The Land of the Wolves / Death Unto the Weak, No Mercy 11

Translated by: @garmadoncar
Proofread by: @ShadowKoto

This story contains spoilers for Arc 8 of Re: Zero.


Chisha: [Groovy-dono, if it is alright with you, I would like to invite you to join me.]

Groovy: [Geh.]

Being told so as they passed each other in the corridor, Groovy Gumlet made a mighty frown.

Looking down at Groovy, who had a short build characteristic of hyenapeople, was a lanky man who was taller than the average person. His hair, complexion, clothes, and even the iron fans that he kept on himself were all white, and he was an overly dubious, lanky bastard.

Though, he was also aware that the name of this lanky bastard was Chisha Gold.

In the Crystal Palace of the Imperial Capital, Groovy had run into Chisha in a corridor; the latter turned his back to the former, and calmly began to grow more distant as his long legs stepped on the carpet.

Stopped in his tracks, Groovy silently saw the back go off, but――,

Chisha: [I find it difficult to comprehend why you are not following me.]

Halting his step, Chisha turned around to face Groovy and spoke those words, to which Groovy snorted out a “Hah”.

Groovy: [Though you fucking prefaced it with something along the lines of “if it’s alright with you”. In that case, even if I don’t go along with your summons, which you only fucking made because it was convenient for you, you don’t have any right to say anything.]

Chisha: [Hm, I shall admit that it was an error of mine. But, have you not heard the report from His Excellency, Groovy-dono? ――Within this Crystal Palace, my words are tantamount to those of His Excellency the Emperor.]

His gaze and tone had not changed, but the sharpness of the demand in Chisha’s statement had increased; Groovy closed his mouth with a small groan, and made a face that appeared like he was chewing on a bitter-tasting insect.

Thinking back on it, it was how Chisha said, the ruler of this Crystal Palace―― no, the ruler of this Vollachian Empire, Vincent Vollachia, had said something like that to Groovy.

――It was something that happened immediately after Groovy was discovered by the Emperor himself, and had been welcomed to the Imperial Capital as a General.

Those offered the position of General were called before the throne, and after Vincent had them pledge allegiance to the Empire, he introduced Chisha as his aide, and ordered Groovy and the rest to give him the same regard as they would to Vincent himself.

Groovy: [――It really doesn’t fucking sit right with me.]

That special treatment was the biggest reason why Groovy continued to snap at Chisha like this.

Special treatment, Groovy would give that a warm welcome if he were the target, and he would be proud that receiving it meant that he had value. Therefore, when he came around to the Imperial Capital with fanfare and heard that there were others receiving the same treatment that he was, he had some mixed feelings.

And, something that his feelings towards were more hateful than mixed, was Chisha Gold.

Groovy: [Such a weak fucking bastard is equal to His Excellency the Emperor? That’s not how the Imperial way works. You had the fucking nerve to make His Excellency take a liking to you because of your fucking way with words and your ability to get basic fucking work done, fucking lanky bastard.]

Chisha: [I shall proceed with the conversation, having surmised that that nickname is referring to myself, but… as you say, Groovy-dono, I shudder at the disrespectful notion that I and His Excellency are equals. Much less, is His Excellency a personage gullible enough to easily fall for any cajolery of mine.]

Groovy: [Stop being so fucking roundabout. What do you want to say.]

Chisha: [For one in the position of General to say something along the lines of myself and His Excellency the Emperor being of equal rank, is a rash remark in violation of the Empire’s law of iron and blood. I advise that you be more careful.]

Groovy: [――Hk.]

Groovy’s pupils contracted, and blood began to rush to his head at Chisha’s attitude. But, right before his boiling blood could burst out, Chisha stopped him by adding a short “Additionally”.

After that brief addition, Groovy’s anger, having surrendered himself to the impulses of his blood, was put on hold.

With Groovy silenced, Chisha continued.

Chisha: [I suggest you do not cover your ears simply because you dislike me. After all, that which I wish to discuss is Groovy-dono’s responsibility―― a matter pertaining to “Curse Tools”.]

With blood still in his head, it was a topic that did not cause Groovy’s impulses to explode. As Chisha had raised that subject, Groovy had no choice but to endure the explosion and abide by him.

His anger only deepened as his dislike for this lanky bastard increased more and more.


――The Master of Curse Tools, Groovy Gumlet.

That was the renowned reputation of Groovy as a member of the Nine Divine Generals that was well known even in other countries, but in these days, when he had just been accepted as a General, he had yet to be referred to by that alias.

However, that was just because it had yet to be established as an alias, and Groovy’s eagerness to create Curse Tools was something he had harbored long before Vincent had discovered him.

That was to say, when he was invited to the Imperial Capital as a General, he was already engaged in the production of Curse Tools――,

Chisha: [――The Curse Tools produced by Groovy-dono are circulating throughout the black market, and are giving rise to mayhem.]

Closing the office door, the first thing Chisha said got the ball rolling on the main topic.

Having a one-on-one in a room where there would be no interruptions, Groovy plunked himself down into the provided chair, and raising his eyebrows at Chisha’s comment, he stroked the fur under his chin.

While stroking, there was only one thing he thought.

Groovy: [What’s wrong with that?]

That he was objecting due to sulkiness, was not the case. That was what he actually thought.

Mayhem and chaos, it was natural providence for those to exist in Vollachia, where matters were all decided based on the superiority of strength. Being told there was something of which existence was only natural, it would be illogical to then say this and that about it.

Chisha: [I would like to think that those who become Generals surely would not believe that mayhem and chaos are natural providence, but… based on your reaction, it seems that is right on the mark, hmmm.]

Groovy: [You got some fucking nerve to phrase that in a way that’s not to my liking in the fucking slightest. But, you’re not wrong. Or what? Are your abilities so fucking useless that letting that go overlooked would be troubling?]

Chisha: [No, I would not say that. It is true that I am unsuited to the Imperial way, where right and wrong are determined by superiority in strength. However, that in itself is a principle that His Excellency the Emperor has come to accept.]

Groovy: [So then…]

Chisha: [――Nevertheless, if there are individuals who have erred in their perception of that principle, they ought to be corrected. All the more if they are a General whom His Excellency the Emperor has found promise in.]

Interrupting Groovy’s words, the following statement caused Groovy’s patience to rupture.

That instant, he threw a dagger he had drawn from his clothing, and it grazed the unmoving Chisha’s cheek as it passed by to his rear. The dagger made a sound as it thrust into the wall; however, it would be naive for Chisha to think he had escaped death.

Groovy: [That’s been laced with some powerful fucking venom extracted from a snakeman. Even if your head’s still full of energy, it’ll make everything under your fucking neck unable to move.]

The snake demi-humans that were snakepeople had various toxic substances mixed within their bodies, but it was a relatively unknown fact that in proportion to the level of danger that their lives were placed in, their poison would be refined to be of higher efficiency.

This was a mixture of poisons Groovy had concocted himself, a masterpiece that severed the nerves between the head and the body.

He was still in the process of looking into if there were any other amusing uses for it, but――,

Groovy: [Currently, it’s being used for a fucking frightening torture method where you watch as your own fucking body gets dismembered.]

Chisha: [Then, allow me to preface one thing. ――The contents I shall speak of here, are not something I am conveying due to Groovy-dono’s threats, so do not be mistaken in that regard.]

Groovy: [――――]

Chisha: [In accordance with His Excellency the Emperor’s wishes, I deliver this information.]

Sat in his work chair, Chisha did not wipe the blood as it ran down his left cheek, and as it dropped and stained the shoulder of his white clothes, he faced Groovy without his voice trembling in the slightest.

While his life was in the clutches of the raging hyenaman before him, Chisha showed no fear on his face, and declared that he would not succumb to the poison―― no, that he would not succumb to Groovy.

At Chisha’s demeanor, Groovy became aware of a misunderstanding he had harbored.

Chisha did not have the adequate strength to be a General. But, it was not as though he did not know how to do battle with his life on the line, much less underestimate that he would not have to do so against Groovy.

At any given moment, he harbored within his chest the mettle of a warrior risking their life.

Chisha: [His Excellency the Emperor has also accepted the principle of things being decided by superiority in strength. However, for both that strength and the chaos born as a result, he desires it not to be disorderly, but rather to have order to it.]

Groovy: […Chaos, with order to it? That just seems like a beautiful fucking load of shit.]

Chisha: [If you perceive it as something filthy, I would like you to keep the amount you speak of it to a minimum, for it is the contraction desired by His Excellency. The Generals are required to serve as the spear and the shield for the purposes of making it a reality.]

Groovy: [――. Fucking lanky bastard, in the end, what is that you want me to do.]

Feeling obliged due to having misjudged Chisha’s demeanor, Groovy would listen to what Chisha had to say.

Be that as it may, Groovy would not concede when it came to producing Curse Tools. One of his original objectives when he accepted the invitation to become a General was to elevate the position of hyenapeople as a tribe, but it was his personal desire to obtain the raw materials from Witchbeasts and rare races, and craft new Curse Tools to his heart’s content.

That was, through the creation of tools that were in times of yore called “Meteors”, and recently in the Kingdom as “Magicreation Tools”, to produce results in the world that differed from those of simple blades and armor.

That was what Groovy wanted to do. ――He wanted to create devices of violence such that they remained in the world for generations to come.

To still be in active use no matter how many years, decades, or centuries passed, continuing to be treated as influential; those were the sort of devices of mayhem he wished to create. That was Groovy’s personal dream.

Groovy: [I need a lot of fucking money for that. I’ll say this now, but the wage for a General isn’t enough. I didn’t know that the Curse Tools were circulating in the black market, but my desires aren’t so fucking trivial that I’d give ‘em up just because of that…]

Chisha: [Do not misunderstand. His Excellency desires chaos with order… Groovy-dono, your current irresponsible handling of the Curse Tools is not conducive to that purpose.]

Groovy: [So, did you fucking decide to strip me of my title as a General!?]

In that case, Groovy howled that he did not want to be in such a restricted position.

To begin with, if he could not do what he wanted to, then the position of General was nothing more than a burden. If he could not fully devote himself to studying how to produce violence that would last into the future, he would give up his title and do whatever it took to fulfill his goals.

Before the angry Groovy’s ambition, Chisha narrowed his eyes, and,

Chisha: [As I have said, I request that you do not misunderstand.]

Thus, he spoke as if admonishing Groovy.

Groovy widened his eyes at those words, and Chisha continued with “May I proceed?”,

Chisha: [I have said that Groovy-dono’s current handling of Curse Tools after their production is irresponsible. Hence, it shall be fine if you take responsibility. For that purpose, using your position as General would be most beneficial, hmmm.]

Groovy: […Ahh?]

Chisha: [From my own perspective, I have great expectations for the potential concealed by Curse Tools. It would only make sense for my powerless self to arm myself with equipment of extraordinary power… rather than conducting research as an individual, what of expanding it to be a large operation? If you do so, shortage of funding will no longer be an obstacle.]

At Chisha’s lengthy suggestion, Groovy’s eyes were bewildered as he listened attentively.

The reason he did not interrupt midway through, was because he could not keep up with the contents, and after he did catch up, he was dumbfounded at how unthinkable the contents were.

Groovy: [Bastard, weren’t you just trying to fucking shit on me by saying that the Curse Tools were a problem?]

Chisha: [――Since the Empire is a soil that cannot be separated from violence, the violence and the chaos brought about as a result ought at least be controlled; that is what he thinks, and thus by that I shall abide.]

Groovy remained silent when hearing what Chisha had to say in his unchanged matter-of-fact tone.

There were many things he thought about it. Nevertheless, instead of saying all the things he thought, he first decided to follow his impulses.

Drawing out a dagger different to the one he had thrown, he traced it along Chisha’s bloodstained cheek.

Chisha: […What was it this time? A lethal poison, perhaps?]

Groovy: [No, fucking hell! I haven’t prepared anything of so fucking high quality like an antidote. That’s a medicine made out of snakeman venom. It’ll counterbalance the poison that went in earlier… at least it should.]

Chisha: [It seems like you are speaking with an excessive amount of apprehension.]

Groovy: [That can’t be helped! I’ve never tested it! That’s generally how it is for everything, fucking hell!]

Raised in a remote tribe, Groovy was hopeless when logical knowledge was requested of him.

The insatiable inquisitiveness he harbored in his chest towards Curse Tools, came from when he had thought one of the bones of the first demi-human he had killed was in an interesting shape, and had found it fun to wield it like a weapon to go hunting.

His untiring inquisitive spirit and ability to take action, that was Groovy’s passion for Curse Tools.

Chisha: […It appears like it has worked as intended, hmmm.]

Suddenly, Chisha had become able to move again, and he opened and closed his hand. Taking a white cloth from the inside of his clothes and placing it against the wound on his cheek, he looked towards Groovy, who reseated himself with a thud.

At that gaze, Groovy grimaced with a “The fuck do you want”, and then,

Chisha: [I was just examining to see whether you were giving some thought to my earlier proposal or not.]

Groovy: […It’s not really like that talk about Curse Tools was the reason I removed the poison. Your way of living is way too fucking risky.]

Chisha: [Though, I suspect you did not remove the poison, but rather added more.]

Groovy: [Don’t get down into the fucking details. Nobody else fucking understands what you say like I do.]

With the cloth placed against the wound, Chisha lacked awareness of the parties involved, and Groovy snarled at him for it.

As he had said, Groovy was still someone who was willing to listen. That was why he had lent an ear to Chisha’s opinion regarding Curse Tools, and had accepted his proposal as rational.

However, many Imperial people were not like that, and it was Chisha’s position to face those many.

Groovy: [Chaos transformed into order… though it sounds like some fucking righteous bullshit, are you serious about this?]

Chisha: [Frighteningly so. For that is the desire of the Lord we serve.]

But, Chisha was also guilty of not trying to stop it despite understanding it to be reckless.

Beholding that way of living, of proceeding down such a thorny path by one’s own volition, Groovy scratched his head. ――Groovy Gumlet’s insatiable inquisitiveness towards Curse Tools was a major light in his life.

Chisha also had something similar. That was likely the reason he held his ground without fighting strength of his own.

Groovy: [That fucking proposal from before, tell me about it in more detail.]

Swallowing that, Groovy urged Chisha to proceed with the matter from earlier. Upon hearing that, Chisha’s expression and tone did not change; however, there was a scent of a slight uptrend in his emotions,

Chisha: [The stability and integrity of performance, in order to industrialize Curse Tools there are many challenges we need to go through, hmmm.]

Groovy: [You’re talking too fucking fast! And also, you love fucking talking like this when you don’t have any work to do, bastard!]


Groovy: [In the end, I completely went along with your intentions, fucking lanky bastard.]

Chisha: [My goodness, you’ve brought up quite the nostalgic nickname, hmmm.]

In front of Groovy as he snorted, Chisha, sitting at his work desk, responded with a wry smile.

It had taken Groovy a while to realize that his noh mask-like expression could unexpectedly crumble, but with that much time having passed, Groovy recalled their initial hostile relationship.

Chisha: [I think Groovy and Goz-dono have been relatively cooperative from the start, which was unexpected.]

Groovy: [It’s awful that all the targets for comparison are a fucking shitty bunch! Besides, didn’t I fully succeed in pulling off what you had said? Thanks to that, money is no longer an issue when it comes to making Curse Tools.]

Chisha: [But then again, there has been a problem caused by the Curse Tools you have created…]

Groovy: [I made sure that if anybody except the proper owner uses it, they’ll die. I won’t hear any complaints.]

Arms folded, Groovy snorted his nose as he objected to Chisha.

Once a hole was closed up, another hole would open, and that applied to creating Curse Tools, enforcing the law, and everything else. Somehow, having spent a few years as a General, he was aware of that to a painful extent.


Groovy: [Well, it does work better than I had thought. That fucking righteous bullshit way of doing things.]

Chisha: [Your phraseology is something I shall never get used to, no matter how many years pass, hmmm. Additionally, there is the matter of your next expedition.]

Groovy: [Ahh, to the west, the border with Kararagi smells fishy, you said? I don’t think those fucking merchants aiming to make a quick buck would do some fucking shit like lay their hands on the Empire, but…]

Chisha: [Groovy?]

Groovy: [If it’s what you and His Excellency think, I’ll go along with it.]

At first, he could neither understand Vincent’s thoughts nor Chisha’s thoughts in the slightest, and even now it was hard for him to say that he understood them. But, even if he could not understand, he could trust them.

Groovy: [After all, that’s something you came up with, your fucking weak self, who can face people as fucking strong as us as equals. It’s not as good as my Curse Tools, but it’s not bad.]

Chisha: [――. Good grief. I shall remember those words, Groovy.]

With that, Chisha took a long, deep breath, and nodded with a slightly pleased look on his face.

――That was the final conversation exchanged between Groovy and Chisha.

Afterwards, Groovy had been deployed to the west, and when he approached the core of the peril assailing the Vollachian Empire, the man known as Chisha Gold no longer remained.

What did exist, however, was that which Chisha had left behind. And, the fact that protecting that until the very end was the sole tribute he could make to his comrade in arms, was something Groovy had understood.


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