Arc 5, Chapter 32 – “The City Hall Raider’s Conference”



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All rights belong to Tappei Nagatsuki, the original author of the Re:Zero series. This is an English translation of the free web novel which is available at:

Translated by:

  • Nanashi-tan
  • Phantaminum

Proofread by:

  • Phantaminum
  • SSCaide

Image Source:

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Ferris: [Ah, really! Healing magic has nyo effect, so we can only use such a primitive treatment!]

Ferris, with blood staining his cheeks, clenched his teeth in irritation while waving a hand.

Lying in front of him in a cot, blood still flowing from her chest, was Mimi’s unconscious and faintly-breathing form.

Wholeheartedly wanting to stop the bleeding, he had been forced to bind her wound with a cloth imbued with magic and several layers of bandages. In the case of arm or leg injuries, the bleeding could be suppressed by lifting the injury higher than the heart. Only, Mimi’s wound was on her chest, just above her heart.

The amount of time she had left could only depend upon her own vitality.

Subaru leaned against the wall, worried about Garfiel as the latter watched that desperate treatment, collapsed on the ground. He saw that instead of looking at Mimi, Garfiel had plunged his bloody hands into his short, blond hair, casting his gaze downwards, a far cry from his usual optimistic self.

The blood covering his body was not only Mimi’s. It was plain to see that he had his own severe wounds. Blood stained the corners of his mouth, and his left shoulder and right knee looked particularly painful. His pants were torn near his knees, where flesh was missing,and white bone could be glimpsed.

Subaru: [Garfiel. Mimi can be entrusted to Ferris, for the time being. You also need treatment for your wounds. Can you administer healing spells yourself?]

Garfiel: […Ah, yeah.]

Nodding, Garfiel slowly pressed his palms to his wounds and began to deliver healing Mana into his own body. As he watched the wounds slowly healing, Subaru looked down at the Conversation Mirror in his hand.

Reflected in the surface of the mirror was a silent old swordsman, his wrinkled face bearing a complex expression. In the depths of his own heart, what kind of conflict had risen? Undoubtedly, Wilhelm must have reached the same conclusion as Subaru.

Subaru: [The wound cannot be closed, which is to say…]

Wilhelm: [In all likelihood, it is a wound caused by the Divine Protection of the Death God.]

Finishing Subaru’s words, Wilhelm came to the expected conclusion.

The Divine Protection of the Death God. A terrifying power that rendered any wounds caused by its owner uncurable. That Mimi’s wound could not be healed by magic was probably due to such a Divine Protection.

Then, as far as Subaru knew, only one person had possessed it. Of course, while it could not be asserted that no other person had the same Divine Protection,

Subaru: [Wilhelm-san. Although this is something I fear hearing … How is your arm injury?]

Wilhelm: [————]

Wilhelm briefly closed his eyes in meditation, then removed his coat and presented his left shoulder to Subaru. The bandage wrapped tightly against it had no traces of blood. Then there was no bleeding—— so his attacker could not be nearby.

Wilhelm: [Even assuming that the injury was given by someone with the same Divine Protection as my wife, as long as my wounds have not opened, she cannot be near. Although, that should be a matter of course.]

Subaru: [Wilhelm-san…]

Was he frustrated, or was he relieved? Subaru did not know.

Wilhelm believed to have lost his wife fifteen years ago. The events of one year ago might have made him doubt her death, but he had refrained from raising his hopes.

It was a common weakness of human beings to hold a small modicum of hope, even if it was difficult be unconditionally hopeful. However, even if Wilhelm succumbed to that weakness, Subaru found no shame in it whatsoever.

Therefore, at this moment, Subaru found no words he could say to Wilhelm. Of course, the latter desired neither casual comfort nor encouragement.

Behind Subaru, a change in the situation had occurred. That was――

Ricardo: [Bro. Sorry to take yer time while you’re treatin’ a wound.]

Saying that, Ricardo sat on the ground near Ferris, who was desperately conducting his treatment. The beastman sat in front of Garfiel, whose hair was still moist with fresh blood, eyeing him sharply.

To meet that gaze, Garfiel slowly raised his head.

Ricardo: [I dunno what happened to ya. But I know that if ya hadn’t brought her here, Mimi’d not have made it. So,]

Garfiel: [————]

Ricardo: [Really, thank ya very much. I’m deeply grateful.]

With two fists on the ground, Ricardo kneeled and bowed his head.

As Ricardo’s forehead hit the ground, thanking Garfiel for bringing someone who was much like family to him to this place, Garfiel appeared dismayed.

Mimi’s prognosis was still far from optimistic. It was understandable that Garfiel held some guilt for not being able to successfully protect Mimi. However, that did not mean that Garfiel was to blame. What good would it do to blame him?

In his heart of hearts, Ricardo had, of course, hoped for Mimi’s safe return. There was no way that he felt calm about Mimi’s situation, considering she had been brought back in that state.

Even so, Subaru could clearly see that Ricardo’s vaulted posture reflected his complete sincerity. At the same time, he also felt unforgiving anger at those who left Mimi in that state. Therefore,

Subaru: [Garfiel. Although it’s probably hard to talk about it, tell me exactly what happened. It’s hard to believe that you’re in such a state. Not to mention…]

As he asked Garfiel to explain the situation, an idea took root in Subaru’s mind.

Earlier, as he sorted through their information with Julius and Wilhelm, contemplating the siege of Pristella, the idea had briefly crossed his mind.

Seizing five key locations around the city, the Witch Cult had taken the lives of everyone in the city hostage. According to their speculation, each location must be occupied by a mighty force. Assuming that was right—— they were most likely guarded by Wrath, Greed, Lust. Then, the likelihood that Gluttony was also present was high.

——That Gluttony was precisely Subaru’s target. He could not let that go.

Greed, who had kidnapped Emilia, and Wrath, who had regarded Subaru as Petelgeuse. Lust, whose ugly nature he had heard earlier, and Gluttony, the target he had been hunting.

Although the situation was indeed the worst of the worst, at the same time, there had never been an opportunity better than this. Now that he was trapped in a spider web, it was the right time to exterminate all the spiders.

Subaru: [Anyway, we have to defeat all of these guys somehow. After all, if we don’t, we’ll never be able to return safe and sound.]

Garfiel: [————]

With that declaration, Garfiel stared at him in surprise. Subaru nodded with encouragement, urging him to speak.

Garfiel: […After hearin’ that broadcast, my amazin’ self and the midget went to the center of the city. Both of us hated the annoyin’ voice of the person talkin’.]

Ricardo: [We were also discussin’ a way to do that. Looks like ya got the first chance.]

Garfiel: [On the way to the City Hall, there were no sentries, there was nothin’ gettin’ in our way. So my amazin’ self rushed straight towards the City Hall, where…]

Garfiel’s words stopped, as he clenched his teeth, his fists trembling.

This was not fear, but anger. However, Subaru believed that that anger was directed not at his opponent, but at Garfiel himself.

Issuing a fiery, angry breath, Garfiel continued,

Garfiel: [Two enemies appeared. One of ‘em was this huge bastard that lugged around two giant swords. Th’other was a thin woman with a long sword. Either one of ‘em’d probably gimme a run for my money in a one-on-one fight. No… they’d prolly be stronger than my amazin’ self.]

Subaru: [Even stronger than you…? Was one of them the broadcaster?]

Garfiel: […Prolly not.]

Subaru almost wondered whether if his hearing had gone wrong.

Garfiel was not only the strongest in Emilia’s faction, and among all of the people assembled to counter the Witch Cult’s offensive, the most capable one. That very same Garfiel had just judged two people to be individually stronger than himself. And if his assumption was right, those people were not Sin Archbishops, but just run-of-the-mill Witch Cultists.

Garfiel: [Those two didn’t give me the feelin’ of malice like the broadcast did. Even though my amazin’ self left openin’s while escapin’, we still got away… that seemed like some kind of swordsman’s etiquette or whatever.]

Garfiel regarded his opponents’ strength with something like awe. Unlike his usual lively self, he seemed to be atrophied, clearly still affected by Mimi’s state.

Ricardo, who had been listening to Garfiel, slapped his knees with a dull sound and stood. Then he grabbed Garfiel’s shoulder,

Ricardo: [Strong or not, I don’t give a damn. What I want to know is, who of the two left ya in such a state? Who did that to Mimi? Who should I seek revenge on? Tell me.]

Garfiel: […The woman was the one who cut the midget. That’s why, that woman, I gotta――]

Wilhelm: [—―That woman, could you please leave her to me?]

Ricardo’s thirst for vengeance for Mimi had been ignited, and Garfiel swore that same goal, with shame. The one who had interjected, however, was Wilhelm, who had been listening silently through the mirror.

To him, too, that was, by no means, something he would leave as is. But it was cruel to the two who did not know about Wilhelm’s circumstances.

Ricardo: [Why? This has nothin’ to do wit’cha, Wilhelm-san. Ya can’t take my right to get revenge on those who harmed my adorable family.]

Wilhelm: [I… cannot say for certain without having confirmation. However, if what I suspect is true, then that woman is a very important one to me. I must insist.]

Ricardo: [That’s… if ya make me angry, I ain’t gonna spare ya.]

Although Ricardo snarled in agitation, Wilhelm stubbornly refused.

Precisely because he understood the situation of both sides, Subaru could not determine who was in the right. Therefore, it was not Subaru who drew an end to that quarrel, but,

Crusch: [―—Wilhelm. And Ricardo-sama. Now is not the time for strife between allies. Not when so many civilian lives are exposed to danger.]

Wilhelm: [Crusch-sama…]

With a cool voice, filled with fortitude, Crusch scolded the two.

At the reproof of his master, Wilhelm bowed in shame, while Ricardo scratched his head bloody, folding his arms. In the meantime, considering options that would avoid internal strife,

Anastasia: [Okay, okay. Let’s make a decision.]

Clapping gently, Anastasia took the mirror and pointed at Subaru. Smiling at Subaru becoming timid, Anastasia fiddled with her fox scarf.

Anastasia: [First of all, I wanna bring up the raid on the City Hall proposed by Natsuki-kun. Me and Crusch-san’s faction support that. If we take the City Hall, we’ll also rescue people familiar with the city’s workings. And even if it isn’t retaken, the situation of the waterways could be improved a little bit, yeah? Although that might be just me and my wishful thinkin’.]

Subaru: [No, I’m thinking the same thing. Moreover, if the other side launches an attack first, our choices will be reduced. If we want to act, the sooner the better.]

Anastasia: […What’s this, ya really became reliable in this past year, no? In any case, it’s just as Natsuki-kun said. Thanks to the Conversation Mirror, we can have people cooperatin’ in three different places, and, fortunately, about seventy-percent of our total combat power can be dispatched right now. It’d be reasonable to say that an attack on the City Hall’d fare well, yeah?]

With Anastasia’s opinion, Subaru glanced at Garfiel and Ricardo.

In order to conquer the City Hall in one fell swoop, it would become necessary to send out a beefy number of powerful forces. A raid on the City Hall would entail deploying forces from this shelter―― Garfiel and Ricardo. Then, from other the shelter, Julius and Wilhelm would also join. If the members of the Iron Fang, as well as both Ton and Kan, and the numerous other adventurers staying in the city were added to their ranks, their combat effectiveness would be improved.

Subaru: [Honestly, if Reinhard were here, everything’d be just perfect… Could we get Ton and Kan to summon him?]

Julius: [It’s strange that we haven’t located him, is that what you’re thinking?]

Julius, in response to Subaru’s attempt to maximize their combat power, shifted his gaze towards the two thugs in the same shelter as him.

Julius: [Before entering the shelter, the two seemed to have fired magic into the sky as a signal. However, Reinhard, who should have appeared instantly, did not appear. And, this is not quite the pleasant thought, but…]

Subaru: [But what? Really, please stop doing this hesitation thing, I can’t take it anymore.]

Julius: [Then, I welcome you to feel the same trepidation that I do—— Felt-sama’s followers were separated from her and Reinhard just before all this happened. It seems that they were last seen speaking to a red-haired man.]

Subaru: [Red-haired man… you can’t mean that fucking bastard, right?]

Julius: [I can neither confirm nor deny this.]

Subaru gritted his teeth indignantly while listening Julius’s elegant answer.

If Subaru’s speculation were right, Felt and Reinhard had met Reinhard’s father, Heinkel―― what would the two have to talk about with that man?

And why were they still not taking action even now?

Subaru: [However, he showed up at Sirius’s speech in that previous loop… What’s the difference? Is it because of the broadcast? Has he taken action already?]

Subaru did not fully understand what the conditions were before and after that event. In any case, knowing that they could not count on Reinhard to show up was a cause for alarm.

Subaru’s shoulders dropped in contemplation. Meanwhile, Ferris had returned from the back of the shelter, his feminine costume stained with black blood and his face drenched in sweat.

Ferris: [Huu~. That took quite a while.]

Ricardo: [So, how’s Mimi’s condition? Is she fine? Did you save her?]

As Ferris wiped his forehead of sweat, Ricardo questioned breathlessly. And Garfiel, from behind him, also cast him a panicked gaze without standing up.

However, at the appeal in their eyes, Ferris shook his head ruthlessly.

Ferris: [I can’t say that I’ve saved her, but the wound isn’t getting worse. That’s all thanks to her brothers right nyow. By strengthening their link, she’s barely managing to hold on.]

Ricardo: [That’s their Divine Protection of Trisection, right? In that case, what’ll happen to the brothers?]

Ferris: [Their Divine Protection is mean to have three children share the burden of fatigue and injury. They’ve strengthened their bond, allowing the brothers to hold the burden of their seriously injured sister. In that case, although her life can be prolonged…]

Tivey: [——When nee-chan’s life is exhausted, we’ll die too, right?]

From the mirror, a pained high-pitched voice echoed forth.

Ricardo frowned and took the Conversation Mirror, which reflected Hetaro and Tivey, sitting side-by-side. The two brothers were also clutching their chests in pain.

Ricardo: [You guys are idiots. Really, just a group of hopeless idiots.]

Hetaro: […However, when I think that this is nee-chan’s pain, knowing that we are feeling the same pain together makes me a little happier.]

Tivey: [I’m not as strong as my brother. So, Captain. I believe that you’ll be able to do something for us soon. Because if I die, I’ll become a ghost and haunt you.]

Being assigned to aid with the injury their sister had sustained, the two brothers experienced the same serious injury. Seeing Hetaro and Tivey lying side-by-side in their shelter, Ricardo let out a deep breath and took his machete in hand. Then,

Ricardo: […In other words, we gotta move quickly, then. If we don’t, there’s no point.]

Ricardo whispered in a deep voice that emanated with his passionate feelings.

No one could stop him. No one could not comprehend his emotions.

Anastasia: [Send the Iron Fang out and have them clear the road ‘til the City Hall. Then we’ll have our best break into the buildin’ itself, and try to seize it in one fell swoop. The enemies are a huge man and a slender woman. And it’s correct to think that Lust’s gonna be there too.]

Subaru: [The elites here are Garfiel and Ricardo, and Wilhelm-san and Julius.]

Crusch: [——I’m going too.]

Those words came from Crusch, who had tied her hair into a ponytail.

She stood with sword in hand, having shed her dress, replacing it with clothes suited for battle.

Subaru: [Crusch-san, by saying you’ll go, you mean that you can fight?]

Crusch: [Although I am not as strong as I was before, I have had Wilhelm as a teacher. In addition, I can use Wind to augment my strikes. I am not intending to be a burden.]

Before losing her memory, Crusch’s power was enough that her presence had made a difference in the battle of the White Whale. However, the strength of the currently amnesiac Crusch was unknown to Subaru.

Honestly speaking, Subaru had thought that her newfound femininity meant that she had mostly lost her aptitude for battle.

Wilhelm: [Crusch-sama’s talent with the sword has not declined. That, I can guarantee.]

Wilhelm’s words wiped away the last of Subaru’s discomfort. The old swordsman nodded, gazing through the mirror towards his master’s side.

Wilhelm: [However, please be careful. I implore you, please place your safety first.]

Crusch: [It is the obligation of the nobility to bear the burden of war and to shed blood before the common person does. If innocent people weep, then I will shield them under my wing. I will fight, Wilhelm.]

Wilhelm: […Honestly. But it is because of that that I offer you my sword.]

Crusch spoke resolutely toward Wilhelm’s allegiance. Ferris raised his hand as he watched Wilhelm nod, the latter’s face full of admiration.

Ferris: [Yes! Yes! Ferri-chan too! If Crusch-sama will fight, then please let Ferri-chan accompany you! Please!]

Crusch: [Ferris has travelled between shelters to cast healing spells on those in need of treatment. I am glad that you feel that way, but do not mistake which battlefield you should be fighting on.]

Ferris: [Gah…]

Silenced in that manner, Ferris bowed his head, agonizing while searching for any retaliation. Unable to find one, he raised a white flag with a tearful expression.

Ferris: [Wil-jii. Definitely do a good job protecting Crusch-sama, okay? Absolutely absolutely.]

Wilhelm: [Mhm, I understand. Even if my own life is in danger, even if it burns out—— I will do so.]

That was Wilhelm’s answer to that trust, full of tragic determination.

Ricardo waved his sword gently, and Garfiel finished his own treatment and stood with his back leaning against the wall. Through the mirror, Wilhelm stood gallantly with sword at his waist, and Julius stood next to Crusch who had changed her clothes.

A total of five people, with the strength to strike at the City Hall. At Anastasia’s direction, the Iron Fang would restrain the Witch Cultists and pave the way.

The dawn of the decisive battle—— which would also include Natsuki Subaru.

Subaru: [Gah, ugh, ahh…!]

Ferris: [S-Su-Subaru-kyun! What are you doing!?]

Biting his molars to endure the pain in his right leg, Subaru finally climbed to his feet.

Ferris, flushed in fury, slapped Subaru upside the head, glaring at his leg, which was still missing skin and muscle.

Subaru: [Ferris, that hurt!]

Ferris: [Of course it did! I’ve obviously said that you absolutely need rest, but you keep being unreasonable! Subaru-kyun, have you been cursed to go against Ferri-chan’s diagnoses? Do you want your feet to rot off?]

Subaru: [Even if it rots and drops from my body, there are still things that I have to do. Ferris, you should understand my feelings. Do you think I can really stay here obediently and wait for results?]

Ferris: […Muu.]

Ferris raised a hand to his mouth as Subaru pressed on. Sending his companions to a place where survival was unlikely, then waiting for results—— Subaru could never endure such a thing. If he could come up with some clever idea and help someone by just standing by, how could he lie here?

Subaru: [You can fight like this, treating people. Well, I must fight too. Beatrice protected me, and Emilia’s still in danger because of Greed. In this state, you want me to retreat?]

Ferris: […Is that to say that you won’t regret losing your foot?]

Subaru: [Of course I’m bound to regret it. But I’d regret not fighting more.]

Ferris: [Heh… Then, Subaru-kyun also wants to play a cool role.]

With an exhausted expression and a sigh, Ferris held a hand to his forehead. After that, he violently flicked his finger on Subaru’s forehead, causing him to lean back, and Ferris pressed his hand to the wound on Subaru’s right leg.

Ferris: [What I’ll be doing now is giving you a bit of solace!]

Subaru: [Solace is… Ah, wait a minute, Ferris-san. The injury kinda hurts, so rubbing back and forth like that… It doesn’t hurt…?]

His hands on the wound, Ferris ravaged Subaru’s leg—— was what should have happened, but, instead, a faint light shone from the injury, ending the pain which had been piercing through it like a sharp blade.

Subaru, shocked at the effects of that magic, looked Ferris in the face. Then,

Ferris: [You look murderous!?]

Subaru: [No, no! Although, if you have such convenient magic, don’t be so reluctant to give it sooner! This is great, I can move!]

In front of Ferris, Subaru jumped lightly with his right leg as Ferris’s sharp tongue took a jab at him. While enjoying the joy of his new freedom of motion, he began to dance in place. Pain was no longer a problem.

His palm hit the wound with a smack as he celebrated the amazing change. Then, Subaru looked down, feeling something sticky and wet. His hand were covered in bright red. The wound on his right foot had ruptured.

Subaru: [Hey, hey, hey!? Didn’t you heal it!?]

Ferris: [I nyever said I healed it. I just asked if you’d regret it if you lost your leg. Ferri-chan just removed the touch sensation of your right leg. As long as you’re careful running around, you can keep your leg.]

Subaru’s bleeding legs shook as Ferris re-bandaged the wound and cast fresh spells. The blood stopped; however, Subaru felt even more uncomfortable, realizing that he couldn’t feel anything from his leg. It was similar to anesthesia, but he did not feel quite as sluggish. Aside from not being able to feel touch, his right leg’s actions were almost normal.

However, pain itself was also a limiter to avoid destroying one’s own body. For the sake of convenience, those sensations had been revoked.

Ferris: [Of course, I’m doing this reluctantly. When we meet back up, there’ll definitely be some residual effects. If you wanna keep them at a minimum, be careful!]

Subaru: […Understood. You’ve been a great help, I’m grateful.]

Ferris: […Subaru-kyun is absolutely, certainly planning to ignore Ferri-chan’s words.]

Ferris sighed and turned away from Subaru, who nodded and reexamined his leg. Although he would like to say something like “I’d never do such a thing”, if the situation arose, he could not promise that he would comply with Ferris. Unable to make any promises, Subaru could only thank him once more before rushed to Garfiel and Ricardo.

Subaru: [Right, I’m coming too. It’s useless to try to stop me. I don’t think I’ll be too much help in combat, but there must be something I can do…]

Ricardo: [Why’d I stop you? You’ll bring wit’cha the strength of a hundred men. I’ll be counting on ya.]

Subaru: [I can do things like―― huh?]

Although he had been waiting for a rejection, he had been eagerly welcomed into the party. Subaru wondered what in the world was happening as the beastman Ricardo opened his mouth.

Ricardo: [The White Whale, and Sloth too. Both times, I saw yer courage for myself, bro. You’d be wrong if ya think only Wilhelm sees yer value. I also see someone worthy of praise.]

Subaru: [Really, truly? Feels weird…]

Inspired by Ricardo’s words, Subaru’s self-invitation was gone without any problem.

Before leaving the shelter, Subaru approached Beatrice’s bedside and gently touched the forehead of the girl who slept quietly.

Subaru: [Beatrice, I’ll be going out. I messed up and left you like this, so now it’s my turn to work hard. I’ll take care of those guys and get Emilia back. You just stay here and rest well.]

Beatrice: [————]

Silence. Comforted by her peaceful breathing, Subaru stood up.

Meanwhile, Garfiel and Ricardo spoke to Mimi, who looked miserable as she lay unconscious. Although she also gave no response, the two men showed an opposite expression, showing strong determination.

Subaru: [We’ll leave the shelter and join up at the large waterway leading to the City Hall—— So, everyone, be careful.]

Before their departure, everyone exchanged glances, determination fueled by their respective oaths, fierce momentum propelling them onward.

The war to regain Pristella would commence with a raid on the City Hall.

The two swordsmen in their way, and the Sin Archbishop of Lust. Inscribing those targets in their minds, the soldiers marched toward the battlefield.

32 thoughts on “Arc 5, Chapter 32 – “The City Hall Raider’s Conference””

    1. That’d be too sad. Then again, hopefully when he certainly dies again, he will wake up in the plaza. ;-; Not in the shelter. Hopefully.

  1. It makes me happy seeing how much Subaru has changed. Even though all of this is happening, he didn’t try killing him self like when he did when he found out about Rem, which shows how he’s distanced him self from Return by Death and only intends to use it if he absolutely has to.

    1. For real, character development like this is what make reading amazing series like this all the more worth it.

    2. It’s funny that I was thinking that ” why don’t you just kill yourself?” When things went awry.

      1. He basically swore off killing himself intentionally to Satella, so basically the only reason he’d do it at this point is if he actually witnessed someone he wants to save die. He runs the risk of screwing up and getting a fucked-up reset point, but he’s resolved to see things through as long as there’s still a chance everyone is alive.

  2. That woman is very precious to wilhelm and is involved with the death god? It couldn’t be could it?..

    1. Of course it is.. for one, spoiler warning, but the Six armed Asura who beat up Garfiel was of an extinct race.

  3. Glad to see this chapter’s translation was miles better than the previous one.

    On another note, the wound Wilhelm discussed with Subaru at the beginning of Arc 4 is being brought back into the conversation. Exciting to see its implications.

  4. thing are intense and still subaru take his legs condition too lightly i admire his determination but in reality its just absurd.

    1. Well Subary’s the one with most expirenece in Archbishop of Sins related stuff, as he is now have the sin of Sloth, he was implimeted to be Pride (many people call him arrogant, prideful, all those stuff). Also also, he witnessed first handed Sirius and Regulus prowess, so risking a foot to make actual progression and have a chance to eliminate the Sin Archbishops definitely worth the risk.

      On side note, didnt Geuse from 100 yrs ago head of the Pacifist faction? As the Extremist and Pacifist “co-existed” 100 yrs ago, there power balance shouldnt not be too one sided, or else the Pacifist faction would have been annihilated even long since. Pride is empty, and while we though Envy is empty as they worship Witch of Envy, in actuallity only Petelgeuse “love” Envy witch, while Regulus doesnt seem to give a crap and Sirius hate Envy witch from the bones, Gluto and Lust motive are currently unknown, but the Witch cult is under Pandora leadership, maybe there is an Envy Archbishop and they are the last Pacifist faction member (thus outnumbered 5 to 1, as Geuse lost his mind and become an Extremist under Pandora influence).

      Geuse explicitly said he was from Pacifist Faction, so my guess 100yrs ago the power balance was somewhat atleast equal, 3v3, but Pandor became active and fuck shits up, making the Extremist gaining the uppergand, and perhaps brainwashed some member of the Pacifist faction/killed them and the new Archbishop are extremist under her wing. Idk, but an Archbishop of Sin being an ally and mentoring/give us insight about the Witch cult could be interesting

    1. That would be great, I mean he wouldn’t have to worry about Emilia being kidnapped and Beatrice being unconscious. But I doubt that will be the case, plus this loop no one actually died which would be difficult to recreate if he returns to the park.

      1. The park starting point takes place after Garfiel already had those interactions. It starts right around when he and Mimi were leaving the rooftop they slept on.

    1. Wilhelm have yet to say his final goodbye to his wife, as his regrets that he was not present at her final moments, So it would be great to see him meet his wife to say his final parting words.

      We all know the Author, as he is very capable guy, will surely make us cry.

    2. Yeah it would, wouldn’t it? Much like changing Garfiel’s backstory to have his mother be alive for no reason, which happened…two chapters ago? Author’s quality is rapidly jumping off a fucking cliff

    3. Yes…



      On side note:
      Seriously do know.. which author we are talking about right?.

      It is bounded by fate to be good and besides even if they do bring her back,
      I doubt that she would become a permanent charecter so,don’t worry

  5. i swear to god, i was sure Ferris was about to cut Subaru’s foot when he said giving him solace

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