The Land of the Wolves / Death Unto the Weak, No Mercy 13


――The non-aggression pact between the Sacred Vollachian Empire and the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica.

For many a year, the two countries had neighbored each other as the greatest of foes, so the signing of this treaty was an incredible historic achievement, and at the same time, it was evidence that circumstances unprecedented throughout history were unfolding.

At present, the largest reason for that was a fatal illness that had spread in the Kingdom of Lugunica, causing the royal family to be wiped out, and these damages were deemed unacceptable.

In order to make up for the tragedy they had suffered, the Kingdom followed the guidance of the Divine Dragon, enacting a Royal Selection in order to pick out the next Monarch; for this duration, they requested to implement a non-aggression pact with the Empire, which the current Vollachian Emperor, Vincent Vollachia accepted, thus forming an agreement between the two nations.

Through this, albeit not leading to the long history of friction between the Empire and the Kingdom thawing, it could be said there were more than enough signs of some sort of change. And, in addition to the current absence of the Kingdom’s sovereign, this historic shift was a boon of the political caliber of the Empire’s apex, the Wise Emperor, Vincent.

And Vincent, who would one day be remembered as a rare, outstanding sovereign, included the fact of signing this non-aggression pact with the Kingdom in the foundation for even further flourishing of his influence――,

Vincent: [――Ludicrous.]

In the office of the Crystal Palace, Vincent, the man extolled as the Wise Emperor, widened his eyes in shock.

The Emperor possessed handsome features that could not conceal his intelligence and strong will, however, as turmoil and astonishment that would normally never have been displayed to others was laid bare, he placed his hands on his desk and froze up.

Witnessing that, Chisha Gold slowly shook his head from side to side.

There was no helping it. It was only natural for Vincent to have this sort of reaction.

After all――,

Chisha: [As stated in the report, at the present moment, there are two individuals confirmed to possess the qualifications to participate in the Royal Selection… one of them is the head of a ducal household, Crusch Karsten. And the other, by whom Your Excellency has been taken by surprise is…]

Vincent: [――Prisca, you believe?]

Chisha: [Regrettably, I see it the same as you.]

Taking pity on the disturbed Vincent, Chisha affirmed the truth.

The written report atop the desk, was the report from an investigation conducted by a spy they had sent to the Kingdom of Lugunica, the outcome of investigating the Kingdom’s state of affairs―― particularly, the Royal Selection, which was currently the greatest matter of concern.

Since they had acquired information that was currently being kept a secret even within the Kingdom, the person who had secured it was owed more than adequate recompense, but the contents of those results were a problem.

Chisha: [To think that your younger sister, having fled to the Kingdom, would once again rise to center stage in such a manner.]

Vincent: [Just what is she thinking…!? Altering her name, altering her position, leaving the Empire… has she forgotten for what purpose all of that was for!?]

Chisha: [Neither do I understand the intentions behind your younger sister’s rambunctiousness, hmmm. By no means do I believe it is merely just a matter of wanting to stand out, but…]

Vincent: [To stir for such an objective, it would be troubling if there were people other than that fool.]

And, as Vincent laughed scornfully at Chisha’s conjecture, he stiffened his cheeks and paid worry to the surroundings.

In all likelihood, since he had brought up a troublesome person, he was on alert for the person in question to burst in from the door or the window.

Chisha: [Please rest assured, Your Excellency. If you are concerned about Cecilus, he is currently out with General First-Class Arakiya competing to see who can reach the summit of Mount Gildray first.]

Vincent: [――. Deeming it acceptable for the First and Second of the Nine Divine Generals to part from the Imperial Capital for such a worthless reason, is far more of a ridiculous affair.]

Chisha: [Be that as it may, I had thought it appropriate for those two, crude in both thought and conduct as they are, to not be present. Not to mention, when it comes to the matter of your younger sister… to the matter of Prisca-sama, General First-Class Arakiya simply would not be able to maintain composure.]

Vincent: [――――]

Crossing his arms, Vincent closed a single eye and plunged himself into careful consideration.

At that familiar attitude of contemplation, Chisha was modestly relieved that he had now escaped the initial turmoil. Worst-case scenario, Chisha feared the possibility that Vincent might have decided to send emissaries to the Kingdom while giving some reason or another.

Fortunately, the man known as the Wise Emperor was not so short-sighted.

Chisha: [However, for a reason outside of Your Excellency’s feelings, we must ascertain whether this candidate is truly Prisca-sama or not, hmmm.]

Vincent: [I have no objections. But, if it is indeed Prisca, attempting to send half-hearted personnel would merely result in the meaningless abatement of the cards in our hand. We must be deliberate in our selection of personnel.]

Chisha: [Indeed, of this I am aware.]

Within Vincent, the existence of his little half-sister, Prisca, was exceedingly great.

If it was not, then would he really have been able to go as far as allow Prisca to live while feigning her death in the Imperial Selection Ceremony, in which it was a requirement to exterminate all other Imperial Family members who bore the right of succession?

And, even ignoring the familial affection Vincent harbored towards Prisca, it was also a fact that Prisca possessed intelligence and discernment on par with that of the Wise Emperor.

Hence, Vincent’s opinion that they needed to be deliberate with their selection of personnel was completely accurate.

Chisha: [With that established, I happen to have an idea of who to arrange as personnel.]

Vincent: [Ho. What sort of person are they?]

Chisha: [A shinobi trained by General First-Class Olbart… it is rare for that personage to so unreservedly praise someone’s abilities as that of a genius, hmmm.]

Vincent: [That damned Olbart did so unreservedly, you say? That is indeed a rare occurrence.]

As one of the Nine Divine Generals, the head honcho of the shinobi, known by the alias of the Vicious Old Man, Olbart Dunkelkenn was a person of advanced age nearing one hundred years old, but he was an individual exceedingly unsparing in his evaluations of others.

But then again, there were none who trained more than that near-hundred-year-old man, continuing to discipline himself to a blood-curdling extent, so his evaluations of others could be said to be rather fair.

In any case――,

Vincent: [I entrust the particulars to you.]

With Vincent’s consent, Chisha gained permission to take action in regards to the Kingdom’s Royal Selection.

――All the while, concealing his silent expectations for the future behind his invariant expression.


???: [――I’m Yae Tenzen. I received a threat from the head honcho that I might die ‘cause Chisha-sama is making an unreasonable request. Am I gonna die?]

Having turned up in response to the summons, Yae Tenzen had her long red hair tied up together; she was a girl who gave off a sense of charm and flexibility like that of a cat.

Perhaps because she had received Olbart’s tutelage, her manner of speaking in the presence of a General was unthinkably informal, but the prospects for courtesy were already long gone at the point that Cecilus was placed in the position of First.

If one possessed strength, it was the Vollachian Way to look the other way in regards to various issues―― for if they did not recruit soldiers with a priority for strength over personality, they would be unable to deal with the inevitable forthcoming cataclysm.

Chisha: [I know not what General First-Class Olbart has told you about me, but I am not fond of expending valuable, talented personnel, hmmm.]

Yae: [I dunno~… by that, you mean that you won’t expend me, but you’ll still use me to my fullest, right?]

Chisha: [I believe it natural to want to assign powerful individuals to corresponding work.]

Yae: [Uwahh, you’re as nasty of a man as the head honcho said, aren’t you now~?]

Slightly sticking out her tongue, Yae seemed to lament Chisha’s reply. But, behind that amiability were eyes vigilantly observing her surroundings, and a tension such that she could draw her weapons at any time.

That she deliberately did not hide that and used it as a show of force, truly made her appear as Olbart’s disciple.

Chisha: [We would like you to sneak into the Kingdom, and infiltrate the mansion of Baron Leip Barielle.]

At Yae’s attitude, Chisha ceased taking detours, and moved on to the main subject. Having heard the contents of her mission, Yae tilted her head in confusion as she said “Baron Barielle?”.

Yae: [I’d intended to memorize all the people in the Kingdom who required caution, but was that sorta person among them? If it’s for assassination, wouldn’t it be Margrave Mathers or House Astrea?]

Chisha: [Supposing that were the case, would you currently be capable of performing assassination on those two Houses?]

Yae: [Doing both is impossible, but if it was just one, I think I could do it if I gave up on returning home alive. I’d rather not die young under a beautiful sky, so if possible I don’t want you to order that, y’know?]

Chisha: [Your honesty is splendid, hmmm.]

It was neither excessive self confidence nor a careless bluff, Yae simply made a guarantee based on her own ability. Chisha silently nodded at her reply, and,

Chisha: [Once again, we would like you to infiltrate the house of Baron Leip Barielle… we want you to make contact with his wife, Priscilla Barielle.]

Yae: [So his lady. Roger tha~t.]

With a carefree smile, Yae consented to Chisha’s request.

As she harbored a favorable impression while listening to the details of the mission, Chisha mentioned from beside her “What do you need to know?”.

Yae: [Oh yeah~. After I go undercover, what do I do? Assassination? Abduction?]

Chisha: [For the time being, if you are in a position to investigate her movements from close by, it is fine for you to engage in careful observation, hmmm. Merely…]

Yae: [Merely?]

Chisha: [――I would like you to bear in mind that depending on the situation, you may be issued new instructions.]

Yae: [I see. Roger roger~.]

At Chisha’s added comment, Yae naturally nodded without prying too deeply.

As a matter of fact, if she were truly as skilled as she was reputed to be, it would be easy for her to sneak into the Kingdom, and infiltrate the mansion of Baron Barielle. If she did so, it would be possible to investigate Prisca’s intentions―― the true motivation in placing herself in a position as conspicuous as a Royal Candidate.

――Ultimately, would Prisca choose to be an ally, or a foe to the Empire that Vincent and Chisha had built up?

Chisha: [――――]

Chisha’s mental image of Prisca was exceedingly complicated.

Regardless of her personality, her existence functioned as a bomb for Vincent in both positive and negative senses. Allowing his younger sister to live assured the Emperor’s humanity, but on the other hand, the reality of opposing the way of the Imperial Selection Ceremony harmed the legitimacy of his throne.

If her existence was purely something that guaranteed Vincent’s humanity, it would have been fine. But, a large part of the reason why Vincent had kept Prisca Benedict alive was for something detached from emotion, for the purpose of making preparations for the Great Disaster.

The inevitable forthcoming cataclysm, was something the Stargazer had prophesied would commence with Vincent’s death. When that happened, somebody would need to lead the Empire in Vincent’s place, so he had said.


Chisha: [I am operating from a perspective that slightly differs from that of His Excellency’s.]

The fact that Vincent Vollachia had made several preparations with his sights set on the Great Disaster, was something that Chisha also understood. But, Vincent did not expect to be outsmarted.

Underneath the plan he was proceeding with, Vincent did not expect to be outsmarted by the different plan that Chisha was plotting.

Chisha: [For that purpose, I have high hopes for your performance, Yae-dono, hmmm.]

Yae: [Feels like the pressure is building up more and more… but, there’s something about you, Chisha-sama. Your personality seems to be fit for a shinobi.]

Chisha: [Ho, me, you say? For future reference, may I inquire as to why?]

Yae: [People who conceal their true intentions are suited to be shinobi.]

With a bright smille, Yae answered Chisha’s question.

For the girl said to be a genius of the shinobi, the weapon that displayed a shinobi’s skills to the greatest degree of “conceal one’s true intentions”, was likely that smile and amiability.

It seemed to be a different approach from that of Chisha, who was often told that nobody could tell what he was thinking, but he did not find it disappointing or upsetting that Yae had perceived that he had secrets.

Chisha: [I can agree to her being called a genius… supposing General First-Class Olbart retired due to his advanced age, she might even become his successor as head honcho of the village, hmmm.]

――After Yae left the room, Chisha spoke those words by himself in the office.

Following Chisha’s orders, Yae would soon depart from the Empire, and commence her mission to infiltrate the Kingdom. In the near future, a report would likely arrive regarding her infiltration of House Barielle.

Depending on that report, for the future of the Vollachian Empire, the choices of who would live, and who would die, would change. Vincent, Prisca, and Yae, he did not want to let any of them die. However, if it became necessary, Chisha would have no choice but to make a decision, and he had no intention of hesitating.

At the very least, Chisha was confident from the very outset that only his own death could not be averted.

Chisha: [――Good grief, the Empire’s wheel has gotten stuck in a rather large ditch, hmmm.]

Be that as it may, helping to get that out was Chisha Gold’s way of life.

Supposing that Prisca’s existence became ignition capable of threatening Vincent, he would order Yae to kill her. ――If Prisca were to disappear, there was a future of the Imperial Selection Ceremony being truly concluded, and Vincent being recognized as the rightful owner of the Yang Sword.

And, even if Yae were to fail, and end up not killing Prisca――,

Chisha: [If it is someone as clever as his younger sister, she will be able to recognize that the assassins were sent from the Empire and that their objective is not unrelated to the Imperial Throne. And, if the younger sister was to then return directly to the Empire, then…]

Regardless of a crisis befalling the Empire, Prisca would likely not ignore any danger befalling Vincent.

In that case, a future was also possible in which Vincent and Prisca would stand shoulder to shoulder against the arrived Great Disaster, throwing themselves into battle along with Cecilus and the other Divine Generals, leading the Imperial Soldiers.

If Vincent and Prisca stood together, there was likely no enemy they could not face.

Chisha: [Of course, His Excellency would be angry with me, hmmm.]

If he were to find out about Chisha’s schemes, Vincent would likely never forgive him.

But, if Chisha’s plan proceeded as intended, then either way, Chisha would already be deceased by the time Vincent learned of it, so there was no way for Vincent to make objections.

It was a bit of a coarse plan, but to begin with, Vincent was the one plotting a coarse plan.

Chisha: [I pray for a conclusion with the fewest deaths possible.]

As he had mentioned earlier in his conversation with Yae, not wanting to expend personnel was Chisha’s true sentiment.

From here on out, in the Vollachian Empire that was set to undergo an unprecedented cataclysm, Vincent would need to make efforts to rebuild if Chisha’s plan was successful. In such circumstances, Vincent would need many people by his side to support him.

If Chisha died, and nobody else but Cecilus ended up remaining, it would be far too much of a disastrous affair.

And, thereupon――,

???: [――Wait wait now Chisha just listen to this! Even though I got to the top of the mountain first Anya won’t fry my eggs on both sides! She said she didn’t like how I let her stay ahead until we got near the summit to make for a more dramatic comeback development but what do you think?]

???: [Cecilus, die.]

???: [How ya doin’, Chesshy. The hell did’ya talk ‘bout with my village’s Yae? That Yae lass was damn worn out ya know, kakakakka!]

???: [General First-Class Chisha! I wish to speak with you regarding the Crystal Palace’s defenses! The other day, the emissaries from the Kingdom used it to their advantage. It must never happen again, never again!]

???: [You’re fucking noisy! Don’t say it like they got the best of us, you fucking golden knobhead!]

???: [In reality, they got the best of us. The Knights of the Kingdom, strong. Will not lose.]

From the entrance of the office, from the outside of the opened window, and from the gaps in the ceiling, voices he was familiar with called out, and Chisha massaged his brow with his finger as he stood up.

His lively colleagues, great warriors all, ought to be called the greatest preparation gathered to face the forthcoming cataclysm, but,

Chisha: [After I am gone, I find it a tad regretful that I will be unable to witness with my own eyes how His Excellency interacts with each and every one of you, hmmm.]

???: [Chisha! Hey Chisha! Come on heyyy are you listening!?]

Cecilus: [Even if you raise such matters to myself, I can only say that I am troubled.]

Speaking in such a tone, Chisha tapped his steel fan on his shoulder as he exited.

There was still time to prepare. Time for Chisha to spend with Vincent, Cecilus, and everyone else. He would use all of that, and proceed down this path, knowing he would be cursed by the lord he dedicated his life to.

For that, he had absolutely no regrets, no hesitation, and no misgivings.

Why Prisca had taken the position of Royal Candidate, he did not know. Likewise, Vincent might question the reasoning behind Chisha’s actions.

In that case, there was only one reason why Chisha desired to proceed down a path of being cursed.

Chisha: [――After all, I have been blessed beyond my means.]


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