, and I feel very sorry about that.]

Unexpectedly, dialogue was fairly easy to establish, but Subaru noted something mysterious.

A soft demeanor, an extremely humble attitude, and the dialogue they had exchanged—— taking all that into account, could it be that Sirius was a woman?

The bandage rendered that face invisible, and the body was covered with a coat, so it was difficult to discern. The voice was high, but rather than sounding feminine, it sounded unnatural and mechanical, so that was also difficult to use as a criterion for judgement.

“But maybe it is a woman”, Subaru thought indifferently.

In fact, judging from Sirius’s behavior and attitude, there was no danger in particular.

Her abnormal appearance and the way that she had introduced herself led to several people being on guard, but if these factors were disregarded, then she was easier to establish dialogue with than Priscilla.

In the surrounding crowd, the lingering tension gradually soothed, as people watched on curiously, as if waiting for her to make her point.

Subaru did so too, although he felt slightly nervous still.

Sirius: [Thank you. And I am sorry. It looks like I scared everyone. But I am very happy that all of you are willing to hear me out like this.]

Subaru: [It’s not like we won’t forgive you. But let’s get down to business already.]

Sirius: [Right, right, thanks for reminding me. Let us talk about the main topic. I appeared in front of everyone to affirm something, in the first place.]

Sirius shook her body while rubbing her two chains together, creating a jarring sound.

In fact, rather than being off-putting, that action looked humorous. She seemed much more like a jester or performer than someone dangerous.

Subaru’s face eased into a smile, and his apprehension vanished. He no longer found it necessary to call for Beatrice. He just hoped he could quickly hear Sirius out and leave.

Subaru: [So, what do you want to affirm?]

???: [Yeah, yeah, hurry up and tell us!]

???: [Yeah, I’m about to be late for work!]

As soon as Subaru urged her on, a pandemonium of chattering began.

The last man speaking pointed at the magic crystal on top of the tower Sirius was occupying, and burst into laughter. As the whirlpool of laughter spread, Subaru couldn’t help but relax even further. Sirius looked like she had lost to the atmosphere and put a troubled hand on her head.

Sirius: [Sorry, my apologies. Really sorry. I know everyone is busy. I will finish my speech immediately, so please stay with me for a while.]

Subaru: [So tell us already!]

Sirius: [Okay! Well, here it goes. The matter I want to affirm is very simple. To put it bluntly, there is something I want to say about Love. Wow, that was embarrassing.]

Although the bandages should have covered up any blushing, Sirius covered her face with a hand, trying to cover her shame up. As everyone laughed silently and infectiously, Sirius’s appearance began to seem increasingly out of place.

Sirius: [Although I expected that I would be laughed at, it still makes me feel troubled. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you, and I also have a request.]

Subaru: [Request?]

Sirius: [I think, if everyone can stay with me for a while, I can affirm that Love. My apologies, I can really say some unruly things.]

Sirius stumbled through her words, rubbing her hands and chains together as she made her suggestion.

Faced with such an adorable sight, the crowd reacted with a “What, is that all?” Subaru also crossed his arms, nodding as he felt the joy spread through the crowd.

Sirius lit up and began clapping her hands.

Sirius: [Really? Thank you, thank you! My apologies. The world is truly very gentle. Full of love and tenderness. Whenever I understand this, I cannot help but want to express my gratitude. People are able to understand each other and care for each other. Maybe I am saying «thank you» and «my apologies» so that I can confirm that.]

???: [Yeah, yeah, we get it, Sirius! So what next——?]

Sirius: [Ah, my apologies!]

The blindfolded female adventurer had cheered at Sirius. As if hearing the voice of a classmate she had been friends with for a decade, Sirius caught her gaze and began laughing with her.

Then, as if finally remembering her purpose, Sirius retreated into the clock tower and reached out a hand to its window. And there,

Sirius: [Sorry to keep you waiting. Well, come here.]

???: [————!]

She spoke with a friendly voice as she pulled someone through the window.

A little figure moaned and writhed in her grip—— a little boy whose entire body was bound by chains.

He was only about ten-years-old, and his entire body, from ankles to shoulders, was wrapped around with a chain. He was also gagged with that chain, the corners of his mouth dripping blood. Only his neck and above were free, and he desperately moved his head, crying as if pleading for something.

Sirius: [My apologies that I have scared you so. However, as a man, crying like this is not good. Although I wanted to keep that a secret for you, you look like you are about to urinate yourself. If everyone gets to know that, you will be embarrassed and sad.]

???: [Mmm! Mmgh!!]

???: [Yes! It’s so embarrassing!]

???: [If you’re a man then don’t cry!]

???: [Men only cry three times in their lives, and even then, for only a moment! Haha!]

As Sirius comforted the crying boy, the crowd below mocked that little boy.

Everyone had gone through a period of time where they cried over little things, so their teasing was not malicious, but their lack of thoughtfulness was clamorous.

Sirius: [Alright, that is enough, everybody! It is true that this child is a little clumsy, but he is in fact very brave. Isn’t that right, Lusbel-kun?]

Lusbel: [————!]

The boy, who was bound by chains, was probably not very light, but Sirius easily held him up with one hand as she reproached the crowd while stroking his head. Lusbel, as the boy was so called, desperately moved his head as if to place distance between himself and Sirius’s face.

That sight was rather humorous, and although knowing that it would be demeaning to the boy, the crowd still unconsciously laughed.

Sirius: [Excellent. Well, please pay attention. My apologies. This is Lusbel, a nine-year-old boy who lives in Pristella. His family name is Kallard, so his full name is Lusbel Kallard.]

Lusbel: [Mmph! MMMMMMMPH!!]

Sirius: [His father is named Muslan Kallard. Muslan-san works to maintain the stability of the waterways. Ina Kallard, Lusbel-kun’s mother, is pregnant. Her stomach has just started to grow larger, and so Lusbel-kun is looking forward to having a younger brother or sister. The Kallard family lives on Third Street. They often go to the city park with a family friend, Tina. Lusbel-kun and Tina-chan are childhood sweethearts, and they love each other dearly. Lusbel-kun’s dream is to have Tina-chan stand at his side and support him. Tina-chan is a girl with pale blond curls, and her growing beauty as she blossoms into adulthood is much anticipated. That Tina-chan also wants to support Lusbel-kun’s dream. Upon hearing of the song “Delphin Betrayed by the Sunset”, Lusbel-kun wanted to become an adventurer just like Delphin. It is a very commendable dream for a boy of his age. Although there may be people who would laugh at that childish dream, I would not do so at all. Who could laugh at that manly spirit? I believe that Tina-chan also thinks this way, which is why she gives Lusbel-kun her heartfelt support. Right, although Lusbel-kun’s dream is to be an adventurer, he is also really looking forward to meeting the child inside his mother. His original plan was to immediately embark on the journey of adventure, but he put it on hold, out of consideration for his newborn brother or sister. Because of the large difference in their ages, that child will certainly be very much loved. Lusbel-kun is a good kid who is considerate of others, so I think he will be a very good brother. I would also be happy if everyone could support Lusbel-kun’s feelings. Ah, yes, we cannot forget about Tina-chan. In fact, the one I originally wanted to bring here was Tina-chan rather than Lusbel-kun, because I think girls are closer than boys to the kind of Love that I want to affirm. However, my heart was impressed by Lusbel-kun’s desperate pleas. Sorry, I am not a very strong-willed person. So I changed my mind… Ah, although, being temperamental is just my usual attitude. When I talk about my Love, I speak wholeheartedly. Oh, how annoying, I am so embarrassed. Really, my business does not matter. We should be focusing on Lusbel-kun and Tina-chan. Because they already love each other so much, I do not know how much they will come to adore to each other in the future, so separating them would make me very, very sad. So I decided that I would respect Lusbel-kun’s feelings and help him. So, although Lusbel-kun was just slightly scared and even cried a little, he is, in reality, a very brave child. Thanks, and my apologies. I have finished talking in a way that is convenient for everyone.]

Lusbel: [Mmph! Mmmph! Mmgh!]

Listening to that child’s, to Lusbel’s, life, everyone understood and agreed.

It turned out that, although mixed with a little bit of shame, Lusbel’s courage was indeed commendable. With that in mind, Subaru wanted to hit himself for having such a ridiculous, demeaning thought earlier.

But this was not the occasion to blame himself. Showing support for the boy was far more important than taking the time to be self-deprecating. And so,

Subaru: [Lusbel, don’t cry! You’re the best!]

Subaru shouted loudly, praising the courage of the young boy who shed tears.

Knowing the true courage buried under those tears, how could he laugh at that shame? Rachins, who stood next to Subaru, joined in the encouragement.

Rachins: [Yeah, don’t cry anymore! You’re a man, right!? If so, show us your cooler side, kid!]

???: [Yeah, listen well, Lusbel! You’re Pristella’s pride!]

???: [Lusbel——! Amazing——! You’ll be a great man!]

The audience cheered up, and everyone present began clapping.

That was not only a scene of praising a young man’s dedication and courage, but also a beautiful scene showing the kindness of human nature.

No matter how weathered or desperate one appeared, what mattered was their will to protect what they valued, and that light was what attracted people to them. For such a revelation, people could not be thankful enough.

Sirius: [Ah… Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ah, this is amazing! I believed that we could all understand it. I knew everyone would praise Lusbel-kun’s courage. Because he demonstrated Love in his courage! If you know him, you will love him. Because of this mutual understanding, everyone now has an in-depth understanding of each other’s Love!]

???: [Sirius——! Thank you, thank you so much!]

???: [Lusbel-kun——!!]

Sirius’s eyes widened as tears began to flow freely. Seeing the bandage around her eyes becoming stained with those tears, Subaru felt something hot welling in his own eyes.

His shoulder was gently nudged. Rachins, who stood by his side, was laughing at the crying Subaru. However, the tears in his eyes, even as he smiled, did not escape Subaru’s notice.

Looking around, the surrounding groups of people also seemed to share their emotions, joining arms with one another. Subaru remembered watching the Football World Cup. When people stood together against the world, people always look to connect and share their joy with those who they were not acquainted with.

And now, that sort of Japanese spirit was gradually spreading. There was indeed a solid bond between people.

Sirius: [Our inability to understand each other creates barriers between us. Our minds being unable to empathize leads to antagonism. Our inability to reach conclusions has us giving up on one another. That is all very heartbreaking. In fact, it is a tragedy. But now, everyone, are you sad? Do you feel heartbroken?]

???: [Not at all! Sadness or whatever, none of us feel that way!]

Sirius: [Thank you! So, do you feel happy? Does everyone feel happy?]

???: [Of course! It’s been a long time since I’ve been so happy! Thank you, Sirius! You’ve worked so hard, Lusbel!]

With a splash, a whirlpool of applause formed, giving birth to a circle of gratitude for the exalted Lusbel. Now, the heart of everyone here was in one single place, thanks to the two standing on the clock tower.

Lusbel twisted his body and sobbed, finally opening his mouth, disregarding the chain and screaming through his broken teeth,

Lusbel: [Guh, gah! Wake up, save——! Please, …me! Hel… hk!]

Sirius: [I want to commend your courage, your love, Lusbel-kun! Please look below. Everyone, so many people are affirming your feelings! Ah, thank you! My apologies, Lusbel-kun. Although you were a last resort, I just want to affirm this scene. Ahh, ahh, the world is so gentle!]

Sirius hugged Lusbel tightly in her arms.

In the face of this beautiful sight, thunderous applause echoed. Subaru put his hand to his mouth and whistled. The recipient of that warm applause, Lusbel, stared in surprise.

That was a man who had struggled his hardest. Even if he had no strength left to even cry, not a person laughed at him.

Sirius: [Sure enough, there it is. We have Love. It existed, here. Everyone’s heart became one, and that became one with a scene of joy as well. We do not need tragedy. We are tired of a world which would have us cry. No one wants such a world. If our hearts want to connect, then they should do so through sharing joy and happiness. Whether it be tragedy! Or Wrath! No one needs any of it!]

???: [That’s right! Tragedies or whatever, we don’t want any of it!]

Sirius: [Ah, that forbidden Wrath that causes hearts to tremble so! Rage, that passion! If the deadly sin of passion is rooted in our hearts, if we are unable to unroot that retribution, then we should fill it with joy! At this moment, everyone’s heart is connected as one!]

Sirius cried loudly, and once again lifted Lusbel into the air.

However, the movement did not stop there. Sirius, bathing in everyone’s admiration, tossed Lusbel into the air.

Sirius: [Please give! Thunderous applause!]

Crowd: [————]

Sirius had given the flying Lusbel the best possible stage.

Watching the young boy soaring through the sky, as if flying into the sun, Subaru took the initiative of leading the crowd into a round of applause.

Roaring thunderous applause, a heavenly blessing to Lusbel, who skated through that sky.

That little body spun and spun, but as soon as it reached the top of its trajectory, it began to arc downward. Lusbel headed straight to the ground. The crowd vacated where he was about to fall in a hurry.

That was the triumph of a hero.

Endless applause, praise for the falling boy.

???: [MMMMMM!!]

Lifting his head and seeing the ground rushing toward him, Lusbel moaned.

He desperately wriggled his small body that should have been exhausted, wanting to do anything he could to avoid that rock solid ground, tirelessly fighting to his last moment.

Everyone shed tears at seeing the unwavering tenacity of humankind. Then,

Sirius: [——Ah, the world is so gentle!]

Before the fierce collision, Sirius let out a shout. The applause of the crowd, who heard that voice, became louder and louder——

Crowd: [————]

As if eggshells had fallen to the ground, the sound of something breaking echoed, and everyone’s field of vision was dyed red.

The whole body was crushed by the hard ground head-first, and what was once Lusbel’s body, which had once contained the breath of life, became a splatter of flesh in the square—— the courageous boy was scattered.

——And just after seeing that scene.


The sound of eggshells breaking echoed like a round of applause. The square became a pool of bright red.

That, was an ending.

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Liliana: [After the song ends and they chat again, shouldn’t we prepare food and drinks for them, Natsuki-sama? Indulging in sweet snacks will certainly create a mood that will close the distance between them, don’t you think so?]

Immediately after Subaru thought he had blinked, a dark-skinned girl stood in front of him.

She put on a clumsy, flirtatious attitude as she stuck out her tongue and scratched her cheek.

As if in a trance, he turned his head to see a smiling silver-haired girl watching him from nearby, and a red-haired woman wearing an irreverent attitude. And then a petite girl who held his hand——

Liliana: […Ah, ah, what’s going on? Ignored? Are you ignoring me!? P-please stop it, don’t look at me with that bitterness. Ah, ah, stop it, stop it… D-don’t sigh like that after hearing my song… Don’t look so disappointed, forgive me… Gk.]

Faced with his silence, the girl in front of him, Liliana, shuddered as if remembering something she was unwilling to recall.

Witnessing this situation, Subaru opened his mouth, and,

Subaru: […I feel sick.]

Liliana: [Huh!? Did that actually just happen!? Looking at a girl’s face so intently, at such a close distance, and the first thing you say is that you feel sick! I, Liliana, am even more ashamed of Natsuki-sama than your mother is!]

Liliana pretended to be tearful, turning her face away, still keeping an eye on Subaru’s reaction, but Subaru could not even notice her annoying attitude. He shook where he stood, and could not help but collapse on the ground.

Emilia: [Subaru? What’s wrong?]

Beatrice: [What’s wrong, I suppose. Subaru? Subaru?]

Beatrice, who was holding his hand, and Emilia, who stood nearby, looked down at Subaru, who had collapsed on the spot, with concern. Subaru grew so pale that the two could not help but hold their breath.

Subaru: [——Disgusting.]

It had been a year since he had last Returned by Death, and the overwhelming incident that had just preceded his death left him on the verge of vomiting as he held his shaking knees.

Thus, the spiral of death began once more. This time, the cycle of nightmares was staged in the city of Pristella.

——Once again, the curtain rose.



82 thoughts on “Arc 5, Chapter 19 – “Theatre of Malice””

        1. To this day, this mystery has yet to be solved, what chapters were blocked? Why were they blocked? Who blocked them? The heat death of the universe will erase any evidence of such an event before the truth is ever revealed.

          1. As the inexorable progression of time persists without pause, in the very current moment we find ourselves, John persists in a state of unawareness concerning the precise identities of the chapters which have been subject to the deliberate act of obstruction, preventing their accessibility or visibility.

            1. Damn i appreciate this scene this humor happening in the comments section, hereby i express my gratitude ( •̀֊•́ ) ̖́-

    1. Intense was an understatement, when Sirius appeared I was on edge until the conclusion. The Call of the Witch even played in my head as soon as I read Liliana speaking the same lines again. XD

      1. Normally, I just skip these humongous witch cultists insane dialogues but sheeesh, I was really on suspense and I was imagining the worst and sure enough, once subaru started to cheer, I became dizzy at the thought that there is no one to protect this boy

  1. Wow, that whole part before Subaru’s first death after a year was so ominous and creepy, especially how no one not even Subaru was aware of what was actually going on. That was sick

    1. Ikr i was like why tf are they not doing anything? Not even Subaru! My heart was pounding so fast through the whole thing

  2. I bloody knew it, the fact that people could remain calm in the presence of a Sin Archbishop was everything one needed to notice something was wrong.

    Larskin really should have called for Reinhardt.

  3. Goddamn i really liked this chapter, the hype is building up after 18 chapters of peace,zthis would be better if the one dude hadn’t spoiled siriuses identity in the previous chapters comments lol

    1. With illustrations it isn’t that much of a stretch, purple eyes and pointed ears in some images

  4. Wow, this was so dark right now… This for sure is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series and am soooo exited to get this in the anime.

    1. This scene will most likely be produced in season 3(if they bring out a season 3) Arc 4 is going to cover the whole of season 2 and I am stoked to watch it.

    2. They just shown that in the last chapter! Did you see it? It was so good its what has made me start the novel hahaha

  5. Wow. That was intense. This had an awe inspiring horror that you just can’t look away from. How everyone could just look on as tragedy occurred. Its terrible

  6. So from my understanding, Sirius, a very unstable indivdual can alter people surrounding’s emotion or status or sth, as when she cry, they cry, she cheers, they cheers, and the boy splatter, the egg cracking sound spread.
    So i guess her ability is like resonance, affecting others nature from a source. Dont know if the reverse is true, and she can absorb the sirronding magic to make a ka boom.

    Archbishop are all fuksup with a rant almost as tiring as Edchina’s rap lol

    1. I think it is more like connecting people through emotions physically. “If our hearts want to connect, then they should do so through sharing joy and happiness. Whether it be tragedy! Or Wrath! We don’t need any of it!” ““Sure enough, there it is. We have Love. It existed, here. Everyone’s heart is one, and in a scene of joy as well.” This likely means that her authority is to connect people’s emotional “heart” with the physical heart of a person, if they are feeling love atleast. Which also means that since lusbel died, everyone else literally died of s broken heart as their hearts are “one” and lusbel was beaten into a fine red paste, which would include his heart.

  7. Ok so my thoughts are that sirius used the authority of wrath to calm the crowd but I thought Subaru was immune to other authorities as he is able to see the unseen hands and the affects of gluttony don’t affect him.

    1. When you talk about affect of gluttony, you mean getting really hungry and start eating yourself ? Subaru wasn’t immune about that one, he ate his fingers (correct me if you were talking about something else)

    2. Subaru is more resistant to authorities and witch miasmas greatly more then others, even much more powerfull fighters, for some reason. But he is not immune to them. Sirius mention 22 seconds, meaning what it is time for the average people to get affected, then there was 4 people who had battle experience, those probably felt danger from Sirius. Those got direct comand to “not be angry”. Lastly Subaru was the ONLY one who ask Sirius about his/her intentions. He got extra seconds of resistance and was subdued after geting answer. “There no practical danger” when he thought that, that was a point when his resistance got crushed.

  8. Literally this entire time I was just screaming “WHAT THE FUCK”
    Like, I know it was probably Sirius’s witch factor or power or whatever that controlled the audiences emotions, but still!!!
    Nobody looked at a chained up fucking child and thought, hmm, that raises some red flags?! They just fucking mocked him for crying, even though he was literally 9, chained up, bleeding, and clearly terrified?
    And NOBODY thought to catch him when he was literally flying towards his death??

    This Sirius bitch’s power is literally terrifying.

  9. This chapter was so fucking insane, From the moment Sirius announced she’s the Archbishop of wrath I knew something would go horribly wrong, first the crowd got terrified and next second everyone was like “Oh everything is fine” WTF?! So the authority of wrath can somehow control people’s emotions or whatever? But everyone died the moment Lusbel died so it also links their bodies somehow? And subaru was also affected? I thought no authorities would work since he could see the unseen hand and remembers Rem

  10. This chapter actually made me go insane. This Arc has been devoid of Subaru suffering for a while, but as this is Re:Zero, it’s inevitable that that would come to an end. And oh BOY did this chapter really kick it off.

    I feel sick…

  11. oh my fucking god they all died when the kid died???are we really fucking doing this again??? what type of power???? are you fucking sirius?????

    cmon that was funny laugh

  12. “Thus, the spiral of Death began once more.

    This time, the cycle of nightmares was staged in the city of Pristella.”

    ..i feel so sick.. and dizzy.

  13. Ok WOOOW that was unexpected
    I am gonna be so hyped when this eventually makes it into the anime
    I could already imagine the scenery in my head like it’s happening in front of me but actually seeing it will probably be even more terrifying

  14. spoliers

    Just a thought: Minerva is commonly speculated to be Emilia’s mother. Minerva was the Witch of Wrath. Sirius has the authority of wrath. Minerva was killed amongst elves. Sirius’s people were killed in a witch hunt…and the leading theory here is that Sirius is in fact Fortuna…an elf. I’ll let you all do with that what you wish.

  15. That was awesome.

    Am I the only one that automatically plays “Call of the Witch” in my head when Return by Death happens?

    Makes it that much greater

  16. This was literally the best return by death by far, literally i was so sucked up in their convo i literally didnt notice everybody died. like i dont even know if subaru himself knows what even happened. This was literally the smoothest assassination in the whole WN.

  17. While reading the part with sirius , the insert song from s1 ep 14 “theater D” played in my head . Would be pretty cool to see it again since the chapter is named theatrical malice too

  18. This got me sweating man I was so anxious while reading.
    How are they going to recreate the horror of this chapter in the anime?

    1. theater D. perfect with the name. creating a beautiful scene just like him finding rem died when the song was first played in the anime

  19. I laughed throughout the entire chapter from the feeling of something important. Adrenaline is so nice, I’m glad the author created this piece

  20. There’s only so many ways someone can be killed….THIS WAS BY FAR THE SCARIEST!!!

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