Human Translated By:
- Garcar
Machine Translated By:
- Goldkills
- eliman7
Proofread By:
- eliman7
- King_LAO2964
- Grimx
Japanese to English Checking By:
- Vinicaian
- Anon
- Garcar
Art Sources
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???: [I hea~rd. That blue-haired Onee-san woke up, didn’t she~? Onii-san, you were rea~lly, rea~lly worried, so aren’t you relieved no~w?]
???: [Yeah, I can still remember the fresh feeling I had the moment Rem woke up. Even the part where I had my fingers broken afterwards is now a good memory.]
???: […He~y, Petra-chan. Has Onii-san gotten a little weirder since he got sent flying o~ff?]
Petra: [Well, a lot of things happened. It’s a long story, but there was a time when he was cross-dressing and even a time when he shrunk to about the same size as Beatrice-chan…]
???: [Hu~h?]
Meili, who had just joined them, leaned on the counter with her chin in her hand, wearing a puzzled look.
Subaru wanted to complain about being treated like a deviant, but given that Meili had only heard a brief summary of what had happened to him in the Empire, her reaction was perfectly understandable. The connection between the presented circumstances and the events that followed seemed a bit unclear, which made Subaru feel like scratching his head in confusion as well.
Subaru: [Well, if I explain it from the beginning, I can tell a story that actually makes sense.]
Beatrice: […Is that so, I suppose? Betty heard the whole story from the beginning too, but it started to become a bit difficult to follow when Subaru mentioned he had cross-dressed again, in fact.]
Subaru: [Why that though, it was the most logical thing to do…]
For some reason, the operation to capture the Fortress City was not fully understood, even though the results clearly proved that having Subaru, Abel, and Flop dress up as women had been the best strategy.
However, Subaru’s sincere appeal did not seem to resonate at all with Beatrice, Petra, or Meili, who was drinking the cold milk she ordered.
In any case――,
Meili: [But sti~ll, to go back to the Tower right after returning… Onii-san, you’re not going to get blasted off somewhere again and make Petra-chan lonely, are you~?]
Subaru: [We’ve had that scary discussion plenty of times already… Well, not plenty, but we’ve talked about it. At least, I think the cause of the teleportation issue won’t happen again.]
Petra: [S-somehow, that way of saying it makes me feel even more uneasy…]
Noticing Meili and Petra’s worried looks, Subaru adjusted his hold on Beatrice―― Meili had taken the seat Beatrice was originally sitting in. With Petra on one side, Meili on the other, and Beatrice on his lap, Subaru took a moment to consider his next move.
――In the first place, the event that caused Subaru to be transported to the Vollachian Empire was a highly irregular incident that occurred at the Pleiades Watchtower.
At that time, just before the incident occurred, there was an irregularity in the Green Room of the Tower. Spica―― who was believed to be Louis at the time, appeared; amidst the confusion of handling the situation, things took a sudden turn.
That was――,
Subaru: [――The penalty for invoking Return by Death was applied incorrectly.]
That was what Subaru speculated.
Previously, Subaru had attended Echidna’s tea party in the Sanctuary and confided in her about Return by Death. The outcome had been disastrous, not only due to Echidna’s unpleasant response, but also because of the calamity in the real world upon returning from the tea party.
He had, at the time, confessed the truth of Return by Death to Echidna, which triggering a penalty that covered the entire Sanctuary in a black shadow, leading to a state of devastation. ――Subaru believed the situations similar.
In summary, Louis Arneb, who had encountered Subaru in the Hall of Memories and learned about Return by Death, appeared in the Green Room for some reason.
And that was what that black shadow―― the Witch of Envy, mistakenly set out to eliminate.
And as a result of the clash between the rampaging Witch of Envy and the Divine Dragon Volcanica, who had been tasked with protecting the Tower, Subaru was blasted away by the resulting force field――,
Subaru: [That’s what I’m thinking, but beyond that, it’s just speculation.]
Ultimately, the reason why Subaru was transported to the forest of the People of Shudraq in the Empire remained unknown.
It was unclear whether it had been accidental or if it had been an intentional result by either the Witch of Envy or the Divine Dragon. However, considering the events that followed, Subaru did not believe it had been by the intention of the Witch of Envy.
The Witch of Envy had lost sight of Subaru; that was, until Subaru called out to her on the Gladiator Island.
――It was there for the first time that Subaru called out to the Witch of Envy, addressing her as Satella.
Since then, although the nature of Return by Death had not changed, Subaru’s perception of the Witch of Envy, who likely brought it upon him, had shifted slightly.
That shift being――,
Beatrice: [――Subaru? You have a troublesome look in your eyes, I suppose.]
Beatrice, turning around in Subaru’s arms, pressed her fingers against his forehead as he remained silent and deep in thought. Subaru could not help but smile wryly at the sensation and her words.
Subaru: [It’s a bit late to bring up the look in my eyes. Usually, people talk about how scary my face is or something like that.]
Beatrice: [Subaru, your face is full of charm once you get used to it, in fact. The impression of you having scary eyes is probably just nonsense from people who don’t know you, I suppose.]
Petra: [Yes, yes, Beatrice-chan, that’s true. Right, Meili-chan?]
Meili: [That’s ri~ght. I guess you and the Witchbeast-chans are just as cute in your own wa~ys, huh?]
Subaru: [Beako and Petra are too soft on me, so Meili’s opinion is probably more in line with general sentiment. I’ve been dealing with these eyes for eighteen years. I don’t expect anything else of them…!]
In fact, it had already been proven by over a year of experience that even the standard isekai trope of “the reversal of beauty and ugliness” was not something to expect.
According to Subaru’s aesthetic sense, beautiful people were beautiful, and Subaru’s eyes were the most terrifying.
Subaru: [Enough about my eyes. Anyway, it seems like there’s no need to worry about me getting teleported again, so for now, there’s no concern about me causing trouble for everyone by going to the Tower.]
Meili: [I see. Well, I don’t really mi~nd. I’ve been fulfilling my duties properly while you were away, after a~ll.]
Petra: [Duties… Wait, does that mean…!]
Petra’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Meili, who gave a somewhat proud, smug smile.
While returning from the Empire, Subaru had also heard what Meili had been up to in the Kingdom.
She had been negotiating with the high-ranking officials of the Kingdom, leveraging her ability to safely guide others through the Augria Sand Dunes to the Pleiades Watchtower.
In exchange, Meili had been seeking a pardon for the crimes she had committed in the Kingdom and securing her future livelihood.
Subaru: [So, judging by your tone…]
Meili: [Ye~p, I did i~t. I made those important old men… what were they called? The Council of Wise Me~n? I made them promise me my free~dom.]
Petra: [You did it! You did it, Meili-chan!]
Meili: [Kyaaah!]
With a triumphantly smug expression that could almost be used as a model, Meili proudly reported her success, prompting Subaru to widen his eyes in surprise. Petra, even more excited than Subaru, reached across him to grab Meili’s hand.
As a result, the two girls ended up holding hands over Beatrice’s stomach,
Subaru: [I’ll take advantage of the moment and gently put my hand in there too.]
Beatrice: [It’s a bit ticklish, but Betty will join in too, in fact. You did well, I suppose.]
Subaru and Beatrice added their hands to the mix, and the four of them ended up holding hands together in a show of camaraderie.
The shopkeeper on the other side of the counter looked at Subaru and the others with a strange expression, but Subaru consciously ignored it, deciding not to worry too much about onlookers during this joyful moment.
With their hands laid on top of each other, Meili said “T-thank you~…” in a small voice before continuing,
Meili: [A-anywa~ys, my ability to control Witchbeast-chans is highly valued by the Kingdo~m. I’m using it at your request, so make sure to show some gra~titude.]
Subaru: [Wow, that’s quite the bold attitude. But it’s fine, I don’t mind a big mouth. And of course, I won’t forget to show my gratitude. You’ve really done a lot of reflecting, haven’t you?]
Meili: [What do you mean by tha~t!? Do you want me to push you down the stairs agai~n!?]
Though Subaru understood that Meili’s words were just her way of hiding her embarrassment, the memory of his spectacular tumble down the stairs made every single one of his bones creak in recollection.
However, what caught even more attention than Meili’s slip of the tongue was――,
Petra: [Meili-chan? What do you mean by that? What did you do?]
Meili: [Ah…]
Petra: [Hey, I didn’t get a chance to hear the full story, but what happened at the Tower? You apologized for not being able to stop Subaru from being teleported, but is there anything else you need to apologize for?]
Meili: [U-u~m, Petra-chan, your eyes are looking a little sca~ry…]
Petra: [Meili-chan.]
Meili: [Eeek!]
Petra’s hands, still resting on Beatrice’s stomach, gripped Meili’s hands firmly, not allowing her to escape.
Realizing this, Meili turned to Subaru with pleading eyes,
Meili: [O-Onii-san… Onii-san, he~lp…]
Subaru: [Sorry, Meili. The Council of Wise Men might overlook your mistakes because of your rare abilities, but your friends are here to properly scold you. Friends like that are precious.]
Beatrice: [Regrets don’t come first, in fact. Lessons should be learned from them, I suppose.]
Meili: [Come on~!]
With those words, Subaru picked up Beatrice and slid his chair back, distancing himself from Petra and Meili. Petra immediately closed the gap with her chair, leaving Meili with no way to escape.
Watching the two of them, Subaru and Beatrice drank their milk together――,
Beatrice: [It was good that you were able to save Meili back then, in fact.]
Subaru: […Thanks.]
Beatrice expressed Subaru’s feelings in a small voice. Subaru, filled with affection, gently stroked her head as he watched the endearing interactions between the two girls.
――Above the teary-eyed Meili’s head, a small scorpion was clicking its pincers sharply.
――The duty that had been entrusted to Garfiel Tinzel was a heavy one.
The faith of his comrades resting upon his shoulders, was something that Garfiel understood to a painful extent.
They were putting their trust in him. That if Garfiel was present, then the members traveling to the Pleiades Watchtower, composed of Subaru, Beatrice, and Petra, would not end up facing any danger.
Thus, he wanted to respond to that faith, Garfiel had resolved himself to respond to it.
Garfiel: [Yo, it’d be best for ya to drink a lil’ water. The atmosphere here’s all dry ‘cuz of the sand gusts. Ya never know when yer throat might get parched up.]
And, with those words, Garfiel called out to Al, who was seated within the dragon carriage.
Inside the single-wagon dragon carriage pulled by Patrasche, Al was hugging one of his knees as he sat―― he was the individual who could be called the reason, or origin, of this journey towards the Pleiades Watchtower.
The man who was formerly the Knight of Royal Candidate Priscilla Barielle. He had watched as his master disappeared before his very eyes, and in order to compensate for that sense of loss, he sought a Book of the Dead within the Tower.
Whether that was a good or a bad thing, Garfiel did not know.
Garfiel: [――――]
When Garfiel had first heard about the Books of the Dead in the Pleiades Watchtower, in complete honesty, he had thought he wanted to see those books by all means necessary.
Because of the situation, they were busy with the priority of going to save Subaru since he had been sent to the Empire, so there had not been a place for him to discuss the topic in earnest, but he had certainly thought in such a manner.
By nature, Garfiel loved reading books about great figures from history. He had fond memories of reading books until they were completely worn out, back in Sanctuary. That included “The Legend of Reid Astrea”, a book describing the life of Reid Astrea, whom Subaru and the others had met first hand.
To hear that the lifetime memories of not only Reid, but of many great figures whose names had been engraved in history, were all lined up in the library that stored the Books of the Dead, was a matter that caused his chest to throb with excitement.
The reason why Garfiel was then slightly opposed to the thought of Al wanting to read Priscilla’s Book of the Dead, was a sensation stemming from some sort of logic.
Did knowing the person make it alright to read it? Or did knowing the person make it wrong to do so? ――It was not just Garfiel who did not possess the correct answer to that, but also Subaru.
Garfiel: [Until ya do what ya gotta do at the Tower, ya can’t be collapsin’ on us. Hey.]
Gnashing his canines, Garfiel tossed a canteen over to Al. It slowly drew an arc as it spun through the air, making its way towards Al――,
Al: [――Oh, my bad, bud. My throat was just about feeling parched.]
Catching the canteen with a light sound, Al skillfully raised the jaw of his helmet with his single right arm, and gently brought the mouth of it to his own lips.
Then, Al gulped down the water quite quickly, and gave a refreshed exhale of “Ahhhh~”.
Al: [Eep, that really brings me back to life. Really, you guys are always taking such good care of me, I’m grateful. Even though you oughta be frowning upon me for causing bro’s team to split up like this.]
Garfiel: [Gimme a break, don’t’cha have any self-awareness?]
Al: [Well, it ain’t like I ain’t looking at my surroundings. I’d say that, at least more than that old man who disappeared to who-knows-where, I’m calm, real calm.]
Garfiel: [――――]
Al gave his answer while waving around the canteen that had been mostly emptied, to which Garfiel flared his nostrils, feeling as if he had eaten a bitter bug.
The topic of the missing person whom Al had brought up, was Heinkel.
As one of the members of the Priscilla Camp, after her passing, Heinkel’s mind had been quite perturbed. He had disappeared a few days before Garfiel and the others departed from the Empire.
Garfiel had participated in the search, but tracing a scent through a town where thousands of people were entering and exiting on a daily basis was a difficult feat, and so ultimately, they were unable to find him.
Garfiel: [Emilia-sama also seemed to be super depressed…]
When Heinkel’s whereabouts became unknown, Emilia had felt a terrible sense of responsibility.
He heard that she had come into contact with Heinkel on an occasion Garfiel and the others had been unaware of, and it seemed that he clung on to her quite intensely on that instance. After that, without getting the chance to talk with him again, Heinkel disappeared.
To an extent similar to Emilia, Garfiel was also disheartened. ――After all, he had inadvertently crossed paths with Heinkel many times, and they held out on the same battlefield together in the fight against the Great Disaster.
Garfiel: [Oi you, ain’t’cha worried ‘bout pops?]
Al: [Hm? Yeah, I guess I’d say I’m worried about him, but that’s ’cause both me and the old man are at a fine age. Fellow middle aged geezers oughta worry about each other, right?]
Garfiel: [The fuck’s it gotta do with age! It’s only natural to worry ‘bout yer comrades. When ya start talkin’ like that, then ya got Beatrice, Emilia-sama, ‘n Nanna who’re all over a hundred years old!]
Al: [Hm, I guess things get pretty confusing at bro’s place if you rank seniority by age. Ah, I do think everything you’re saying’s completely correct, bud? It’s just…]
Garfiel: [What?]
Al: [All things considered, my plate’s also pretty damn full right now.]
Saying that, he raised the hand holding the canteen and lowered his head, leaving Garfiel at a loss for words.
Following that, he also began to get a bit embarrassed for pressing Al so emotionally. Just now, Garfiel had been one-sidedly venting his feelings of powerlessness.
In addition――,
Garfiel: [――Tho’, it’s still different from Captain’s.]
Narrowing his emerald-green eyes, as Garfiel checked the sharpness of his canines with the tip of his tongue, he discretely examined Al’s state, and recalled what Otto had told him.
――Having witnessed Priscilla’s death, Subaru and Al had sustained great wounds to their hearts.
Everybody had received a shock from Priscilla’s death, but the wounds received by these two had undoubtedly been the greatest, and so the way they faced those wounds was distinct when compared to others.
Trying to make amends under the guise of Sparka, Subaru had himself beat down by the many comrades he had encountered in the Empire.
That pitiful, reckless endeavor was repealed via the support and assistance of his surroundings, but whether it be equivalent, or even greater, Al was currently in need of “something”.
Garfiel did not sense any issues within his responses during the time of this conversation, but―― before Subaru and the rest had proposed to accompany him, Al was initially going to force himself to head to the Tower alone.
That would have likely been an act tantamount to suicide; a fact Garfiel was sure of, having heard about the severity of the Augria Sand Dunes from his comrades. There was even the possibility that Al had fallen into such despair that he would not have minded losing his life enroute to the Tower.
Subaru: [I want to respect Al’s feelings of wanting to read the Book of the Dead. I’m going to accompany him to the Pleiades Watchtower… That’s all I can do, for Al, and for Priscilla.]
Having noticed those perilous signs within Al, nobody stopped Subaru as he spoke that out.
To not accompany Al was equivalent to leaving him to die at the sand sea. ――It was the consensus of the Camp that there had already been enough casualties.
Al: [But, y’know? Aren’t bro and the rest out shopping? Would’ve been best for you to follow them, since you’re the strongest, bud. If it’s just the dragon carriage, then I’d be able to watch over it alone.]
Garfiel: [――. Ya really think we can just leave a guy from another Camp here by himself? My amazin’ self’s here to keep an eye on ya.]
Al: [It’s lonely to be treated as an outsider. Ain’t we buddies who saved the Empire together?]
And, that was also the reason why Al had lost everything precious to him.
How to mourn, how to despair, how to regret, such methods differed from person to person. Garfiel too had an experience of being stuck completely helpless at a dead end, left only to despair.
In order to get back on his feet, Garfiel had borrowed the strength of Subaru, Ram, Otto, and everybody else.
So now, he wanted to be there for somebody else in that same position.
Garfiel: […I’d thought my amazin’ self could be there for pops, too.]
The missing Heinkel, too, certainly possessed despair of his own. That such a thing had cast a great shadow over his life, was something Garfiel more-or-less understood.
Precisely because he understood, he felt sorry for Heinkel, who had no choice but to shoulder everything on his own.
???: [――It appears that the atmosphere in the carriage is rather stagnant. Depressing.]
And, just as Garfiel had been thinking that.
The door to the dragon carriage opened, and someone, appearing from outside, spoke those words.
When Garfiel turned around in surprise and came to notice that it was someone he knew, he let out a sigh,
Garfiel: [Don’t fuckin’ freak me out like that. Got me thinkin’ it was somethin’ like “The Sound of Woozle’s Wind”.]
???: [Excuse my rudeness in asking, but considering your duty, would it not be a problem in and of itself that you are unable to cope with sudden situations? Inquiry.]
Garfiel: [Ugh, t-that’s a bit…]
???: [Again, excuse my rudeness. I attempted to trip you up. Apology.]
Saying that, placing a finger on his lips as he winked, was a man with a slender face, meticulously trimmed navy-blue hair, and a monocle over one eye―― Clind.
This man who cast an unfathomable atmosphere around him, worked as a servant for Roswaal’s relative Annerose Miload, and was on poor terms with Garfiel’s older sister, Frederica.
Moreover, this was the person with whom they had arranged to meet in Mirula, the nearest town to the Sand Sea.
Garfiel: [Amazin’, ain’t yer timin’ just damn perfect. ――Where’s that Meili girl?]
Clind: [She is accompanying me. Certainly. As for my punctuality, it is not something that deserves praise. As a butler, I have simply fulfilled my duties.]
Garfiel: [Ya really think that any other butler’s fuckin’ able to do somethin’ like takin’ an entire dragon carriage from one end of the country to the other so easily?]
Garfiel was fed up with Clind, who placed his hand on his chest with great humility.
In bringing Subaru and Rem home from the Empire, Clind had fulfilled a very important role, on a level that he could even possibly be the MVP of the Camp.
It would seem that Clind could use magic similar to that of Door Crossing, which allowed one to cross through space, and through that, he had been very useful and versatile in making preparations for their journey to the Empire.
The reason they had met up here was to retrieve Meili, who was indispensable personnel for crossing the Augria Sand Dunes.
Clind: [Regarding Meili-sama, I have sent her straight to Subaru-sama and the others. I have come to the dragon carriage to report on her arrival. Praiseworthy.]
Garfiel: [Thanks. By the way, did’cha not bring Emilia-sama or Ottobro with’cha?]
Clind: [My apologies. The payment made by the Master was limited to the act of bringing back Subaru-sama and Rem-sama, who were sent to the Empire. Bringing Meili here was the least I could do as a favor. Sincerity.]
Garfiel: […Gotcha. If there’s a reason, I won’t ask ya to do the impossible.]
Clind bowed deeply, and although his tone remained flat, there was a sense of consistent apology in his demeanor, and it seemed that he had reasons that were beyond his control.
In the past, Garfiel had a bad habit of losing all reason when he underwent beastification, but the reason he was able to overcome this was because he had been granted an opportunity to do so. He did not know if Clind’s limitations were of the same sort or not, so Garfiel refrained from saying anything presumptuous, despite having had a similar experience.
Garfiel: [Well, not like our amazin’ selves are the only ones. Yo Al-san, lemme introduce ya. This is one of our amazin’ selves’ allies, Clind, he’s real chummy with that Roswaal bastard.]
Clind: [While it is exquisitely chilly, yet quite difficult to deny, I thank you for the introduction. Having received that introduction, my name is Clind. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Bow.]
Realizing that he had ignored Al while they had been speaking, Garfiel introduced Clind. Giving a slightly wry smile, Clind faced Al and greeted him.
From Garfiel’s point of view, it seemed strange that Clind, who had been close with Roswaal for a long time, would now deny getting along well with him, but――,
Clind: [――Al-sama? Puzzling.]
Aside from Garfiel’s thoughts, Clind frowned with skepticism.
The reason was Al’s reaction to Clind’s greeting, in which he gave no response.
Al: [――――]
Maintaining his silence, Al stared intently at Clind’s face.
Of course, his expression was not visible, being that his helmet was on, but the atmosphere he was exuding―― something close to shock or bewilderment, could easily be felt.
However, Garfiel did not understand the meaning of that reaction in itself.
Garfiel: [Huh? Clind, do ya know Al-san?]
Clind: [――. No, forgive me, but I have no recollection of him. Al-sama, have we met somewhere before? Verification.]
Clind shook his head and denied Garfiel’s suspicion.
If Clind could not recall any such thing, then he was likely not mistaken.
As previously mentioned, Clind could use special magic, but he also had outstanding abilities as a butler. He was the one who trained Frederica and Ram as servants, and he was also the one who had taught Subaru how to use a whip. He was perhaps not stronger than Garfiel, but his mannerisms also gave the impression that he was no ordinary person, and certainly possessed great power.
If he had no memory of this, then it was probably true that, at least on Clind’s side, they were not acquainted.
And, as for Al――,
Al: [――Nah, never had any of that, acquaintance. Without a doubt, this is the very first meeting between you and I.]
Garfiel: […So, the hell was up with that profound silence just now?]
Al: [My bad, it’s just kinda troublesome to memorize new things. ――You said you were called Clind-san? The name’s Al. I’m indebted to bro, and to your allies.]
Clind: [I am at your service. I look forward to working with you from now on. Perpetuity.]
Al: [Perpetuity is a bit long, but yeah, looking forward to working with you.]
Waving his hand, Al readily responded to Clind’s lighthearted words.
While watching the two of them interact, Garfiel felt that Al’s behavior was somewhat unnatural, but he missed the opportunity to mention it.
Garfiel: [Whatever, I guess.]
Now that Clind had brought Meili here, the real expedition into the Augria Sand Dunes could begin.
The Witchbeasts that swarmed the Sand Sea could be driven away thanks to Meili’s power, but there were still many things to prepare for, such as the Sand Time vortex of the Sand Wind that must be passed through in order to reach the Tower.
He heard that last time, there had been a scene where Emilia and Julius, who had accompanied them on their journey, had displayed their abilities.
Garfiel: [I’ll give ‘em hell! My amazin’ self’ll protect Captain ‘n everyone else no matter what!]
Garfiel roared, bringing his fists together before his chest.
The sense of purpose surging up within him was proof of the determination that was erupting from the unshakable awareness that now inspired Garfiel.
――Such was Garfiel’s determination, fervent with excited breaths, however.
???: [Very goo~d, a safe arrival. I’m relieved that nothing happened this ti~me.]
Saying those words, Meili hopped down from the driver’s seat onto the sand, and with the gargantuan door that was the entrance to the Tower behind her, she spread out both her arms.
The eastern edge of the Augria Sand Dunes―― the path to the Pleiades Watchtower, which even the Sword Saint had given up on traversing due to his failure to reach it, was now easily surmounted by them.
Garfiel: [Gao…]
Having firmly vowed to protect his comrades no matter the obstacle, Garfiel ought to have been pleased with the anticlimactic result, and yet he could not help but mutter that with a somewhat unsatisfied look on his face.
Thanks for the TL
my 2 glorious kings
The entity from the witch’s era who absolutely despises Echidna & the otherworlder who’s deeply interconnected with her.
>both mysterious potential-mans & side-content-reliant lore characters
>both busted ability-wise and infinitely knowledgeable beyond their appearances
>both just peak characters in general
>both heading towards a location with Echidna influence
Who do mean by that?
Who is Clind?
Clind is a butler in Roswaal’s mansion. He’s the one who teaches Subaru parkour and how to use a wipe during the time skip between arc 4 and arc 5. He once was kind of close to Frederica but now they’re quite distant. He’s shown unnatural abilities, like being able to teleport people around anywhere as long as it’s in Lugunica. There are more information about him in various side stories, but I get a feeling we’re gonna get them in this arc too, so in my opinion don’t go looking for them before we see them in the main story, it’ll increase the element surprise
Damn can’t believe Subaru didn’t know how to wipe before Clind taught him. Now everyone complaining of his stench makes sense
im so excited for what is to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TY for translation!
Albireo has a history of knowing people he shouldn’t. Either he met Clind during a thought experiment or he knows of Clind due to his mysterious past.
(Translator) As far as I remember, Clind had his name and memory eaten. Even if he recovered from the coma, he should still have amnesia. Am I thinking of a different character? Or maybe the author removed this in the light novel.
That didn’t happen.
The only similar looking guy that lost his name and memory is Joshua, Julius brother, but his fate is unknown since arc 5.
Gluttony in general feels incomplete and put on the backburner. Joshua’s fate, Heinkel’s wife condition. The old friend of the Astrea family and Felt. It’s only “complete” because of Anastasia but in truth its far from even half way done at all
The entirety of everything set up in arc 5 has yet to be delivered on. Lust, memories, Crusch, Wrath. Feels like Tappei just forgot about it considering it hasn’t even been mentioned since then
Tappei doesn’t forget, he just likes to slow cook shit for years only to have it be relevant again in some crazy reveal hundreds of chapters later lol
(Actual Translator)
I don’t think this is actually a person who is part of the translation team, nobody in our internal server seems to know who is making these (Translator) marked comments.
It could also just be that they are using some translator software to post comments in English and marking it so, instead of trying to pose as a translator.
Feel like it’s the latter
on chapter 6, they put a comment that felt very very google/machine translated so very likely the latter
I’m thinking Al figured out that Clind has an authority but he really hasn’t met him. That’s why he was surprised.
Sounds about right or maybe echidna told him since she’s contracted with him.
More likely, Al has been fighting everyone he meets off-screen to get a feel of their abilities, then resets time.
I like this theory lol
So true from my gaming safe scumming experience. If i have ability to safe – load and no honor to hold my back, i would do it on every NPC to know who is secretly assasin, villain in disguise, possesed by demon and e.t.c.
People criticize Subaru for being an idiot probably think this too but knowing Hackpei, its probably a BADEND
Clind is definitely a very suspicious character. His mannerisms are somewhat reminiscent of Sphinx, and his ability to use dark attribute magic to cross dimensions is similar to what Beatrice can do. That, combined with his connection with Roswaal, makes me think that there is definitely more to him than meets the eye. Al’s behavior here all but confirms this, and I’m excited to see what gets revealed from here on out.
I don’t know if I’m right here but ai think Clind may have something to do with Hector. It’s a stretch but I’m getting a weird feeling about it.
i think he was one of the main forces that subjugated the witches, the greed if basically implies that
Yo I dropped this around the early parts of Arc 8 because 7 was already unbearable, Todd plot dragging until the heat death of universe, and the “hide this weird ass retarded infantilism fetish” had no end in sight. Does anyone know when Subaru got turned back to normal I might try to read Arc 8 again
I feel you bro. Though i think being stalked by Todd was the best part of arc 7-8, the cross-dressing and shotaficstion took my favorite character out of ReZero – Subaru himself. He only returns at the end of ch. 74 arc 8.
You should probably just read arc 9, keeping in mind Priscilla killed herself to save the day and gave emotional damage to everyone you talked to her longer than 5 minutes.
Subaru crossdressing was a thing before arc 7, it happens in multiple side stories between arc 2 and arc 3, and even between arc 4 and arc 5.
I know. It should have stayed the running gag for comedy relief, imo.
I bet Tappei wrote the whole shotafication and crossdressing schtick just to make Tanza believe the Natsuki Schwartz was the son of Vincent and Natsumi Schwartz. Peak pay off.
Don’t encourage him to skip, he’ll miss really important things
LMAOOOOOOOOO yeah skip the arc that will 100% become relevant in the future. I mean this with full sincerely, if you genuinely cannot read arc 7 and 8, drop the web novel. Wait for the anime. There’s a lot more stuff to keep in mind that really isn’t possible to understand fully unless you read the arc and will end up being immensely confused when it is inevitably brought up again.
Please don’t, we don’t need more illiterate people here
Reminds me of Al’s reaction to Ram’s name dropped in one of the arc 3 loops.
Considering Clind is 400 years old and that Al knows Echidna…
thanks for TL, great work
This arc seems really promising compared to the last two, even though it’s honestly beginning. I’ve always felt like it was a bore to read through the beginning of each arc(5, 6, etc) even though they were arcs I liked, but here even the beginning is great so I’m hyped.
The story really picked up the pace without introducing one-shot characters every next chapter, right?
Re zero doesn’t have one-shot characters, everyone is important
Ye wasnt there sum racist mustache bro in arc 3 whos gonna get a named chapter?? Richard I think his name was.
I kinda doubt Al is going after Priscilla‘s book. I don’t think we’ve seen him explicitly say he wants that book, right? Just a book. While the rest just assumes it’s Priscilla‘s?
I wonder which one he’s looking for. Echidna seems like the most obvious answer, but idk.
Maybe he’s wants to look through Subaru’s last book of the dead to see if he Returned By Death but couldn’t save Priscilla because the check point was updated, or that he just didn’t try at all, then take revenge or something
He doesn’t know how Subaru’s ability works, therefore he can’t bet on the chance such book exists.
If it’s not Priscilla’s book, then it might be someone’s who knew her. Or someone’s who knew how to bring people from the dead, even in a form of the recently used sacrament – Echidna or Sphinx.
But he seemed to know that Subaru can return by death. And in chaosflame, he told Vincent that Subaru must be alive because the world hasn’t ended yet, implying he knows it’s activated through death. Then again, he didn’t try to kill Subaru to save priscilla, who knows?
yeah but he wouldn’t know how this world reset end up in the book system (one book per life based on fake subaru PoV). would be a big gamble to go to the tower for that, for all he know only the final timeline might exist in the book, or maybe none at all and subaru and him are glitched character.
He is implying that not because he knows how RBD works, but because he knows that Satells watches Subaru. Though I don’t know how he somehow knows that Subaru is important for her.
miasma is mana corrupted from an authority, whos to say you cant recognize the owner by feel?
Holy shit. I didn’t expect a new chapter so soon. These chapters are dropping like hotcakes. I ain’t got a problem with it thought.
There three chapters left to be translated
how do I avoid spoilers? I can’t basically go to reddit or twitter or any other type of ReZero content & art, I got spoiled about the currently untranslated future chapters …
Why does Garfiel call Emilia ‘Emilia-sama’? I thought he always refred to her as ‘Princess’ or something like that?
probably got beaten up by ram for it.
Garfiel really just became Draco Centauros because of how uneventful the trip was
Do you think reading the next three chapters through machine translating them by DeepL is worth it or should I just wait?
Just wait, it won’t take us long to release them.
Alright, thank you guys for the good work.
Thanks for the translation
Thank you translatos if i could see you irl then I would’ve already given yall sloppy toppys
Bruh this is some crazy tension, thx for the translation as always
ok here a shot in the dark , cline showing up was like the universe talking to al (to al of course) i cannot help but think al needs two things to bring her back , her book of the dead and someone who can take him to the lake of the OD n him showing up just fullied requrement two and cline is a teleporter
“Spica―― who was believed to be Louis at the time”
huh? what? i thought that WAS the who used the authority of gluttony, to somehow escape, only to be blended up by the witch’s mana and mixed with the green room’s spirit. i thought that was why spica was so talented in healing magic. but they did say “the punishment was incorrectly applied” when louis was the cause of it, so it might not be all right
I am confused. Does Clind say things like “bow” or “verification” at the end of his sentences.
Al is giving me the vibe of meeting this people in a failed loop. Which honestly wouldn’t make much sense for Al because the furthest we seen him go back isn’t even 30 seconds? N obv he didnt go that far back for Priscilla, so it’s hard to imagine he did have acquaintance with Ram and Clind n failed loop, he seems to know these ppl related to Roswaal somehow though.
There’s no way he doesnt have some stuff going on with Roswaal or atleast the sanctuary as he knows “Teacher”. Anyway sadly ima be caught up in 12 chapters so I prob won’t know until a while : (
(Reply to self)
Though since he is knows Echidna and we can assume she’s in that Spatial world of the trapped souls there’s no telling what she can show him. It’s possible he has learned a lot of things from her alone.