Arc 9, Chapter 7 – “Reunion at Sand Wind”


Translated By:

  • Vinicaian

Machine Translated By:

  • Goldkills
  • eliman7
  • DatShazam

Proofread By:

  • eliman7
  • King_LAO2964
  • SSCaide
  • Grimx

Japanese to English Checking By:

  • Vinicaian
  • PLN7

Art Sources

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――It had been nearly three months since Subaru had last stopped in Mirula, the nearest town to the Augria Sand Dunes.

Originally, they were supposed to stop by on their way back from the Pleiades Watchtower, but due to the incident at the Tower, Subaru was transported all the way to Vollachia, and their itinerary was blown away with it.

That said, this would have been the second time in three months that he had visited this dilapidated roadside town.

???: […Welcome to Sand Wind.]

When Subaru and the others went through the entrance, they were greeted by the owner, who looked displeased as he polished glasses.

As Subaru recalled being greeted the same way last time, he brushed off as much sand as he could at the entrance. Even so, he could not get it all off, so he decided to accept the shopkeeper’s bad mood as unavoidable and sat down at the counter.

Shopkeeper: [What would you like to order?]

Subaru: [Milk, cold.]

???: [Milk, warm, I suppose.]

???: [Milk, I would also like it warm.]

At the bar, the owner’s face became increasingly grim as one customer after another ordered milk. Even so, he did not complain or swear but simply started heating the milk, showing that he was a customer service professional, no matter how much he hated it.

While the shopkeeper worked, Subaru removed the cloth from around his mouth with a “puha” sound,

Subaru: [Phew, even though we avoided the Sand Time because of what happened last time, the sand-laden wind is still blowing around. I underestimated it a bit.]

While he said this, Subaru used his fingers to dislodge the sand from his mouth. Next to Subaru, the girl who had also lowered her sand-proof cloth nodded and said, “That’s right.”

???: [Even though you told me in advance, Subaru, my hair is already completely caked in sand… I’ll have to brush it properly later. I’ll do your hair too, Beatrice-chan.]

Beatrice: [You have been told many times before, in fact. Betty’s appearance can be reset with a snap, I suppose. Forget about Betty and concentrate on yourself, in fact.]

???: [Well, I know that, but you have such luxurious hair, Beatrice-chan, that it’s worth taking care of, so I just wanted to do it.]

Subaru: [I totally get it. Playing with Beako’s hair is a bit of an adventure.]

When it came to the topic of Beatrice’s hair, Subaru was the one who maintained her signature drill twin-tails by combing and tying them up every morning, and so he was quite opinionated on it. As Beatrice said, it did not really need any maintenance, but it was more of a feel-good thing.

In reality, Beatrice, with her hair being treated as an attraction, puffed out her cheeks.

Beatrice: [Betty’s fashionable hair and adorable cheeks aren’t playthings, I suppose.]

Subaru: [We didn’t say anything about cheeks, but they are a land of squishiness too, Beako.]

???: [They feel really good to touch, don’t they?]

Upon the appearance of an enthusiastic supporter, Subaru laughed heartily and said “That’s right!” before he casually lifted Beatrice, who was sitting next to him, and sat her on his lap.

Beatrice stiffened in surprise with a “Myu”, but it was too late.

Being too slow to escape, Beatrice’s cheeks were pinched by two different sets of fingers from both sides.

Beatrice: [Hey, come on, stop it, in fact! We are in public, I suppose! Show some self-control, in fact!]

Subaru: [Oh, Beako used to be so shy in public, but now she’s grown up. She used to be so shy… she even tried to follow me into the toilet.]

Beatrice: [That was at the very beginning of our Contract, I suppose! It was a year and a half ago, In fact!]

???: [The way you two are so close hasn’t changed much since then, but I can understand why Beatrice-chan is so clingy with Subaru now.]

She had put her head on Subaru’s left shoulder as she said this. Subaru was surprised by the light touch, and the girl, who had met his eyes, giggled with a “Hehe”.

She was a girl at the peak of her need for affection, yet always trying to act grown-up, making it difficult to spoil her. Subaru thought her unusual attitude was endearing, and while caressing Beatrice’s cheek with one hand, he used his other hand to pat the girl’s head――,

Shopkeeper: [Hey, your milk is ready… What’s with this scene?]

Subaru: [Oh, it’s here. Alright, Beako, get back to your seat~.]

Beatrice: [Saying to get back or whatever, when Subaru was the one who dragged Betty in the first place, I suppose! It’s so maddening, in fact!]

With a cup of steaming milk in the shopkeeper’s hand, Subaru smiled wryly at the man’s dumbfounded expression, and returned Beatrice to her seat as she accepted the cup of warm milk.

And, when Subaru was finally served the glass of cold milk he had ordered――,

Shopkeeper: [Oh, now I remember. You’re that guy who went into the Sand Sea with that pretty girl before, right?]

Subaru: [Oh, you remembered? That’s right, I was the guy who got the milk that time.]

Shopkeeper: […I heard that someone reached the Sage’s Tower. It seems that many people from the Royal Capital will soon be heading there.]

Subaru: [――――]

Shopkeeper: [Did you manage to reach it?]

The shopkeeper’s quiet voice was tinged with a hint of expectation and excitement.

Subaru, having just taken a sip from his glass of milk, glanced down at the shopkeeper’s leg―― he had one prosthetic leg, and he was probably one of the people who had tried to conquer the Sand Sea in the past.

At that time, the shopkeeper gave Subaru and the others, who were heading for the Tower, some friendly advice. In response to the experienced person’s question, Subaru grinned and gave a thumbs-up.

And then――,

Subaru: [Yep, I went to the Tower and met the Sage. ――The noisy, overly familiar, and cute Sage. I’ve got a bit of personal business to take care of, so I’m going to make a second attack.]

And, that was his reply.


――A journey to the Augria Sand Dunes, or rather, a return to the Pleiades Watchtower.

It was a journey that began at the request of Al, who had lost his beloved master, Priscilla Barielle, in the Vollachian Empire.

Al’s goal was to view a Book of the Dead at the Pleiades Watchtower―― to read the Book of the deceased Priscilla and connect with her thoughts.

Subaru could not bring himself to refuse Al’s heartfelt plea to do so.

Subaru: [Priscilla would be totally pissed, though.]

When he closed his eyes, he could only remember Priscilla’s smiling face; that, and her prideful demeanor.

Subaru understood that doing so was contrary to Priscilla’s beliefs, to the extent that her angry and contemptuous gaze naturally came to mind.

However, he could not help but think about it from the opposite perspective.

If Subaru did not have Return by Death, or if Return by Death was not even possible, and he had found himself in the same situation of losing someone important, much like what had happened to Priscilla.

In such a situation, would Subaru be able to refrain from wanting to know the final thoughts of that “someone”? ――In the face of that question, he felt that reason and idealism would be meaningless.

Of course, Subaru had no intention of reading Priscilla’s Book of the Dead.

He did not feel that he was qualified to do so, nor did he think it was something he could bear to read. Therefore, he could not assert with certainty whether Al had it in him or not to read it.

That said, if anyone were qualified to do so, it would have been either Abel, Yorna, or Al.

That was why――,

Subaru: [I want to respect Al’s feelings of wanting to read the Book of the Dead. I’m going to accompany him to the Pleiades Watchtower… That’s all I can do, for Al, and for Priscilla.]

It was easy to imagine that Priscilla would not want her Book of the Dead to be read.

But, at the same time, if Priscilla knew how badly her death would have shattered Al’s heart, leaving him in such despair that he could not stand up, she might not have objected to him reading her Book of the Dead if she understood that it would be the means to overcome it.

Subaru, who had witnessed Priscilla’s final moments and saw her vanish into the morning light, felt that there was significance in the exchange between Al and Priscilla.

That being said――,

???: [Just so you know, Ram isn’t coming along. Rem needs to rest properly after having finally returned. If you want to work yourself to death, do it alone.]

Apart from Ram, who immediately declared this upon hearing Subaru’s opinion, there were naturally many who opposed Subaru going to the Pleiades Watchtower with Al.

Among those who objected particularly strongly were Otto and, surprisingly, Emilia.

Otto: [I agree with Ram-san’s opinion. It is not just Rem-san; you must have also been drained by your time in the Empire, Natsuki-san. I can only imagine the physical strain and constant tension. Why not take it easy for a while?]

Emilia: [You know, I reaaally understand Subaru’s concern for Al. I also know that Al is hurting… But, even though the Tower isn’t to blame, Subaru was sent all the way to Vollachia last time, right? If Subaru goes there again, I’m worried he might get sent to a place like Gusteko or somewhere else next time…]

Otto’s opinion was pragmatic, while Emilia’s came from a place of anxiety.

Both opinions were based on concern for Subaru, and it did not feel right to dismiss them. However, the fact that it was crucial to reach out to Al at this very moment was the decisive factor, and so, Subaru resolved to head to the Tower.

In reality, all he could have done was bow his head in deep apology for that matter――,

Otto: [――Garfiel, could I ask you for a favor?]

Garfiel: [Oh, sure thing, Ottobro. Just like ya said, I’ll stick close ‘n keep my eyes on the Captain.]

Emilia: [Beatrice, hold Subaru’s hand tight. Make sure you never let go.]

Beatrice: [No need to be told, in fact. Betty also wants to avoid feeling regret like she did when Subaru and the others were sent to the Empire, I suppose.]

While Subaru struggled to find the words to persuade them, Otto and Emilia, who were supposed to be standing in his way, entrusted the matter to Garfiel and Beatrice, respectively.

When Subaru looked at them in surprise, the two of them shrugged their shoulders and,

Otto: [After hearing about Al-san, I expected it would come to this… However, Emilia-sama and I have to go to the Royal Capital to report on Priscilla-sama’s situation. So…]

Emilia: [I was telling Beatrice and Garfiel that I wanted to go too. I reaaally want to go with you, but…]

Weighing her position and emotions on the scale of her mind, Emilia firmly decided to play her role.

As a candidate for the Royal Selection, she had to report her decision to accept Abel’s request to intervene in the battle against the Great Disaster in the Vollachian Empire, and that in that battle, Priscilla had lost her life.

The Kingdom of Lugunica would surely be greatly stirred upon hearing that. The Royal Selection might also experience significant developments due to the loss of a Royal Candidate.


Emilia: [What I think you want to do for Al, Subaru, is something only you can do, as the last person Priscilla talked to. ――To look after Al.]

Upon seeing Emilia’s sincere amethyst eyes, Subaru felt a dryness in his mouth.

He was very, very sorry that the kind Emilia and Otto had taken up his burden in order for things to turn out how Subaru had wanted. Truly, Subaru should have gone to the Royal Capital with Emilia, both as her Knight, and as someone directly involved in the events of the Vollachian Empire.

And yet, he was spoiled by everyone’s kindness.

???: [――Excuse me! I am coming with you this time.]

While Subaru, moved by the warmth of the situation, was on the verge of tears, Petra raised her hand and spoke up.

Of course, the journey to the Pleiades Watchtower would be long. During the trip and at the Tower, someone would have to look over everyone.

Volunteering for that role, Petra flushed red in her cheeks and spoke energetically,

Petra: [This time, I will be useful! Frederica-neesama and Ram-neesama, please take care of the mansion and Emilia-neesama!]

Frederica: [Y-yes… You are really fired up.]

Petra: [Yes! Since I am always left behind, I decided this time I would go without any hesitation!]

Even though Frederica was surprised by Petra’s brave and explosive display, she still accepted it.

From Subaru’s standpoint as well, if Petra was going with them, then he had no complaints. With this, the members going to the Watchtower were decided, and so, Subaru turned to Rem for the last time.

At last, having returned from Vollachia to Lugunica, he wanted to slowly attempt to regain the old memories of the past at Roswaal Manor―― though it was different from the previous manor, filled with Memories of Rem.

Subaru: [Again, the fact that you’re gonna make progress without me is crushing, but…]

Rem: [That was the case when I reunited with Nee-sama as well, but please don’t be disappointed over that… So, are you really going?]

Subaru: [Yeah, I’m going. I can’t leave Al alone. You understand?]

Rem: [I understand. ――That’s why you’re a coward.]

Subaru’s eyes shot wide open upon hearing that.

“I went too far,” Rem said, as she bowed her head in response to Subaru’s reaction,

Rem: [Please return safely. Until then, I’ll try to remember as little as possible so you won’t be disappointed.]

Subaru: [No, that’s… I don’t want to selfishly get in the way of what you want to do, Rem.]

Rem: [Well then, that’s impossible. ――Because, I’m sure there’s nothing you do that doesn’t affect me.]

She pressed on his chest while saying so, and Subaru was unable to say anything.

Staring at the silent Subaru, Rem stuck out her tongue slightly. With a mischievous expression, as if to say she had got him, Subaru was even more unable to say anything.

――This was Rem’s, and everyone else’s, encouragement to push Subaru forward, and no matter how much time passed, Subaru, still unable to grow up, understood that.


——And thus, on this day they arrived once again at the town closest to the Augria Sand Dunes.

Subaru’s chest ached as if sobbing as he thought of everyone who had sent him off, and of the Tower’s watchman with whom he had parted ways after he first challenged the Tower.

In front of that Subaru, the shopkeeper cast his eyes downward upon hearing the report of their arrival at the Tower.

Subaru: [Unc?]

Shopkeeper: [————]

Apprehensive about the shopkeeper’s reaction, Subaru called out to him, but it was to no avail. Subaru then glanced at Beatrice, seeking to confirm whether he had made a careless remark.

However, Beatrice shook her head sideways at Subaru.

Beatrice: [It’s nothing major, I suppose. You’ve just got a milk mustache below your nose, in fact.]

Subaru: [Ah! You should’ve said that sooner! I was showing off over here, y’know!]

Petra: [It was very cool. Also, pretty cute as well.]

Subaru: [Emilia-tan is the only one I think fits that image…]

Cute and cool, that was a fitting description for Emilia when she was in elegant spirits. Ordinary people could only ever embody cuteness or coolness, but she was a beauty beyond miracle who combined both.

Be that as it may——,

Shopkeeper: [Is that so. Is that, so…]

Setting aside Subaru, who frantically wiped his upper lip, the shopkeeper, overcome by emotion, mumbled those words under his breath. Staying that way, he wiped the area around his eyes with his fingers, and then vigorously slammed his fist on the counter,

Shopkeeper: [Very well, you did great. Today is my treat!]

Subaru: [For real!? Then, I was looking to buy provisions for crossing the Sand Sea again anyway, so just give me all of the food in the bar!]

Shopkeeper: [Don’t get carried away!]

Subaru: [Thought so!]

Saying such, Subaru joyously laughed together with the shopkeeper who got into a truly great mood. However, the smiling shopkeeper, upon examining the girls Subaru brought together with him, gave a puzzled look.

Seeing that the one who must have left an even stronger impression than Subaru himself, Emilia, was not there, the shopkeeper must have had his doubts. That was understandable, but——,

Subaru: [Unfortunately, that girl isn’t together with us today. She did return safely, though.]

Shopkeeper: [Is that so. If she’s safe, then all’s fine, but… this seems like an even more unreliable party than last time.]

Beatrice: [Betty will have you know that she was a party member last time as well, I suppose. Due to being busy with caring for the ill, there was no way to show up, in fact.]

Petra: [I am an actual first-timer, but I’m not going to fall behind Emilia-neesama.]

Subaru: [Ooh, that’s some self-confidence. How reliable.]

Subaru, who had not managed to pat her head earlier, reached his hand out to the girl who proudly puffed out her chest—— only for his outstretched hand to be suddenly caught by hers from below.

Then the girl—— Petra, looked straight into the eyes of a surprised Subaru.

Petra: [Subaru, did you just try to pat me?]

Subaru: [Eh? I did, but… did you not like that?]

Petra: […I don’t mind, but can I ask you something? Subaru, do you pat the heads of Emilia-neesama and Rem-neesama as well?]

Being asked such by her serious voice, Subaru repeatedly blinked his eyes, and he pondered.

On whether he patted Emilia and Rem, come to think of it, there were occasions where he had patted Rem’s head before, but if he were to try to do so with the current Rem, he risked having his arm twisted.

Furthermore, even just thinking about patting Emilia’s head was difficult.

Subaru: [No, for various reasons, I don’t really pat the head of those two.]

Petra: [Then you can’t pat mine either.]

Subaru: [Is that so!?]

Petra: [That’s right.]

His hand flung off, her head abruptly turned away, Subaru was left in shock. To think that Petra of all people would go through such a rebellious phase was, to Subaru, completely out of the blue.

Then, seeing Subaru in that disheartened state, Beatrice said “Good grief, I suppose”, and while shrugging her shoulders,

Beatrice: [In that case, you may pat Betty’s head, in fact. Just for now, you may pat as much as you please, I suppose.]

Subaru: [Ugh~, please let me pat Beako’s head as much as I want forever.]

Beatrice: [Hehe, that will depend on Subaru’s manners hereafter, in fact. Make sure to pat more carefully from now on, so that Betty won’t mind letting him, I suppose.]

Subaru: [That’s quite the high bar! But I’ll overcome it…!]

To Beatrice’s grandstanding attitude, Subaru focused his attention on his fingertips, then moved his hand towards her. At Subaru’s soft touch, Beatrice let out a gasp with a “Woah”.

Beatrice: [N-now this, is quite… it’s not bad… rather, it’s good? It’s good, I suppose? To think you hid so much potential, in fact!]

Subaru: [How naive, Beako. Time apart fosters love, y’know.]

Petra: [I truly feel the same way. Time apart really does that, doesn’t it.]

Subaru: [Petra-san? Isn’t there some, like, pressure going on here…?]

While Subaru patted Beatrice’s head with his godlike touch, Petra’s sharp gaze pierced through him as she moved her chair half a step closer.

However, Petra feigned ignorance with a “Is there~?” towards Subaru’s question. Seeing Petra’s attitude, Subaru flinched nervously.

Shopkeeper: [Well, I get that this is quite the pleasant group you’ve got there. But is this really fine? Just because you succeeded the first time, doesn’t mean you get to treat the second like it’s a walk in the park.]

Subaru: [Yeah, I know. The biggest threat, the scantily clad sniper, isn’t there anymore, but even then, the Sand Wind and Witchbeasts are still well and strong. Come to think of it, that advice that Unc gave us last time, about the birds who fly towards the Tower! It was really helpful.]

Shopkeeper: [That’s great… you understand the obstacles then. So, what are you gonna do?]

Subaru: [I’ll be meeting with the countermeasure.]

If a challenger were to conquest the Augria Sand Dunes, three obstacles would stand in their way―― one was the Sand Wind, which grew terrifically stronger during the Sand Time; another was the Sand Sea, which was inhabited by ferocious Witchbeasts; and the last was Shaula, though sadly that worry had ceased to be.

Thus, as for the Witchbeasts, which were the most likely to become the main obstacle in the challenge against the Sand Time that they had no choice but to take on——,

???: [Geez, this place is jam-packed with sand as alwa~ys.]

Hearing a dissatisfied voice accompanied by the sound of sand getting brushed off coming from the entrance, Subaru and the rest of the group turned towards the one they had been waiting for, so as to have her in their field of view.

The one standing there, was a young girl in a black dress with her hair braided into three strands.

Upon noticing the gazes of Subaru and the others sitting together at the counter, she widened her eyes for a moment, before giving a mischievous smile,

???: [Heyo, Onii-san, you managed to get here safely. Petra-chan and Beatrice-chan too, nice to see the both of you we~ll.]

Saying such, the girl―― Meili Portroute, waved her hand, as a small scorpion suddenly jumped out of her hair, wiggling its tail in sync with the movement of her hand.

In that manner, Meili and the small crimson scorpion welcomed their long-awaited reunion with Subaru and the others, as well as their return to the Kingdom of Lugunica.

Seeing Meili’s entrance, Subaru smiled to the shopkeeper on the other side of the counter behind him and said,

Subaru: [That girl right there, is our greatest ally in conquering the Augria Sand Dunes.]

Shopkeeper: [A young man with a few screws loose and three little girls… perhaps the Sage’s Tower wasn’t as far away as I thought after all?]

Scratching his cheek with one hand, and patting Beatrice’s head with the other, Subaru pondered on the dumbfounded shopkeeper’s remarks as being only natural towards a group like his.

31 thoughts on “Arc 9, Chapter 7 – “Reunion at Sand Wind””

  1. thanks for the translation,

    I always start the arc feeling that subaru won’t die this time, it ll be different this try and so far i’ve always been wrong.

  2. Thanks for the translations,

    Back to the place where peak happened “the pleiades watchtower” and I can’t wait to see more.

  3. Ah yes the avengers have assembled.
    In all honesty tho I definitely wasn’t expecting us to be here already however depending on how this goes that may not be bad at all. We may also follow two POVs this arc with Subaru in the tower and Emilia in the capital as well. All together I can’t wait to read more!

      1. Too early to tell if Tanza won’t show up again soon. She even hinted that when she said “treating this like a permanent farewell will come back to bite you, you’ll find out soon enough.”

        1. What Tanza meant was more like “Just wait till I grow up, I’ll go there and marry your ass” rather than becoming another tactical combat loli lol

  4. Does any one else feel that some of the most brutal Arcs in stories happen in deserts. Like Malazan Book of the fallen and the longest arc in that story happened in the desert.

  5. I suspect that they won’t find Priscillas book and it turns out she not dead just trapped in Sphinx space

    1. Al never said he wants Priscilla’s book he just wants to read a “book”
      I wonder who’s (maybe his own)

      1. Remains to be seen if Al has death books. His “RbD” seems to function on a different mechanism than Subaru’s (since he can manually create his own save points) so his deaths may not be recorded in Od Lagna.

    1. no, all of arc 6 +7 + 8 transpired in just 3 months according to this chapter, which is wild beyond imagination. like wth tappei san?

      1. To be fair Arc 6 kind of makes sense to be within a short time, probably just a few days (possible since arc 4 was only like 4 days or so) as for 7 and 8, yeah that was surprising, but if I had to assume it was the battles that took place within a short time and since those were rather long it felt long to us too. If I had to guess it was about 2 months and maybe 3 weeks until Emilia and the rest arrived to Vollachia and maybe 1 or 2 weeks for the battles.

  6. I’m preparing for civil exams & i haven’t touched rezero since the end arc6 but i have been coming here from time to time just to check how far it has gone , today i skimmed this chapter and read that – He will go for the tower again
    I don’t even remember when was the last time i felt this excited , there are so many things to study and exam is just around the corner , i’ll read this after the exams are over but Maaaaan I had completely forgotten the meaning of word Excitement, i hope neko-sensei give us more masterpieces like 6 &
    I’ll be back.

  7. I have a lot of foreboding feelings about this arc. It’s been essentially confirmed that the Sin Archbishop of Lust is Melli’s “Mother”, and I was pretty sure the next time they had to deal with that monster would thus involve Melli, and the only other character who worked for her was Elsa and she’s been dead for a while.

    Combined with the subtle threat implied by Al, who notably seems to know a lot more about how Return By Death works than the average person.

    Petra has certainly leveled up a lot in the last few arcs…but if Al turns and Capella exerts control over Melli….this could get real bad real fast.

  8. I don’t know why, but I feel really good about the beginning of this arc. The good trusted actors Tappei likes to kill off, looming mystery and danger ahead. Memories of the witches, old foes and loved ones – all in one place that was built to challenge Subaru’s mettle. Not to mention the shrine of the WoE. The potential is limitless.

    Speaking of books, isn’t there a whole section in the library by now dedicated to Natsuki Subaru? And, besides Subaru himself, Al too can read the title.

    1. Yes but it seems unless you’re looking for a specific person’s book, whether conscious or unconscious, you won’t stumble upon it at random. Because there should be millions of books in the tower considering the number of people who would’ve died during 400 years

        1. Depends. Does he actually die, or enacts the possible futures to a specific goal? His ability is “Thought experiment”

  9. Return to the Pleiades Watchtower, after years. That’s sure an exciting prospect. Maybe Subaru can bring back Shaula, and won’t die this time.

    Thanks for the translation!

  10. meilie saw subaru read a lot of books the night he lost his memories in the library, and we never got to know what are the books he read before reading the reid book and losing his memory (i assume he read the books of the witches). it was also implied that he figured out some secrets by reading those, but never got the time to explain them to anyone. for the love of god please give us all the answers left hanging of arc 6, we have been waiting forever for them

  11. We going back to the sand tower of peak where the best arc to date happened and with a full loli squad? this arc is already looking so goddamn good

  12. The Shopheeper is right, who got a stranger line up than before…and no Emt this time NOOOOOOOOOOO

    Petra, Garfiel, Meili and of course Beako with Subaru? Yup thats definitely a odd bunch

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