Arc 9, Chapter 13 – “The One Most Loved and the One Most Unloved”


Human Translated By:

  • Garcar

Machine Translated By:

  • Goldkills
  • Phantaminum

Proofread By:

  • Phantaminum
  • Eliman7

Japanese to English Checking By:

  • Garcar

Art Sources

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――Two-hundred and eighty-nine.

In added time after surmounting the decisive bout, came an ambush by an unseen adversary, one even more ruthless than anticipated.

While Garfiel was occupied protecting the girls, it was unclear how the hidden enemy, who was not with them, had managed to avoid the great deluge. However, the hidden assailant, who had accomplished such a feat on their own, had broken his neck many times as he came down the stairs in a state of total exhaustion.

Without questions. Without hesitation. This single-minded focus on eliminating impediments was precisely the result of the awareness they held of being the last force of deterrence that remained within the Tower.

???: [You’re quite something, Lil’ Miss.]

To have mastered that level of skill to this extent at such a young age, he could only imagine the amount of blood-soaked training she must have undergone, and that caused sentiments of respect to surge up within him.

He had heard she was one of two twin girls, but was her younger or older sister just as strong? ――Even if he were to go without inquiring so at this place, the chance to find that out first-hand would likely call upon him soon.

After all, from here on out, the entire world would likely end up turning against Aldebaran.

Girl: [――Hk.]

There was a slight gasp, and the slender hand of the hidden attacker failed to break Aldebaran’s neck.

Just as the girl’s hand was about to reach him from behind, Aldebaran covered his neck with a layer of stone and avoided the blow that would have broken his cervical vertebrae.

However, this enemy was not so naive as to slacken her assault there. As soon as she realized her ambush had failed, she immediately slipped towards Aldebaran’s left side―― to attempt an assassination from his armless side, and unleashed a hand strike aimed at his flank.

A fearsome blow enhanced by the Flow Method, one that would perforate his side, slip through the gap in his ribs, and tear out his heart; a blow that contrasted with her cute hands.

It was a deadly strike that would inevitably bring about a near-instant death; however, a near-instant death was merely that. It was not instant death.

Even if brief, it would nonetheless bring about excruciating pain. That was why――,

Girl: [U-augh!]

Before the ambushing girl’s attack could land, Aldebaran reached out with an earthen prosthesis and grabbed the girl’s two bundles of hair, then proceeded to forcibly push her against the wall. At that point, the earthen arm was transformed into a large strip of mud, crucifying the girl to the wall.

With both arms and legs bound, and only her head free, the hidden attacker―― Flam, exchanged glares with Aldebaran,

Aldebaran: [I’m weaker than you, Lil’ Miss. I’m missing one of my arms. My helmet restricts my vision. I’m exhausted from fighting battles in succession. I got no talent or ability. ――That’s why, it’s my win.]

Flam: [Al-sa――]

Aldebaran: [Just shut up.]

Snapping the fingers of his right hand in front of Flam’s face, he blocked up her mouth with a stone gag. If she could use her hands and feet, she could have easily removed it, but being unable to move them, she was at his mercy.

And so, it could finally be said that the bonus track had been cleared.

Aldebaran: [――――]

He heaved a long, deep sigh.

There was not a shred of relief in that sigh; instead, it conveyed a sense of depression that had nothing to do with the sense of accomplishment from actually having done it.

To begin with, using a mountain climbing analogy, this was still the base camp―― no matter how much of a positive thinker one was, no one would do something so ridiculous as getting overly excited at the base camp.

Not to mention, this accomplishment of his was not something to be proud of.

Aldebaran: [Why, even if you look at me like that, I can’t give you any excuses, Lil’ Misses.]

As he said this, Aldebaran turned around and looked at the two girls standing silently, staring at him in the corridor of the Fourth Floor.

――One had cold hostility in her almond-shaped eyes, while the other had a sense of urgency in her round eyes.

???: [This little one is angry, so could you please not come any clo~ser?]

As Aldebaran turned halfway around to face them, the girl with the braid―― Meili, moved to confront him. Perched on top of her blue hair was a Witchbeast, a lively character who had appeared several times during the journey to and within the Tower.

Its tail, which emitted a faint glow, was also an unexpectedly formidable offensive organ. Of course, that was only if it struck a vital point without warning, but.

Aldebaran: [Well, I understand you don’t want me to get close. In the first place, I don’t feel like harming you Lil’ Misses.]

Meili: [You ca~me all the way down here to look for us, didn’t yo~u? So that’s absolutely ridiculo~us.]

Aldebaran: [While it’s true that I came to look for you, the reason isn’t what you think.]

At Meili’s cold attitude, Aldebaran played with the seam of his helmet with his fingers while he took care to choose his words. While they were talking, the girl who had been quietly watching them said “Reason…” in a soft voice, and――,

???: [Then, what was the reason you came down, Al-san?]

――As Petra asked the question firmly, without averting her gaze, Aldebaran fell silent.

Aldebaran: [――――]

As a former assassin, it was understandable that Meili was used to the harshness of the battlefield. However, it was surprising to see how tough Petra had become, given she was originally just a simple village girl training to become a maid.

Aldebaran had timed it so that everyone would have been at their most relaxed, and carried out this plan of action without anyone realizing the signs. In other words, Petra and the others had no idea what was going on.

There must have been all kinds of questions, and a whirlwind of anxiety and confusion that wanted to burst out crying and screaming, swirling around in her little head. ――She did not let any of that show.

Aldebaran: [I’ve fulfilled my objective. I’ve got no more business in this Tower. So if you ask why, it was to come say goodbye.]

Petra: [Even if, you say something like that…]

Aldebaran: [Garfiel and Ezzo are both unconscious at the top of the Tower. If you treat them quickly, they should be able to make it out alive.]

Petra: [――Ah.]

For a brief moment, Petra tensed up at Aldebaran’s selfish declaration and prepared to fight, while Meili next to her also widened her stance in preparation to join Petra’s resolve―― but their resolve was thrown into confusion by Aldebaran’s words as he pointed to the uppermost floor of the Tower.

And unfortunately for them, Aldebaran had no room to show mercy, even if his opponents were young girls.

Aldebaran: [What are you gonna do? Are you gonna try and show off by fighting me here? If you try hard enough, you might be able to beat me… But if you lose, the two guys up there will die as well, yeah?]

Petra: [You… You coward…!]

Aldebaran: [Yeah, I know I am, and it makes me hate myself from the bottom of my heart.]

After being berated by Petra, with her fierce eyes, Aldebaran admonished himself for having become a detestable adult.

However, the reality was that those disgusting and cowardly adults seemed to always come out victorious. ――Petra, being smart and brave, could properly calculate the risks of losing.

She could not risk letting Garfiel and Ezzo die by picking a fight with slim chances of success.

Meili: [What ha~ppened to Onii-san and Beatrice-chan, I wo~nder?]

Aldebaran: [The two of them are asleep together like babies. They’re so affectionate and close. It’d be cruel to separate them and it’d break my heart, so I just couldn’t.]

In response to Meili, who inquired about Subaru and Beatrice’s safety on behalf of Petra, he gave that answer.

Unfortunately for them, he had no intention of giving them any more information.

Either way, in case they did save Garfiel and Ezzo, they would be able to hear the same story from their mouths. He did not want to carelessly provoke Petra and Meili, who were thinking rationally.

Even if the expansion of territory could shoulder the burden, he was exhausted.

Aldebaran: [Hey, I get that you said not to get any closer, but that’s the way out. I’m gonna have to go through.]

Aldebaran raised his hand to signal this, and he slowly advanced towards the girls. To show that he meant no harm, he kept his hand raised without lowering it.

Meili & Petra: [――――]

Petra and Meili silently made way for the approaching Aldebaran. As he passed between the girls, who had moved out to either side, the only sound in the quiet passage was the clacking of the little Crimson Scorpion’s pincers.

The intimidating sound of the little Crimson Scorpion’s pincers seemed to be a manifestation of the girls’ dissatisfaction――,

Petra: [You know, over these three days, I really did intend to help you out, Al-san.]

Aldebaran: [――――]

Petra: [I absolutely loathe you.]

Among all the wounds Aldebaran had sustained during his time at the Pleiades Watchtower, the girl’s tearful, wrung-out voice had undoubtedly been the gravest of all.


At the time Aldebaran descended onto the entrance to the Tower, unfolding there was a heart-wrenching battle, one not dissimilar to the one that he had engaged in with Petra and Meili on the Fourth Floor.

Partaking in that battle was a jet-black earth dragon who had made the great contribution of delivering their group, with Aldebaran in their ranks, to this Tower, her name Patrasche.

And, going head-to-head against Patrasche was――,

???: [Yo, me. Did you tie up all the loose ends?]

Indeed, with a solemn, weighty voice, an enormous lifeform spoke to him in a manner completely lacking in gravitas.

As he calmly pushed open the large gate of the Tower’s entrance with his single hand, waiting for him there, facing off against Patrasche, was a Dragon with scales shining blue―― a Dragon formerly known as Volcanica, now “Aldebaran”.

Patrasche: [――DODOGYUUUN.]

Squaring off against “Aldebaran”, Patrasche neighed without relinquishing a single step.

In all honesty, all of Subaru’s female companions were mentally deranged. ――No, thinking back on it, all of the women Aldebaran had encountered were more-or-less the same.

As for weak women, there was only a single person that came to mind.

Whatever the case――,

Aldebaran: [Hey Dragon me, stop picking on those smaller than yourself. You already look crazy enough, doing that’ll make you look way crazier than necessary.]

“Aldebaran”: [Don’t call me crazy like that. If I’m crazy, then you’ve also gotta be just as nuts. Normally, even those who come up with this kinda thing wouldn’t actually put it into practice. ――Something like hijacking the Divine Dragon, I mean.]

With a voice and appearance he was not yet accustomed to having, “Aldebaran” spoke so while moving his wings. At “Aldebaran’s” words, Aldebaran shrugged his shoulders.

Even if he were labeled crazy or nuts by his own self, it was a desperate strategy that he had enacted because it was possible for him to do so.

To begin with, since “Aldebaran” was also Aldebaran, there was no doubt that he would have done the same thing if placed in the same situation; so forcing such labels upon him like that was quite unreasonable.

“Aldebaran”: [Sorry, ground dragon-chan. But y’know, not moving’s the right option. If you get taken out, ground dragon-chan, you aren’t gonna be able to take any of your companions out from this sea of sand.]

Aldebaran: [――――]

“Aldebaran”: [What?]

Aldebaran: [Nothing, just thought that you really are me. Our ways of making threats are completely the same.]

In order to avoid a fight with Patrasche, “Aldebaran” had employed the same logic that Aldebaran had used to threaten Petra and Meili; this fact was something that gave him boundless mixed feelings.


Aldebaran: [Can you fly?]

“Aldebaran”: [I can… I think. It’s one of those things you get used to little-by-little.]

Aldebaran: [That phrasing’s brimming with apprehension…]

At the response from “Aldebaran”, somewhat lacking in reliability, Aldebaran climbed up the former’s tail and hopped onto the Dragon’s back, though he himself could not hide the slight unease he felt. Then, clinging to one of the many protrusions on the Dragon’s scales, he called out “Here we go”.

“Aldebaran”: [――Lift off!]

The following instant, with a spirited yell and a flap of his wings, “Aldebaran” rose to the sky.

Scattering the sand with a thunderous wind, the Dragon swiftly climbed to a high altitude, all the way to the top part of the exceedingly tall Pleiades Watchtower, and from there began to part from the Tower.

As the Tower rapidly grew distant, Aldebaran looked back at those who he had left there――,

“Aldebaran”: [No way, are you having regrets?]

Aldebaran: [I did have them. When it comes to regrets, I had them four-hundred years ago.]

Being made fun of by himself, who had a full grasp of his circumstances, Aldebaran clicked his tongue.

What “Aldebaran” wished to say, was the reality that he did not have the leeway to be looking back. And that was indeed correct. If this were to be likened to a mountain, then he was still only at the base camp.

From here on out, aiming for the starlight beyond the realm of a billion that he had resolved himself to reach no matter what, Aldebaran could not afford to make even a single wrong move.

“Aldebaran”: [Well, don’t get too worked up on your own. I’ll be with you from now on. That’s at least a lil’ better, yeah?]

As his wings rapidly sliced through the night sky over the Sand Sea, “Aldebaran” spoke in high spirits.

Although he’d had the Memories shared by his Book of the Dead installed within him, that optimistic point-of-view likely stemmed from a difference in the vessel being occupied. Nonetheless, it was not good to be overly negative, either.

In reality, he had acquired backup more powerful than one could ever hope for.

What remained was――,

???: [――That will be as far as you go.]


――At the moment he was about to formulate his next course of action, light pierced him.

???: [――――]

Having violently crashed upon the ocean of sand in this chilly night, the Dragon unhurriedly raised itself. Aldebaran, who had been nestled within the Dragon’s wings, shook his head and dropped down onto the sand.

And then, that composedly came into the view of the lone person and Dragon, of the two distinct Aldebarans.

???: [――――]

Hair red akin to a burning flame, eyes blue akin to the clear skies, clad in an outfit of immaculate white as per his convictions, the chivalry he practiced, the existence ordained by the world――,

???: [Flam, who was left behind at the Tower, is one blessed with the Divine Protection of Mindspeak. She and her sister Grassis are able to communicate without regard to distance and time, albeit only once per day.]

That, was his explanation as to why he had hastened to this scene; quite the honest response, one that was considerate and sympathetic towards the confusion of someone who had found themselves in an unreasonable situation.

Aldebaran: […Thanks for the explanation. Are you used to people lodging complaints against you, perchance?]

???: [I wish to clear the doubts I myself have first. ――There are many things I wish to question you on.]

Aldebaran: [――――]

???: [I advise you surrender. If possible, I would prefer to not cut you down.]

Declaring so, while touching the Dragon Sword at his waist, the youth―― Reinhard van Astrea, before Aldebaran and “Aldebaran” both, magnificently asserted.

Reinhard: [――――]

His aura majestic, his posture gallant, his existence dazzling even amidst a world of night―― to this man bound to be a Hero, as one bearing heroic reveries long decayed, this alone, he wished to object.

It was something that had been spoken to him many a time, but――,

Aldebaran: [Quit putting on airs, hero. I’ll win regardless. ――Your stars were bad.]

Gazed upon by a star-studded sky amidst a great ocean of sand, Aldebaran faced off against Reinhard.

――That was a confrontation irreconcilable, between one whom the world loved, and one whom it did not.

330 thoughts on “Arc 9, Chapter 13 – “The One Most Loved and the One Most Unloved””

      1. A glimpse, yes. But it’s not like we were given a detailed description of it. We didn’t see the actual ‘edge of the world’, Vincent was just gazing at the large water body from a distance. I want Al to jump down the waterfall to see what it’s actually like and what’s beyond that

      1. This is the final chapter for this volume I believe. Tappei has to release the volume by 25th September after all. And I have a feeling Tappei will begin the next phase with a different PoV, maybe Emilia’s. I really hope that’s not the case though

        1. Other arcs first volume were so boated , but introducing new concept and people makes it easier to expand I guess , however Emilia’s trial when saw her future timelines one was royal castle blew up and Emilia was saying how much she hate someone, this feels like a perfect setting, if pandora was keeping eye on subaru and Emilia this is perfect chance to attack,Subaru is sealed , roswal isn’t there, Reinhardt is occupied, release Sirius and she blows up.

          1. Yeah that’d be interesting to see, but I don’t think the royal capital gets destroyed this arc since Tappei said the title of arc 10 is going to be ‘The Royal Capital’. Besides, as long as Felt and the important figures of the kingdom are still back in the capital Reinhard will have no choice but to hurry back to the capital if something happened, even if it means leaving Ezzo and the others behind in the tower and letting Al get away. And Al would be all too happy to get out of his current predicament

      1. Next is Ex 6, which will just be the Sword Demon Battle Ballad. Volume 40 will likely come out in March 2025, so expect new chapters around Jan 2025

  1. Amazing. The last couple of chapters have been a non-stop emotional roller coaster, with me fearing the entire time for the safety of Subaru and his companions. It really goes to show you that Al’s ability, despite being so powerful, pales in comparison to the power of Subaru’s ability. Also – while Subaru fights by making the whole world his ally, Al can only fight alone due to his personality.

    I don’t see any way that Al can come out of this fight alive, even with an infinite number of attempts. Subaru was not able to do so either in an alternative timeline, even if that was just a “what if.” But he might have the possibility of escaping, perhaps by the dragon Al attacking the tower and forcing Reinhard to move to protect the inhabitants.

    1. Al can’t win directly, in short. But perhaps he can escape, and that’s all he really needs. Though I personally don’t really see what his goal is – why does he hate Subaru so much? He must have hated him from the moment they met, given how old Al apparently is and the fact he knew about Subaru’s ability, and that’s really sad to see.

      1. It seems to me that Al may have been a stargazer, and his commandment was to stay by Priscilla’s side.
        Now that “she’s no longer here”, he’s free from it, and is now truly free to be himself.

        Meaning we are seeing Aldebaran for who he is for the first time now.

        1. Na you got it backwards, Priscilla was Al’s only hope. Being with her gave Al hope for the first time in his life. He stopped living according to his fate, and abandoned his original mission, to be with her.
          Now that she’s gone, he has gone back to being a “following star”.

      2. because, they both failed to save Priscilla.
        he hate himself and hate subaru, after reading their book of the dead.
        just a speculation though

    2. My crack theory is that Al-canica directs a fire blast at the tower, knowing Reinhard would prioritizing saving everyone inside. As Reinhard confirms everyone’s safety, Ezzo and Garf are healed and tell the girls and Reinhard what happened to Subaru & Beatrice. As Reinhard jumps to go back after Al, Petra or Ezzo reveal the marble thingie, which was expelled from Al’s stomach along with all the water he vomited up. They then prioritize figuring out how to release Subaru and Beatrice from the marble over pursing Al… for now.

      1. It is said of Reinhard is Godzilla then volcania is Ghidorah, Reinhard isn’t invincible andhe can be defeated because power to twist the fate is at play , when Al does according to the conditions in some situations when the opponent is stronger hhe can rewind like what Dr strange did to door mamu , so Al hold pretty high chance to fold Reinhard

        1. Reinhard isn’t invincible, but there’s no way he can be defeated by anything short of a perfect combination of circumstances – involving some of the most powerful beings in the world to counter him.

          Al isn’t one of those stronger characters, and one of him being in the body of a Volcanica far past its prime I hardly think will make a big enough difference. He could maybe win with an unlimited number of attempts, but he has made it clear that he is already mentally exhausted from his attempts so far – I somehow doubt he could continue his attempts the billions or trillions of times he might need to win.

          1. Reinhard is a walking plot armour,so there’s no need to give such lengthy explanation , I was assuming Reinhard can’t be defeated in one on one straightforward fight , but fighting with Al isn’t one on one, nor straightforward.Al already said “I’ll win, you Stars were bad”. So he is serious about it. Don’t say otherwise that he’s exhausted such words are meaningless here .

          2. You know what, I think the Reid (dragon) sword might not be drawn due to Aldebaran’s sole being occupied by the dragon volcanica

        2. Bruh…Reinhard cannot be defeated in combat…no matter if it’s Volcanica, Satella or Reid, people need to accept that. Al definitely is going to trick him to escape or use hostages and escape.

      2. I can agree with the first part of your theory, even though I think it’s unlikely that Tappei will make such a predictable twist. But what I find even harder to believe is that Al has left behind Subaru’s ball back in the tower. Even if he had vomited it out at some point, I’m sure he would check every portion of the tower to find it back. His goal here is to eliminate Natsuki Subaru from the world, and the only way I can see it happening is if he jumps down the Great Waterfall along with Subaru.

        1. The point was that Al was so incredibly exhausted from the battles and water. He could barely hold himself up… so to me at least, it would make sense that Al may have not even realized it

          1. That might be true for immediately after his fight with Ezzo and Garf, but he still did went down all those stairs after that. If his condition was as bad as what you’re describing, then how would he even have the strength to do that?

      3. I have to reread but I think Al kept the marble holding Subaru and Beako since it says in the ch he bit down on his molars to keep them from coming back up no ?

          1. It’s possible Al did leave the marble in order distract everyone into saving Subaru. I.e if his whole goal is to escape everyone with Priscillas book…I think he could do that.

      4. Reinhard got here i the matter of minutes. There is no way Al is getting away from him. Also the ball is still inside Al

        1. in an IF story, Subaru set a building on fire to distract Reinhard in order to get away. pretty much guaranteed to be the workaround here.

          1. Are you referring to Ayamtsu pride if? He didn’t set things on fire to get away from reinhard. anyway, we have an example of someone escaping reinhard, Subaru in gluttony if. But he used hostages like villagers and felt.

  2. Thank you for the chapter!
    I swear, anytime Al has spotlight new questions arise and now he made Volcanica himself to read his books? HOW in the world he could do that??
    I’m cheering so hard for Rein and I want hope Beatrice is fine and Al didn’t lie and just killed her.

    I look forward to read what this arc will be about!

    1. And considering that Al died many many times and has like thousands of books, just how lucky he needs to be to let Volcanica read the right book. Insane royal from Tappei

      1. It’s possible Al only had one book because it seems his authority is dependent on setting his domain, in which he performs a series of tests to find the outcome that he wants. His “reset button” while “testing” just happens to be death, like hard resetting a PC or jumping off a cliff in a video game. Additionally, no way he had the time to find each new book that appeared as Volcanica finished the prior one. We’re talking hundreds of thousands books if each of Al’s deaths were recorded in its own book.


      2. So I imagine all his thought experiments are included in the one book, if at all, however, the question now becomes, WHY does his book of the dead even exist when he’s alive? Remember… Al can perma die if it occurs outside of his defined territory, as he mentions in his fight with Capella.

        Alternatively, maybe Al-canica was only loaded with the data from Al’s birth to first death.


        1. (translator) Honestly, I wanted to understand why both Aldebaran and Subaru have a book. They are alive. If they go back in time to a time when they didn’t die, then theoretically they never really died, there’s no point in having a book. If they had to have a book because they somehow died, then all the people who died and were resurrected would also have a book.
          Emilia died in the previous loops, but there isn’t a book, because RBD restarted it and canceled the death, but Subaru and Aldebaran do the same thing to themselves, they weren’t supposed to have a book. Otherwise, everyone who already died in the previous loops would have a book, and all the characters already died in the other loops (except Reinhard).

          1. I’m just speculating, but my thinking is that the answer to why they have a book lies in memories. That’s what fascinated Louis. ‘ “ーーMemories of『Death』.” Not supposed to exist’, and regardless of world being rewritten/turned back in time whatever actually happens, that is the constant i see for both Al and Subaru that nobody else has. Perhaps for a book to exist, individual has to have memories of death. Most of them also have to actually be dead to have those, except our two madlads. Though by this thinking, I wonder if Reinhard would have a book, or if Divine Protection of the Phoenix doesn’t count. Anyhow that is my thinking. What perplexes me is how him finding the book resulted into Aldragonica situation, i don’t really get it.

            1. It’s like in Arc 6 when Subaru read Meili’s book and sort of became Meili in the process via his conscious. Volcanica now has the consciousness of Aldebaran.

            2. my theory is that the library is a representation of the trash zone of od lagna, the books being gateways to od lagna (which might be in superposition with tower). so i think them having a book is just an imperfection in their authorities

          2. Notably, if the Name Alderbaran is directly tied to the divine dragon, but “Al” has been able to causally use it all this time that means that unlike like “Satella” it’s a name that was utterly erased from history the only other examples of which are the Witch/Warlock of Vainglory and Melancholy.

          3. First of all, why do you believe there are no books of the people who died in the failed runs? It is not confirmed. Second, Subaru’s name and memories were eaten by Louis, she is Lagna’s agent, so the book could be created this way. As for Al’s book who knows. He could be eaten to at a certain point. But let’s be real : it is pretty much confirmed that Al is Subaru in one way or another

            1. Subaru cant do magic remember Al can
              and he can only use yin magic
              al can use earth magic and the forbbiden tecnique Ol dona
              and satella doesnt love Al only subaru remember
              Al is not subaru

        2. My theory is that whenever Subaru and Al die their soul returns to the Od Lagna that just like Echidna that could see every death of Subaru’s in the Castle of Dreams, they are places uninfluenced by the various timelines created by Subaru and Al’s authorities, whenever their soul goes to Od Lagna a book is created and their soul goes back in time to the last checkpoint

        3. Al authority has nothing to do with a territory. It is just chuni bs. The reason why Al could die in arc 5 is simple : if the undeground was destroyed, he would be fucked and his authority wouldn’t help him, just like with Ezzo’s water magic

          1. Uhh, what? It definitely does have to do with territory. That’s literally why he’s shown constantly resetting his territory while Cecilus was carrying him around last arc, because he had to keep it updated whenever he got to the border. Also, in Pride Prejudice and Zombies, when he activates his Authority he specifically mentions needing to “wrap” his surroundings with his domain.

          2. I am glad someone pointed it out. Like I don’t understand why most people assume that Al’s ‘territory’ is a literal territory instead of something like a space-time continuum. That makes much more sense to me

        4. remember when meili’s book was immediately found after her death? or when subaru found his own books perfectly lined up? how come no one here realized the library does have a searh function, if not built in then from pandora

          1. Idk about meilis book but didn’t Subaru use lions heart to find his own books (the decide which Ally’s to connect to function specifically) not a actual search system of the library

      3. even a thousands books compared to the entire list of people who died in hundreds of years is ridiculously small.
        on top of needing to find said book while being trap in water current (unless he found it before and kept it on hand ? but nothing like that is ever mentionned and it’s hard to keep a book on hand while fighting if you have only one arm)

        1. Well the only odd thing is Al’s authority means he dies like more than million times trying to complete his objectivee. So isn’t that a bit too excessive, I mean if that’s truly a case then the tower might have a whole section dedicated to Al and only him

  3. Dragon kin , when that mazeronia or whatever made appearance he was talking the same way like volcania did but he wasn’t senile or whatever, when that Madelyn was frozen then something happened, dragon regained full consciousness, shifted from Madelyn to mazeronia , a sentient being won’t just sit around like that for that long (400 years) isolated like volcania ,what they are able to do is transfer there consciousness into other people and live in the world .

        1. So doesn’t that mean if you were to take someone who had there name and memories eaten and show them a book you could perform a perfect resurrection.

            1. Subaru without memory was able to read his own books and restore himself somehow (not sure if meili’s memories helped with that but that was a separate loop from the final one) so I’m not sure that’s it

    1. Mezoreia became a Dragonhusk by creating Madelin, but he did not transfer his memories in her. And I’m sure it’s the same with any other dragonkin out there. Mezoreia never recovered his memories, rather Madelyne’s consciousness simply transferred to Mezoreia’s Dragonhusk. Volcanica’s case is slightly different in comparison. It is unclear whether he became a Dragonhusk by creating a dragonkin, or if he has truly gone senile, or something else entirely. At the very least, he is in a better condition than Mezoreia, since he was still able to communicate properly with Emilia/Patrasche/Felt while talking to them for the first time. Still, his ego is weak enough that even someone like Al was able to overwrite his sense of self.

  4. Theory

    Aldebaran: The follower. Aldebaran was the Dragon Kin follower of Volcanica. (Which is why Aldebaran was able to resurrect Volcanica by the Book of Death, the original dragon basically died)

    And like Alec Hoshin 400 years ago, Aldebaran/Volcanica would have learned about Japan from the person who actually came from Japan,the world traveler Flugel (So Aldebaran was never from Japan, everything he knows he learned from Flugel, just like Hoshin did.) Which is why Aldebaran/Volcanica couldn’t discuss current Japanese events with Subaru, but he would still have knowledge of old Japanese customs and Kanji

      1. i doubt it since it seemed like ezzo and garfiel could read the name on his book of death and as we know people from japan like subaru have it written in kanji

        1. We don’t have any information about physical apearance of Flugel. Also, Hoshin said Flugel was the most likely to die, meaning he probably wasn’t much of a combatant just like Subaru.

          1. We do you just didn’t pay any attention, likely to die didn’t mean weak , as it already said he could easily defeat shaula ,he made such amazing contraption do you not think he would’ve created some extraordinary weapons

            1. I’m sorry, but I have to agree with the guy above. I don’t think we have enough information about Flugel. It’s possible that I have missed something, so can you tell where did you get that information from?

              1. When Reid astrea sad he tampered with the system and regained sentience in second test ,test. Wasn’t supposed to go that way,subaru used the word “hacking” our words English and nomenclature, Reid said you talk like that “white haired bastard” ,flugel must be that Technical person.alec Hoshin had red hairs

              2. Oh yeah I just remembered that. I thought at first that was Flugel too, but now thinking back on it, it could be Echidna as well, no? She also had white hair, and it’s pretty clear she already knew a bunch of stuff from earth. Omega does show those speech quirks too. Either way, thanks for the reminder, it really did slip my mind..

            2. Keep in mind suberu in lore easily defeats shala and anyone else he fights first try so people see him as amazing he even defeated garf and is why he called him boss, he easily defeats sloth, easily defeats the white rabbit. So keep in mind this ‘easily defeat could be more akin to the way al and suberu ‘easily’ defeats their enemies. Maybe, maybe, i suppose.

          1. Reid specifically said “That person with white hair at a younge age” I don’t think Flugel’s strong or anything but just saying

  5. Maybe this is where we’ll get Garfiel’s or the dead Archbishop’s future lines. Also people are underestimating Volcanica. The original divine dragon is equal to Reinhard in battle, not sure about Divine Dragon Aldebaran.

    1. just a note that volcanica is not = reinhard as of word of god, reinhard is the single strongest living being, only satella and regulus could stalemate him, volcanica at their prime would still lose, if Alcanica has his authority that might level the field a bit but its still a stalemate at best

    2. Volcanica and Reinhard are not equal in battle power. Reinhard is ‘the strongest’ character in rezero people aren’t underestimating Volcanica Reinhard is just that powerful.

  6. I have nagging feeling than in this arc we will see return of Pandora. If her goal is to open the great seal, then Subaru is her best bet for it (as it seems that having all authorities somehow will help that). And therefore if Al wants to somehow erase Subaru from Re:Zero world, stopping him would be her number one priority. And I doubt that Al’s authority/spell would somehow help him in fight with her, just because her own authority is too powerful.

    1. my opinion has always been that pandora was going to induce conflict between al and subaru but now it seems like it might be to do with echidna, so i dunno how it all fits. i am still sure pandora is collecting witch bodies or some reason though, i.e. minerva in elior, typhon in priestella, daphne offscreen in the desert, carmilla i cant reember but also offscreen anyway, sekhmet off the waterfall, now Al is off to use volcanicas body to unseal echidnas body, so finally pandora will be ready to unseal satellas body and complete the set

    2. I mean, isn’t Ol Shamak supposed to be used to contain people with witch factors specifically? I almost feel like the real reason for its existence is to contain Pandora – in a box. Sorry, I had to.

  7. I just realized the fact that Volcanica could read Al’s book means they knew each other 400 years ago.

    1. Woah smart observation dude. Now this and the fact that al used the sealing spell on subaru, which also sealed satella and this spell is known only by al himself . That means Al is flugel .
      Now I wonder if al is subaru or he is a different person. Since he said he knows subaru too well…… And feels very bad at the thought deceiving Emilia.

      1. (translator) This is denied in chapter 12
        “In the sense that it was a technique whose existence had been forbidden to be revealed, even the Witch who created it herself avoided writing it down, transmitting it only orally – and this was also limited to Aldebaran alone.”

        “In fact, Aldebaran had never thought of using this forbidden technique against the Witch, or any other Witch, and never actually did so. ――Or, to be more precise, he also never used it against the person he was supposed to have used it.


        1. In other words, the forbidden technique she had created and passed on to him finally saw the light of day.”

          The person who created the spell was probably Echidna. And where did it come from that Al is Fluguel? The previous theory was that the Fluguel was the Subaru, so you need to explain this new point of view, because all of this has only made me more confused.

          1. (translator) This is denied in chapter 12
            “In the sense that it was a technique whose existence had been forbidden to be revealed, even the Witch who created it herself avoided writing it down, transmitting it only orally – and this was also limited to Aldebaran alone.”

            “In fact, Aldebaran had never thought of using this forbidden technique against the Witch, or any other Witch, and never actually did so. ――Or, to be more precise, he also never used it against the person he was supposed to have used it.


            1. In other words, the forbidden technique she had created and passed on to him finally saw the light of day.”

              The person who created the spell was probably Echidna. And where did it come from that Al is Fluguel? The previous theory was that the Fluguel was the Subaru, so you need to explain this new point of view, because all of this has only made me more confused.

              There was an error in the previous comment, but this is my second comment (2/2)

              1. To make it short the majority of points to be made about similarities between flugel and Subaru also fits for Al however Shaula’s comment about “flugel is immortal” and “flugel has bad memory” (this is not exactly word for word just summary) don’t work on a outsiders perspective of Subaru however it works perfectly with Al’s authority if Al is given the role of victim he forgets anything after his checkpoint and the target given the role of aggressor (I forgot the actual name) remembers all of it so Al is seen as immortal and forgetful in that case (the reverse situation is in this chapter where Al is the aggressor so he’s seen as he knows the future or if someone is not as smart as ezzo he’s omniscient)

      2. Let me shatter your dreams. First, from Al’s perspective the technique was never used before. And he, Al, never intended to use it against the witch. So answer a simple question : who sealed Satella?

        1. we already know the technique that sealed her, beatrice already used it. also at this point its more likely for her to have sealed part of herself and transmit the other part into emilia

        2. You answer it yourself. From HIS perspective (the victim): he never did. But the history remains that he did seal her. Possibly even made an agreement to seal her for Pandora in exchange for sth

  8. Did volcania knew Al 400 years ago ? as one of the rules for the book is to know the target and not just its name

  9. So, everyone gets plot armor, again, because Subaru is not around to do his thing, again. I know I keep complaining about this, but ReZero without Subaru in it is just pointless.

    1. Yea it’s bizzare, god knows how many time tme they easily perished when subaru was around and they survived by hair’s breadth in situations when he wasn’t like Emilia , it’s especially bad with her , there’s always a twisted way of describing things in pov which is off putting,also glorifies covert narcissitic abuse as well. Maybe this is the time where Al might humble them so they behave decently towards subaru.

      1. You get it. Much of ReZero appeal to me was how ‘mortal’ characters were. It’s the presence of death that made them feel alive, especially so for Subaru. The story had stakes.

      2. If your problem is stuff like that you should’ve just left the series where a crazed lunatic maid kills a 17 year old teenager and tortures him to death, only to have that be justified by the story and everyone in the fandom accepting it. Sutff like the problems with Emilia is no where near that. Personally I just ignore that arc 2 exists to avoid ruining my enjoyment.

        1. Why compare two evil, and how anyone’s leaving the series would change anything it would still be glorifying covert narcissist abuse and promote ugly ideas, why does everyone whines about not reading or whatever, it’s unhinged.ans Emilia’s behaviour is extremely psychologically damaging , people are brainwashed and Gaslighted into trivializeing her behaviour repeatedly, read it again everything but from empathetic perspective towards subaru ,and the notion of her being pure , victim and lacking experience these blanket terms that are used to justify abohhrent behaviour that’s enough to ruin a committed relationship let alone one sided one where person gave their entire life .

          1. My point is that in this series murderers get away with what they do because they’re ‘good people’ and the fans justify it with whatever stupid ass argument they pull out of their ass which is disgusting and horrifying. Just ignoring it is the best thing you can do because the author doesn’t seem to even consider this stuff as problems, let alone think about fixing them.

            1. You are right about that I just don’t like when he disrespect Emilia’s purity, She jokes about subaru’s traumatic past ,where he was publically humiliated and degraded, it’s one of the main reason Subaru has such low self esteem and self worth, the worst part is that he tried to explain his perspective over and over and she didn’t listen, and right in front of Emilia when she joked about it he said he doesn’t feel comfortable with it ,but then again she laughs at him in future maing him feel isolated mocked his powerlesssness retraumatizing him,she might make excuses that i didn’t understand and know.

              1. your point right here makes me question why teppei wants to write a message about learning to love yourself when subaru has to deal with bullshit like that. I love teppei, but it’s irritating how he wants to write this character who “Never gives up” while writing a character who learns to love himself, meanwhile Emilia makes him uncomfortable and hurts his feelings like this, when a person with self-respect wouldn’t tolerate shit like this.

            2. the same Emilia when her shortcomings are merely pointed out she feels hurt even after unconditional support and uplifting by others , that’s just one situation of countless like these and I didn’t even emphasized fully .after a year if woman takes such attitude that instead of empathy and protectiveness she finds amusement where subaru was degraded it’s creepy , ,the injuries were so severe psychological scars were so severe , even after communicating the boundaries she doesn’t care ,

    2. And I keep complaining about your bad takes but you’re still here, at this point arcs 7, 8 and 9 are almost half of re zero, I really think you should stop reading If you don’t like it.

      1. Attack the idea, not a person. I’m glad the new focus of ReZero appeals to a wider, less demanding audience, but it’s vexing to watch the author committing to the mistake of recent chapters.

        1. You’re not nearly as smart as you think you are. The reason why they survived is because Al needed to use them as “hostages” to keep Petra and Meili busy so he could escape, not because of plot armor. Failing to understand such a simple concept, even when it’s made explicit by Al himself through exposition, betrays your utter lack of intelligence.

          1. You refuse to see the forest behind the trees yet dare to question my intelligence? Amusing.
            I speak of tendency evident throughout the whole story. Only the presence of Subaru lets the author to explore the most bold and novel options, showcasing hidden sides of his characters by exposing them to extreme conditions. Take Subaru out of the equation and there’s no longer any stakes, no risks, no thrill.
            Enjoy the “cool” fighting scenes, kid, for there’s little else left in ReZero.

            1. Não há mais riscos sem a presença de Subaru? Cuidado com suas palavras, não se esqueça da capital ardendo em chamas, sem contar o destino de Cruch Carsten.

              1. Why not? He doesn’t have any reason to not do so since Pricilla is dead anyway unless the author leave them alive under the honor excuse to justify the blatant plot armor

              2. Why not? He doesn’t have any reason to not do so since Pricilla is dead anyway unless the author leave them alive under the honor excuse to justify the blatant plot armor. Just cause he won’t hate them doesn’t mean he can’t just kill them pragmatically to not leave loose ends

            1. Did you miss the inner monologue where Al specifically makes clear that he has no hatred for anybody there except himself and Subaru? Why would he want to kill people he just sees as obstacles to his goal, rather than actual enemies? I don’t think you understand Al’s character at all, reading comprehension low…

    3. It’s pretty clear that Al doesn’t want to kill any of them, probably due to emotional connection we’re currently unaware of. If he was any other character I may have thought the same, but since it’s all calling this just a plot armor is tantamount to not understating the characters at all, since that’s is not his objective.

      1. I’m just dissatisfied my favorite story of personal drama and growth turns into another Marvel super-hero fighting series for kids.

        1. This isn’t arc 7. There isn’t any plot armor, Al doesn’t have a reason to kill others, and leaving them alive helped him save some time by avoiding conflict against Petra and Meili. If it was just luck that saved them I would’ve agreed but not this. Acting like that, you’re just looking to find something to ruin your enjoyment.

          1. he full on dragon blast them. surviving was just sheer luck (plot armor), not some master plan.
            he could easily lie to them and be gone by the time they go up the tower

              1. Congrats on finding someone smarter. Must be exhausting for you, always setting the bar so low.

            1. Volcanica is far from his prime and Garfiel already shown he could survive a dragon blast in arc 8. Al has no reason to kill any of them his only goal is to remove Subaru from the world killing Garfiel or Ezzo would just be attracting bad karma.

            2. Volcanica is far from his prime and Garfiel already shown he could survive a dragon blast in arc 8. Al has no reason to kill any of them his only goal is to remove Subaru from the world killing Garfiel or Ezzo would just be attracting bad karma.

            3. It still surprised me to this day there’re still people who can’t understand Al’s power, I’m sure he’ll just reset and use less force if anyone died just like the countless times he did, and that’s wayyyyy easier than manipulate other RNG cause that’s on his part, or maybe he already did but it’s just so petty to even show it cause only nitpicking fools want to see that LMAO

            4. what if he lied but then petra & meili check up on them, realize their dead and immediately pursue al outside, and remember we’re currently in the augaria sand dunes so meili can manipulate thousands of witchbeasts to attack al, yes he has volcanica but even then his version of volcanica is learning hwo to use its abilities on the spot as we see when it figures out how to fly on the spot and as for the reason how ezzo and garf survive volc’s dragon breath, it’s simple actually, garf can tank a dragon breath from the cloud dragon but here hes hit by the divine dragon’s breath (REMEMBER AL DOESNT KNOW HOW TO FULLY UTILIZE THE DRAGON’S SKILL SET SO ITS NOT COMPARABLE TO THE REAL VOLCANICA’S BREATH) 1/2

              1. also why does he need to kill them anyways? his goal isnt to kill everyone in the world, it’s got something to do with natsuki subaru and it seems hes somewhat accomplished that? i suppose theres a large part of his plans still unexplored but he got the first step, no need for unnecessary killing just for the sake of killing


          2. I think his point is now that the reset mechanic is in the hands of the antagonist then by default the plot armor shifts from being provided by the hero trying to save everyone to a villain trying not to kill anyone which feels bad to some people. Yea Al doesn’t want to kill anyone because if he did the story would be really dark and require a huge retcon to fix if he wanted to. Idk I have never liked Al and now having to full on focus on him for who knows how long I think I will stop here and skip through once more chapters drop.

            1. Isnt Tappei goal to make the story darker than most isekai? Unless said “darkness” only amounts to girls not liking him, no harems and some body horror then JJK is better at being a dark story than this

        2. “Marvel super-hero fighting series for kids”

          At this point, you’re just talking complete nonsense. You’re seeing things that aren’t even there.

    4. Talking about plot armor when Al has already said he doesn’t intend to kill lmao. This isn’t some shallow drama pushing unnecessary deaths just for cheap shock value gtfo

      1. usually when you don’t intend to kill you don’t full dragon blast from one of the most powerfull entity on the planet …
        that’s just some retroactive bullshit on his part later

        1. so ? he knows that they will survive the full power of the dragon blast to the face, it’s Garfiel we’re talking about here, dont tell me you skipped a huge chunk of the light novel just to read and comment on the latest arc ?

          1. And how does he know Enzo can take it? It’s first few minutes in Dragon’s body for Al, and he already can control it’s strength to incapacitate instead of kill? X to doubt.

            1. Why assume it’s the “first” few minutes Al controls the body? Why wouldn’t he know Enzo can handle it if he can loop infinitely?
              Nitpicking small things doesn’t matter to someone who can reset everything. Dragon breath OP and should kill? Follow that imagination, maybe his stone magic should crush Garfiel’s skull, pierce Enzo, or suffocate the sister. But even if they die, why wouldn’t he reset? Bitching why nobody dies while ignoring his power and intent is just flawed logic.

              The point of these chapters is literally RESET TIME UNTIL Al GETS THE RESULT HE WANTS, if you still question why nobody dies, you’re not paying attention to this novel at all smh

              1. Only ‘Al not wanting to kill ‘ part is reasonable other that all of it is nonsense. He assumed ‘first minute’ because it’s literally said in the novel how he is getting used to flying and controlling the body. Only Al can reset the Alcania has no knowledge of previous loop’s information , when Al catches garfiel and ezzo off gaurd there was no communication between Al and Alcania, he only goes back few seconds so can’t possibly do anything about the strength of dragons breath , the same dragon breath that Emilia has to use Absolute zero just to block, and these are flame ,flames scorch you not some blunt object or explosion that knocks you unconscious.

              2. Reply to above
                You people are so fixated on the smallest dumbest craps and it baffles me, you wanna word play? Fine, it only said the breath “mercilessly unleashed” no targets specifically, he could aim it at the ground, air, whatever else so only the shockwave hit them and considering Al himself is like few steps away from them it’s definitely not directly towards them. Also, it doesn’t matter the dragon Al have knowing or not when Al himself is conscious about it, he could’ve done all sort of things to create butterfly effect to arrange the dragon’s action like he does the whole chapters with the absent members. (1/2)

              3. You’re so dead on the idea the dragon always moves the same way, attacks the same power, targets the same spot no matter what which is just delusional and contradicted to his power.
                Again, like what these two whole chapters are about, “Al RESET TIME UNTIL Al GETS THE RESULT Al WANTS!” If you people are so emotional damaged on a non-existent issue just GTFO(2/2)

              4. It’s strange to claim that a dragon’s breath means certain death at the first place, especially since Garfiel survived it before. His survival now again serves as good foreshadowing.

              5. It literally said only Al not intent to kill part is reasonable ,you whining about why it didn’t survive vs others why they shouldn’t both makes sense, the only one doing mental gymnastics is you ,dingus . Specifically your argument to prove it is nonsense .

              6. Reply to above
                Do you even know English? Look at the pure bullshit you’re spewing, the counterpoints about their survival already provieded with the above comments and you choose to ignore it like a bitch, and even more, like the other comment added, they already proved to survive it, what’s so hard and unreasonable for you tards to swallow, accept something called foreshadowing.

                “Dragon didn’t kill anyone because plot armor duhhhhhh” is just a false and pathetic argument, the end.

              7. You are a utter clown, Al doesn’t want to kill anyone part is reasonable, but going by the mechanics it doesn’t make sense, Al’s authority isn’t omnipotent that’s why he has one less hand and countless scars on his face , your retarded scenario isn’t a proof , no on asked you to write your own stories. creates own strawman and whines as if they absolute fact, typical one dimensional intelligence.

              8. Wow, now you’re accusing me of making scenarios when you’re the one whining about “dragon breathe = kill” bullshittery and stuffs that crap in your head as an absolute fact in the first place, despite it contradicted to previous facts(Garfiel survived) and logics(Al manipulate results), which is completely incel behavior, such double standard like political propaganda dogs. Nobody said Al ain’t omnipotent except you, he struggled hard and resetting countless times to get on the roof with a small winning chance, simple as that, just like nothing shows that fucking breathe results guaranteed death except your buffon words.

              9. Reply to above

                Umm I think the comment above you was trying to diss the plot armor arguement. If I had to translate it, it would be:

                **You literally said “Only ‘Al not wanting to kill’ part was reasonable”, you whining about why they (Ezzo and Garfiel) survived despite saying that doesn’t make sense. The only one playing mental gymnastics here is you, dingus; specifically your argument to prove it nonsense**

                Although, you are probably correct in assuming they are not good in English. Plus the whole anonymous thing is pretty confusing, hard to tell who’s replying to who. The fact that you can’t edit or delete comments here doesn’t help either.

              10. I think your one remaining braincel is overheating give it a rest. There’s a difference between desired path and optimal path, and this is the third time I said , they survived because Al didn’t intend to kill ,that part is reasonable,but by the mechanics it doesn’t make sense.

              11. Reply to ABC
                Nah, it’s the same guy insisting they survived because of plot armor. When you see ‘Al doesn’t want to kill anyone, which is reasonable, but the rest is nonsense,’ that’s him. He just keeps repeating the ‘reasonable’ crap like a broken record.

              12. Reply to the broken record guy
                You imbecile are so damn fixated on ‘the mechanics don’t make sense,’ while I’ve already laid out the REASONS, LOGIC, and FACTS from the story for why they survived. But sure, keep spewing the same garbage without SHIT to back it up. Repeating a lie 100 times won’t magically make it true.

              13. It’s so blatantly obvious that I am saying the same thing, if your fragile ego is hurt that much then don’t engage, if Al doesn’t intend to kill the they don’t die that’s obvious, but if you ‘mercilessly’ shoot dragon breath at them then it stop making sense . Like the other guy was confused .

              14. I literally explained WHY they survived, but your damaged brain just can’t seem to connect the WHY to ‘MAKING SENSE,’ huh? But sure, in your flawed thought process, it’s like, ‘Al doesn’t intend to kill, but the dragon breath definitely should have, and it didn’t, so it doesn’t make sense.’ I’ve provided objective FACTS, LOGIC, REASON, and even foreshadowing on the mechanics of WHY the survival MAKE SENSE. If you still feel “no sense” when lore reason provided, that’s your subjective problem, not the story’s, get a life or just drop the novel already, such cringe and pathetic word plays on such miniscule issues

        2. Usually when you have the power to reset time you’ll know what to do to get the result you want, but I guess that’s too hard for you to understand, go blame Tappei for didn’t explain it like a children’s book

            1. It’s similar to going in high speed, everything starts to become a blur and you are complaining why does that happen. Obviously you can’t see what’s going on that’s why!

    5. How old are you again B-kun? Don’t even understand Al’s character at all then even dare to complain nonsense.

      And you know what, just never add -kun following your name to call yourself, I never met Japaneses calling themself watashi-kun or whatever. Please learn the most basic knowledge B-chan.

  10. I’m kinda curious what Als goal could possibly be? I mean trying to bs/convince/fool the Emilia camp into letting or even helping seems easier than what he’s doing.

    I’ll be a bit annoyed it turns out he’s so much of a loner he didn’t try

    1. Emilia camp wouldn’t be fooled at all. It’s too suspicious. People like Emilia might seem easy to fool, but no way in hell would Otto or Roswall be convinced. Roswall would probably attempt to capture Al and torture him to figure out what really happened.

      1. Teppei stated that the only character able to stalemate Reinhardt was The witch of envy no way in hell a Volcanica controlled by Al is gonna do shit lmao

        1. No need to stalemate just make it so reinhard has to go be a hero anywhere but here long enough for Al to escape

  11. We know from different time lines that Reinhard is simply impossible to beat. Even Volcania or Reid in his prime are no match for him. The only one with a possibility to actually kill him is Satella herself. So yeah Al is gonna run away

    1. I think you’re underestimating them too much. Reinhard will have a really difficult time against them even though he ends up winning at the end. Also, Tappei said Reinhard with the dragon sword is equal to Volcanica. Interpret that as you please. And Satella can’t kill Reinhard, though he can’t defeat her either.

      In the whole series, the only character capable of defeating Reinhard permanently is Regulus because of his ‘Go to Space!’ kick, but Reinhard got lucky and landed on the moon. But that doesn’t mean he’ll have an easy time against someone like Volcanica.

      1. He doesn’t said they were equal he said “If he draws his own sword, Reinhard can fight against Volcanica(The Dragon), and makes stalemate on Satella.”

        Tapped doesn’t said stalemate so we can assume reinhard win. Volcanica also posses no way to perma kill reinhard

      2. Wait does that mean? Reinhardt is the only person who can tell whether the world or ReZero is flat or floating island or not?

      3. Lucky? Are you sure it wasn’t the Divine Protection of Luck, Divine Protection of Always Landing on Your Feet, Divine Protection of Anchored to the World, or maybe even the Divine Protection of Moon Landing?

        I made this up, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they exist.

    1. I think Subaru actually tried that and couldn’t save her probably because the save point had passed otherwise Subaru not saving her is actually a good reason for Al to hate Subaru

      1. I think that too because in the last chapter of arc 8 something along the lines of “The reason strength left Natsuki Subaru’s knees, was because at that moment he truly realized he couldn’t save Priscilla” but when I pointed out everyone just told me he didn’t use RBD.

        1. Priscilla asked him to not do it, could he have done it? Maybe. In cases like this the Author wants her death to happen, if he considers he can write the most interesting story that way then it’s our jobs as readers to find out.

          People lashing out at those details like “WAHH PLOT ARMOR” but in the end this is a story, you want it to be real and some major character suddenly just falls off some stairs and dies in an accident? Get real

        2. Priscilla was already captured and locked in another dimension from his last checkpoint even without using it she only escaped because she killed herself (and going off the rabbits unless a physical point is bound to the exit it would be pretty hard to freely break into someone else’s dimension so when sphinx died Priscilla is trapped until death when you don’t know where they placed the thing)

      1. Well if he killed Subaru, Subaru would go back in time and probably try to find a way to save Priscilla. Subaru already wanted to save Priscilla but her words stopped him.

        1. You are forgetting something important, RBD is given for the benefit of subaru and subaru alone. Of course he can choose to save people but the authority itself only works for his benefit, just remember the scene from the end of arc 3 when subaru tried to activate RBD but he returned to the same room with rem sleeping quietly in crushes estate

  12. Bro Al was a student of Echidna, witch cult book I remember was made by Echidna, Puck once shown on the timeline(on trial where Echidna shows the possible outcome once subaru died) saying ‘something’ is starting and Puck was created by Echidna, Sphinx is a final boss created by Echidna, Betty waited for someone ’cause of Echidna, Echidna have love/hate relationship with Emilia on the trial, Roswal related to Echidna, hell its all Echidna’s fault. Probably got friendzone by Subaru back on the Witch Era as Flugel.

    1. Echidna made Beatrice & Roswaal’s gospels, but in arc 4 Roswaal says that he doesn’t know who creates the witch cult gospels.

    2. Honestly I love Re zero but Tappei has been cooking with Echidna for so long that right now it just looks like a mess. I hope it all pays off during the arc we get to see what happened 400 years ago and this arc already hinted at that. But hell even Al had something to do with her, Al who is supposed to be a fellow japanese isekaied human… cmon Tappei you better deliver some gourmet food with it once the knots are untangled

      1. I agree. Al always felt like a “the plot must go on” kind of character and it feels like that now more than ever.

    3. I think you are slightly mistaken heeere. As per the tiiimeline there are 3 echidna, one in the state of Omega, another as a artificial spirit and the last one and only original echidna as the witches remains. The one from trial and hands she offered for a contract, I believe it’s from a incomplete echidna who is nothing but the remains of her greed and her human side was not transferred for some reason.

      Plus even the author referred to echidna remain (body) and Omega, as two different individuals. So the point is we don’t know anything about the actual echida who existed 400 years ago. So calm the heck down….

  13. Now that I’m thinking about it I do have a question. Doesn’t Al’s authority randomly give him one of two roles, one being the “Victim” (where he remembers his own death) and the other one being the “Aggressor” (where the opponent remembers Al’s death). So how does he keep getting the “Victim” role when it’s meant to be random?

    1. Author didn’t fully thought it through. It. Worked in such a peculiar way In the first place . Like with the Priscilla’s husband, from the old man’s perspective Al just kept coming back but Al had no idea , old man went insane stuck in the loop , if people forget like ezzo and garfiel when loop goes back to initial point Al would be stuck repeatedly dying . Like Dr strange did with doormamu , though I don’t know if Al remembered the information of previous loop .

    2. I personally think Al can guess the conditions to some extent and which condition is required to make him a victim. In this case just think about itz he was using his authority to defend himself and escape, which is in other words “victim”. Back when he was fighting lip batile, he was the one with a sword and trying to kill him, which naturally screams “aggresser”. In the end just enjoy the show and the answers will slot in place in the upcoming places

  14. Am lost I don’t know what’s the plot of this story anymore, honestly after the dickblock of Todd’s death that was most waited to be done by Subaru and unsurprisingly never happened, well I lost interest and become mildly interested but now am just dropping, to read eragon just happened to be better fantasy book.

    1. IMO Todd is cool and it logically made sense why he survived. Not sure why it matters to you that he did not died. It isn’t like he’s a threat to the world that needs to be eliminated. Really weird outlook man idk what to tell you.

    2. Well I do have to agree with you on that one. But still~ Todd is my fav so far, caaaause whenever he is involved~ you cannn expect an experience siiimilar to an train wreeeek. And I wanted him to have a haaappy endiiiing~ that’s why I don’t mind~

  15. Al can’t win. Reinhard is unbeatable. Subaru in the Pride-if already learned and experimented with this. Truly defeating Reinhard is not on the table.

  16. I really hope that all can kill reinhardt but I know it won’t happen so it’s no use readings the fight unfortunately since the result is obvious.

    1. Here, the stakes are different. Al must escape. That’s his win condition. I don’t think just because Reinhardt can’t die it makes the fight irrelevant. Was the fight against the Lord Ruler in Mistborn irrelevant? No, obviously not lol.

  17. Why does everyone want Al to kill people, it’s not like he’s an evil archbishop or Roswaal, for all we know his goal is saving the world or something.

    1. I think your assumption is wrong. Aldebaran lives for one thing and one thing only which is pricilla. To resurrect her he will do ANYTHING! But now since her death is irreversible, he is now become a following star and wants to execute the task given to him which is to remove subaru from the world. She even prepared a countermeasures for that purpose “Ol Shamak”, since her objective of resurrection is completed back in Arc 4. To echidna, subaru is nothing but a hindrance ok.bif anyone gets in Al’s way they will meet their doom, yes Aldebaran won’t hesitate to use force if he have to….

      1. This isn’t what OL shamak was for it clearly says Al didn’t use it for the purpose it was created in the chapter using his perspective of capturing Beatrice and Subaru (it is however convient for this job as well)

      2. Aldebaran can’t resurrect Priscilla lol, he’s back 2 his original purpose cuz she’s died and can’t scorch away his reservations anymore

  18. Tappei said Volcanica is equal to Reinhard with the dragon sword in battle in his prime, no way he’s going to lose to Reinhard.

  19. No matter what anyone says, Priscilla is a bitch and I’m glad she died. I can only wait for the time when Al’s last hopes in carrying his plan are shattered into oblivion bro, it’d be great.

    1. Come on bro, Priscilla has some issues but once she warms up to someone, she is quite a nice person and we got to see a glimpse of that at the end of arc 8. Her personality is heavily influenced by her upbringing which is royalty, so I guess that’s quite normal. Personally I’m not a big fan of Priscilla but even I won’t call her a bitch

    2. Cringe. You should be more like Emilia, who blubbered over her while comparing her death to Fortuna’s.
      Man the Vollachia wrap-up stuff was terrible.

    3. Als plan doesn’t have anything to do with Priscilla though? The chapters say he’s going back to his original missions/role (this time is removing Subaru) she’s gone and unless he gets a mission to resurrect her she’s staying gone

      1. I know his mission isn’t related to her, just wanting to say it’d be good someone who liked that bitch get what they deserve.

    1. I think that doesn’t sound right, I mean the kingdom of lagunica has prospered thanks to it. Killing volcanics for any reason will call Emilia’s position as the royal candidate into question from many of the people in the re zero world. But again I might be overthinking this ….

      Anyway your thoughts on “Why Al might be doing this?” I definitely don’t understand, why would he harm one of his benefactors like this.

      Just so we are clear I’m kind of dumb

      1. Rosswal wants Emilia to be Queen so she can have access to the dragon blood. If he kills Volcanica he gets dragon blood anyways and won’t need Emilia to be queen anymore. Killing the dragon only benefits him.

        1. All signs lead to roswall vs “Aldebaran” volcanica huh, but since he played a major role last arc I want to see Reinhardt loosing his sowrd saint divine protection this arc. I do remember in the future trial Subaru saying to Reinhardt “A hero is all you can be”. I wonder if it’s time for that

  20. A man from beyond the waterfall, the divine dragon, and the master swordsman… Now where have we seen that before?

  21. I guess, Al plans to transfer him back on the Royal Capital or the gate, so he can return back 400 years ago.

    No wonder Echidna knows him.

  22. Is this arc where we’ll get Garfiel’s quote of “I was pushed to the point where I didn’t have a chance of winning. …And that’s why I won.”

    Just saying because it kind of is similar to what Al says here about why he won.

    1. This one might be possible too:
      “Right and wrong and good and evil’s all a bunch of bullshit. You’re stopping right there. Say it’s the Dragon or say it’s the Witch, if anyone’s blocking the way then I’m… then we’re, gonna crush them.”

  23. Now that I think about it, Capella is the worst enemy for Al in aggressor mode, after figuring out what’s happening, she’ll just pretend to be insane and asking Al to kill her before Al lowers his guard and she catches him off guard turning him into a pile of immortal meat….

  24. Is it just me or does the narrator no longer refers to him as Al? It’s all just Aldebaran, it’s only the characters who call him Al. Was it always like this or when did this happen?

    1. Short version: He stopped being a following star (aldebarran irl is known as the following star) when he started following Priscilla in other words he stopped being aldebarran when he did now that he’s returning to his original role/missions he is once again aldebarran instead of al

  25. Just got caught up for the first time on ReZero, is this translation caught up to Tappei’s web novel and we are waiting on him to publish more chapters or just waiting on the translations by WCT?
    By the way; Thanks WCT! Great work.

        1. Probably not. There is also going to be a new EX instead of the usual new LN VOLUME, so we wouldn’t have got any chapters anyway

    1. Why do you think so? if i can ask, i think a change in the MC is an interesting development and so far it seems to go well

  26. Aldebaran hitting Reinhard with the “Nah, I’d Win” is wild. I’ll win regardless, your stars are bad. Tappei is cooking and this arc is already going crazy hard.

  27. i finally catch up the novel, it was sooooo long, a swinging experience with highs and lows, but i reeeeeeelly enjoyed this experience. my first cliffhanger is also a big one, top

  28. This kind of match up is actually crazy i never thought we’d see this kinda thing out of one of the IF side stories.

  29. All the clues coincide in the fact that subaru=flugel

    Al said in the empire “no, only subaru can defeat the witch of envy”

    “during the battle of pristella he said “so it was typhoon who was drowned?” except it was the wise man of lugnica who created pristella and drowned the witch, subaru’s writing was discovered by garf in “pristella reconstruction”

    It was not the white whale that came to the flugel tree, it was the tree that was planted on the plain in anticipation of the battle 400 years in advance and only Subaru participated and knew about it. location, not al.


    1. Subaru is a “master of the stars” an ability allowing you to hold up to 7 authorities, Aldebaran does not have this ability, he cannot seal the witch of envy.

      Shaula recognized subaru as master for his smell “which she likes” except aldebaran does not have satella inside him and does not emit the witch’s miasmed.

      Satella said it was Subaru that saved him 400 years ago and no one else.

      Shaula said that Subaru often loses its memory, this is not the case for Aldebaran who always remembers it.

      1. Now for my hypotheses =

        For subaru to be present 400 years earlier he must leave the world at the current time and be reinvoked. which would explain the current arc, the founding of lugnica and the survival of the world depends on the wise man, if it is subaru, then echinda by any means whatsoever must drive out subaru.

        To survive 400 years earlier and not die of old age Subaru must seal itself, which would explain the seals different from those of Satella and which were found in the forest of Elior and of which Emilia exclusively possessed the key so it is necessarily linked to this that there is inside, the seals are the only way for subaru to survive 400 years and return to the current era.


        1. Huh. I genuinely have no idea where half this information is coming from. Outside of arc 6, I recall pretty much none of this.
          It’d be interesting though.

  30. It’s just a hypothesis but it’s supposed to be ,

    A person incapable of defeating like Aldebaran, it is impossible for him to be respected by Reid and Volcanica, he cannot be the wise one

    Inalienable fact, the Sage was Echnida’s partner for the establishment of Lugnica and saving the world from the witch, Aldebaran was Echnida’s student, he cannot be flugel.

    Volcanica in a semblance of an awakened mind recognized Patrasche, it was Subaru who gave it this name, Aldebaran did not know it initially.

    Subaru pays attention to everyone and takes the time to know their lives as the Empire arc showed us, Aldebaran does not have this level of omniscience at the very basis of the legend of the sage


    1. Still in the hypothesis,

      Aldebaran wants to be beyond the billion stars, it’s a feeling of inferiority, he wants to be subaru, he read these books that’s why he calls Beatrice “Beako”, by throwing subaru he thinks of becoming master of the stars himself and being free from his destiny, he is manipulated by echidna, none of this will happen as planned.

      Having a part of Subaru inside him he has more confidence in the face of adversity, in the face of the sword saint


      1. Just gonna point out some mistakes Al was said to have episodic memory loss very early on in the series (unless the light novel retconned this) and his authority causes him to “forget” what happens after the checkpoint depending on his role so he actually forgets quite a bit more often than Subaru plus we don’t know which scent Shaula was speaking about (Al also has miamasa coming off his helmet in the arc 2 scene at Priscilla’s mansion according to rem so it should still be similar scent regardless and garfiel said their scent without miamasa is similar in arc 5)

          1. I’m late but that’s a typo on my part it’s arc 3 not 2 it’s either when Subaru gets picked up by Priscilla on the way to embarrass Emilia (wasn’t the plan but it was what he did) in front of every noble in the country or when he visits her mansion later to try and recruit her for the witch cult subjugation

        1. Abandoning shaula in the tower for 400 years and letting her take the title of the sage while disappearing in the shadows is also way more in line with Al’s character than subaru’s

  31. So, just thinking, it’s been months.
    Is Tappei working on more LN stuff? The anime? Or just having trouble figuring out the next chapter you think?

    1. He just doesn’t work on the web novel while the anime is airing. It’s possible we get another phase during the break between the halves of season 3 because if I remember correctly he finished Arc 6 during Season 2’s mid-season break

      1. Huh. That was the end of arc 6? I was definitely reading by then. I recall rushing through arc 4, worried the OVAs would spoil something.
        Anyway, thanks for the reply! I’m really surprised I missed this reply, as I’ve been checking relatively frequently.
        Here’s to hoping for another phase! Though it might not be as likely this time.

  32. Isn’t Volcanica’s physical body still bound by blood pack or something to the kingdom.

    1. well if it’s not some weird temp situation then When he went to help with the 3 headed dragon in Flanders he was talking just fine with willhelm so he had to reach this state after that (idk how much shit after that has needed dragon intervention I don’t remeber any of it being more recent than that)

        1. Sword’s demon … something. There is a sidestory like that, the one which is getting turned into an EX right now. I don’t remember the name. Sword demon’s battle ballad maybe?

          1. Ahhh. Surprised it took me so long to see this.
            Yeah. At this point, I’m just wondering when the LN version will release.

  33. Tappei is releasing the Sword Demon Battle Ballad in novel form in December, which is why he hasn’t produced any new chapters. This is already known.
    Now stop sperging about a showdown between ReinSHART van ASStrea and some Dark Souls NPC already.

        1. Oh. That late in?? Yikes.
          Well, iirc, there is other stuff releasing then, so not unthinkable, but ig I’ve very little reason to revisit here till after the holidays.

  34. Theory on how Al will win:
    His authority assigns him to subjugator, and Reinhardt to victim


    1. Also that Volcanica is comparable the Rein, perhaps not as strong now because Al is in control, but still, that should give him at least a nice window to escape.

  35. What I think is super interesting is the one huge contrast in Al’s ability (or at least how he applies his looping ability) when compared with Subaru’s RBD. Al only ever relies on himself and is willing to go through thousands and thousands of loops to achieve his goal, sacrificing his humanity in the process. He’s just like Greed Route Subaru in that regard. Whereas Subaru uses all the help of his companions at his disposal to their utmost ability in order to attain his desired future. Al is alone. While Subaru’s greatest strength besides the obvious is his ability to make allies of those around them and utilize them perfectly to account for his own weakness. A very fitting juxtaposition I think.

  36. Hold on a second! Everyone is complaining about Volcanica reading the book and it working (which true, it is kind of bullshit) but, does this imply that Volcanica Knew Al?
    It kind of lines up as well with him being “400 years old”.
    Alternatively though, it could be that Al has technically lived that long including all of his deaths and failed routes.
    I think as well it’s possible that Al actually is not from Japan?
    I think it might be that someone just taught him the Culture etc. and also gave him his name.
    Maybe not though, that’s probably a bit far-fetched
    Anyway, thanks for the translation, can’t wait for the next chapter now that I’ve caught up!

    1. Actually, you may have a point about the possibility of him not being from Japan. Though, it’s still a little far-fetched. Natsuki Subaru makes a Naruto reference in arc 7 mentioning “ninjas”, and Al responds with a mention of TMNT.
      And now I’m curious about Al’s possible connection to Volcanica. Because I’d forgotten you can only really read the books of people you had some kind of tie to.

    1. Well, not an expert on this, but have had some similar situations. Have you checked your spam folder in your email?
      Failing that, have you considered trying to get in touch with one of the staff of the site on discord?

  37. After the abominations that were Arcs 7 and 8, it finally feels like ReZero again. This shit is legitimately great.

  38. Reinhard literally got here under 0 minutes.
    But wait how did he get here, I heard something before about Reinhard being unable to come to the Pleiadeis tower because of its defense system.

  39. Al going on an abbreviated Sloth If run. Isn’t his absolute weakpoint the Subeako ball in his stomach? Assuming Subaru dies if it is broken carelessly, then his whole amok run would be reseted.

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