Arc 7, Chapter 100 – “A Myriad of Changes at the Bastions”


Machine Translated By:

  • Bruhseph
  • DatShazam
  • Goldkills
  • Kroatoan
  • Rhymar
  • Kiln

Proofread By:

  • AlphardHydra
  • Cirdan Lunae
  • Blade

Japanese to English Checking By:

  • Senkel
  • Garcar
  • GPMS

Art Sources:

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This an edited Machine Translation, which has been checked by at least one Japanese-English Human Translator for quality using feedback from the machine translators and proofreaders. This may have a quality dip in accuracy, therefore, if you read this chapter you must take into consideration the tradeoffs between speed and quality.

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――The Cloud Dragon Mezoreia’s senility.

The startling revelation of the truth drove Emilia into a tremendously difficult corner.

Emilia: [I didn’t have to beat Volcanica at the time, all I had to do was do my best and complete the Trial, but…]

Her encounter with the Divine Dragon Volcanica on the highest floor of Pleiades Watchtower had concluded once she touched a stone monument at a peak even further above the Tower’s peak.

As for Emilia, she was still unsure as to whether she had properly resolved Volcanica’s Trial; however, the ancient Dragon had presented one of its claws as proof of the denouement to Emilia.

So, for now she considered this a symbol of approval.

However, her fight with Volcanica had fundamentally been a defensive one, as she’d had no intention of beating him, so it had been no battle at all.

And this situation was the same, even if the opponent had changed from the Divine Dragon to the Cloud Dragon.

If anything――,

Emilia: [I’ve got no other choice but to beat it, but Mezoreia has lost―― Ah!]

As she was saying this, Emilia sprung from her spot and closed in on the Dragon that was airborne.

Shaking its long whiskers, without anything being displayed, reflected in its eyes, the Dragon mercilessly slashed its claws at the puny existence flying towards it.

It was a simple attack, but just one strike would be more than enough to kill someone were it to connect.

The Dragon’s claws were much sharper than any run-of-the-mill sword, able to cleave Emilia’s body in twain with ease.

Emilia: [Soldiers!]

However, Emilia was able to avoid this attack by jumping even further into the sky.

The midair foothold that Emilia had made use of had been provided by an Ice Soldier who’d leaped alongside her, then putting up both of its arms for Emilia to bounce off.

Naturally, the Ice Soldier had been incapable of escaping in time, thus falling prey to the Dragon’s claws, which smashed it to pieces. 

Emilia: [Eiya!!]

Keeping this sacrifice in her heart, Emilia’s long legs kicked Mezoreia in the face.

The leg Emilia had utilized to deliver this kick had been equipped with footwear made of ice, donning an enlarged spike with extreme sharpness, making it an awfully lethal weapon.

Since Emilia had used her foot, she did not pull any punches with this merciless kick―― so an absurdly brutal blow slammed into the side of Mezoreia’s defenseless head.


Emilia: [It’s not working at all!]

Mezoreia’s huge body did not budge an inch from getting kicked in the face.

However, it appeared to be irritated. Feeling hostility on her skin, Emilia greatly swung her upper body to do a midair flip, using another Ice Soldier to dodge the incoming thrust from the Dragon.

Lagging behind the one that had been shattered, another Ice Soldier had leapt even further up and stretched out both of its legs from above. Aligning both their soles, Emilia launched herself off of them towards the ground below.

While the sound of shattering ice resounded in her eardrums, Emilia landed atop the white ground on her hands, then looked up towards the majestic cloud-wreathed Dragon calmly floating in the air.

Mezoreia: [――I, am Mezoreia. In accordance with the voice of mine dear child, I shalt become the wind from the heavenly skies.]

Emilia: [Geez… Even after all of that…!]

Even after being kicked in the face and smashing apart two Ice Soldiers with its claws, Mezoreia’s words and demeanor did not change at all compared to when it had first descended upon the battlefield.

Emilia: [――――]

It certainly did consider Emilia an enemy.

It was precisely for this reason that it was brandishing its claws towards Emilia as she made her approach, all the while it flapped its wings and turned its unfocused white eyes towards her.

But she just could not initiate a conversation. Just like with Volcanica, it was incredibly difficult to find common ground.

The only potential clue was, possibly――,

Emilia: [――Madelyn! Just listen to me!]

Madelyn: [Shut the frig’ up! Don’t friggin’ address this dragon so casually!!] 

Emilia’s last ray of hope faded into the distance as her outstretched hand was violently shaken off.

Even though Madelyn had lost the Flying Winged Blade she was able to wield with remarkable skill, Emilia’s silver hair was still disheveled as she leapt away in evasion. A small shadow followed right behind her―― that of Madelyn Eschart, who let out a white exhale as her golden eyes were set ablaze, the ground cracking with every step she took as she brandished her arms that wrought destruction.

Narrowly avoiding it, Emilia bit down on her molars.

The tactic of rapidly lowering the temperature had served its purpose of keeping the rampaging Madelyn and Mezoreia away from the others on the battlefield, but it was difficult to push it any further.

Madelyn: [Human, human, human…!!]

A wicked glint in her eyes, Madelyn’s petite body was cloaked in white steam. It felt like she was matching the cloud-wreathed Mezoreia, but there was a difference.

Madelyn’s body temperature was so absurdly high that every single snowflake evaporated upon coming into contact with her―― no, that happened before they could even reach her.

The same thing was also happening around Mezoreia, the “Puck Copycat” tactic was not really effective on these two.

That being the case――,

Emilia: [Icicle Line――!]

With the ice wall separating the battlefields still in place, Emilia changed the flow of cold air. Aborting an ineffective strategy to preserve her strength, was not what she was doing.

As she had covered too large of an area, it had not had the desired effect on Mezoreia and Madelyn, and so.

Emilia: [How about all this cold!]

Drawing invisible white lines around Madelyn approaching her directly, Emilia concentrated the cold air permeating the battlefield around the second bastion into a single spot.

Wrapping around Madelyn’s small body was not just any ordinary cold, it was a truly extreme cold, one that changed steam into snow, causing the dragonkin’s body temperature to plummet below freezing temperature instantly.

Madelyn: [――Guh!?]

Even Madelyn had her whole body frozen still by this unforeseeably extreme cold.

Madelyn’s eyes widened as her vision whited out; however, Emilia threw away her last bit of pity and focused on pouring all her power into temporarily freezing her solid.

Emilia: [Please…!]

Directing all of her power towards freezing Madelyn, Emilia seemed to harbor prayers in regards to Mezoreia’s actions.

The participation of the cloud-wreathed Cloud Dragon in the melee would force Emilia to halt her attack prematurely. However, in the corner of her field of view, she saw Mezoreia floating in the sky with an empty expression and no indication of wanting to interfere with Madelyn’s predicament.

Emilia: [Weird, but――]

In this situation, Mezoreia staying still helped her out a lot.

When Mezoreia had made its appearance from the sky, being summoned by Madelyn’s voice, Emilia’s realization had been that she had been cornered into an even more hopeless situation. 

However, by the looks of it, Madelyn and Mezoreia were not cooperating at all, continuously switching between one of them attacking on their own and the other standing idly by.

From Emilia’s perspective, it was pretty much a one-on-one in which the opponents would tag-in and tag-out.

Of course, Emilia’s stamina was still slowly being whittled away, and she could not think of Madelyn, nor of Mezoreia, as opponents that she could easily take down in a one-on-one fight.


Madelyn: [Y… ou…!]

Emilia: [Sorry, Madelyn. I think it would’ve been better if I could’ve had a proper chat with you. But, since you refuse to listen, I’m going to need you to be obedient now!]

Madelyn: [Guh――!]

Madelyn’s whole body violently creaked, and she flashed her sharp fangs as her eyes blazed.

However, once the inner part of her body had been chilled to the very core of its core, even the extremely stout and vigorous dragonkin was unable to avoid having her freedom snatched away.

Madelyn: [――――]

Her blood and flesh, her bones and skin, all of it was frozen white, and Madelyn was imprisoned in ice by Emilia.

It had concluded just before Madelyn’s hand, which she had suddenly stretched out, could reach Emilia’s chest. With her hands still pointed at Madelyn, Emilia looked at the immobile girl and let out a long exhale.

Emilia: [That… was a close one…]

Patting her chest in relief, Emilia lowered her eyebrows at the young girl that had been colored white.

She did not feel delighted nor regretful for having won or lost. Above all else, this did not mark the end quite yet. 

Emilia: [Mezoreia! You may not understand what I’m saying, but you need to stop fighting! If you really can’t communicate no matter what, then go home for today!]

Emilia had considered the possibility that Mezoreia would become incredibly angry the moment she defeated Madelyn, so she was slightly relieved to see that Mezoreia had not made any movement. However, unable to let that relief slip through to her expression, Emilia glared at Mezoreia with a sharp look on her face.

She was trying to act like she still had plenty of strength left in her.

However, the truth was that Emilia did not have much strength remaining, in actual fact.

Although she had succeeded in freezing Madelyn in ice, she would need to keep Madelyn chilled in order to maintain her in that frozen state. That, too, required the continued use of energy.

Hence, even though she had stopped Madelyn, it would be very difficult to fight Mezoreia.

If possible, the best thing Mezoreia could do would be to turn back from here. 

That was why――,

Emilia: [In the case that you still want to keep going, then I also have a plan.]

With a sharp glare in her eyes, Emilia declared such to Mezoreia. ――A lie, it was.

Even though she had stated it with immense confidence, her glare set on Mezoreia, it was an outright lie that Emilia had any kind of plan. She thought that if she insisted, perhaps Mezoreia would think Emilia was dangerous and run away.

It was a bluff, something that seldom came from Emilia, and one that followed Subaru’s and Otto’s examples.

Mezoreia: [――I, am Mezoreia. In accordance with the voice of mine dear child, I shalt become the wind from the heavenly skies.]

A bluff to which, a deep, low voice from Mezoreia’s mouth replied so.

Emilia became disheartened by Mezoreia’s undecipherable behavior, as it was unclear whether or not it could see what was before its eyes, but she was determined not to be defeated and did not decrease the severity of her gaze.

And then――,

Mezoreia: [――I, am Mezoreia. In accordance with the voice of mine…]

Emilia: […Huh?]

Mezoreia: [In accordance… with the voice… the voice of… mine dear child…]

Mezoreia’s words, which it had repeated over and over and over again no matter what she herself spoke, were cut off halfway through, immediately began to falter, and did not continue after. 

It was not just that. Mezoreia, who had been staying peacefully within the snowy sky, frowned somewhat painfully, its large head starting to sway from side-to-side.

Emilia: [What’s wrong all of a sudden? Does your head hurt?]

Seeing the changes born in Mezoreia, Emilia’s amethyst eyes widened in surprise.

It would only be natural that Mezoreia would lash out in anger after Madelyn had been encased in ice. It would be very troubling were it to do just that, but that would be easier to accept than this kind of weird reaction.

Overhead, with those worries in Emilia’s mind, Mezoreia’s movements came to an abrupt halt.

Mezoreia: [――――]

The Dragon, which had been shaking its head in pain, suddenly looked down with a serene expression. Met with the gaze of those white eyes, on a face that had grown out a long beard, Emilia let out a short “Ah”.

Now, for the first time, she felt as if she had been “seen” by Mezoreia’s eyes.

In other words, it was a sign of will and intelligence dwelling within Mezoreia’s eyes――,

Emilia: [Finally, we can talk――]

Mezoreia: [I do believe I told you, human.]

Emilia: [Huh?]

With a low voice, resounding as if the sky had roared, the Dragon turned its head to face Emilia. She was pierced by its gaze, however, Emilia’s body stiffened because of a different shock.

She had been gazed upon by something mightier than herself; that was not what had surprised her. 

The reason was because the violent emotion in its voice was just like the one that had just been directed at her just a few moments before―― No, because it was exactly the same.

Indeed, as if to confirm the stiffened Emilia’s surprise, the Dragon continued.

Mezoreia: [This dragon doesn’t friggin’ have anything to say to you.]

Emilia: [Madel――]

Upon seeing something unbelievable, Emilia involuntarily ceased her movement. 

Turning towards Emilia, the Dragon opened its mouth. Then, it simply exhaled. ――That breath became a white light, and the true essence of the Cloud Dragon filled the world. 

The dreadfulness of when a definite will dwelled within the Dragon’s power rained mercilessly down upon Emilia.


The influence of the battalion intervening from the west had spread across every corner of the battlefield.

Of course, the ones most affected by this battalion were those of the garrison at the fourth bastion, which was brought to the brink of collapse after suffering unparalleled damage in one fell swoop.

However, even if it had not been affected directly, it could be said that the third bastion was influenced the most by the changes the Pleiades Battalion had had on the state of the battle.

Originally, the soldiers sent to the third bastion with the purpose of nullifying one of the trump cards of the Imperial Capital Lupugana, the Magic Crystal Cannon, had supposedly been forsaken.

Zikr, having been told of the plan by Abel, had been prepared to sacrifice himself. Thanks to his maneuvering, some of his forces―― the People of Shudraq, had escaped the Magic Crystal Cannon’s line of fire, a minor deviation when compared to the damage that was supposed to have been dealt to the third bastion.

In any case, at this point in time, the expectation was that the forces at the third bastion would have been lost.

Once they had not been lost, remaining in the field, Abel’s initial calculations, which had been based on the premise that the rebels would suffer a painful defeat, had been thwarted. However, there should be nothing wrong with those forces surviving. Immediately correcting the miscalculation, Abel adjusted the original strategy to the current situation. 

As a result――,

Zikr: [――That is High Countess Serena Dracroy’s Flying Dragon Squadron.]

Amidst the battle with the stone golems, the sword-wielding Zikr whispered this while on his beloved horse, Leidy.

His round eyes turned towards the azure sky, half-deprived of its color to tonalities of white and red―― flying above the various battlefields, winged brethren clashed, turning their fangs onto each other.

On one side was a flock of natural-born flying dragons rampaging as per the orders of the Flying Dragon General, Madelyn Eschart, their untamed ferocity unleashed.

Pitted against them was a squadron of flying dragons carrying their partners, the flying dragon riders, on their winged backs, their blades of ferocity in their trusty sheaths.

The wild, unmanned flying dragons clearly outnumbered the flying dragon riders, but anyone would agree that the latter were far more skillful in aerial combat.

While the wild flying dragons were overflowing with ferocity, swinging their claws and fangs with violence, the skills of the flying dragon riders were far more splendid and refined in comparison. Avoiding the fangs with dexterous moves that completely disregarded their airborne state, the flying dragon riders employed their weapons to pierce the wings of the wild flying dragons, felling them one after another.

Zikr: [What a staggering difference…]

Only Zikr, who was acquainted with the flying dragon riders’ General as a General Second-Class of the Empire, could tell which of them was hopelessly outclassed. The wild flock of flying dragons being led by Madelyn.

Nonetheless, the violence of numbers was difficult to handle, and the fact that the fortified city had been completely overwhelmed by their sheer numbers was a deep thorn in his heart. This perception was about to be overturned once again.

For better or worse, he was about to witness the true strength of Flying Dragon Taming, a tradition of the Empire, with his own eyes.

Zikr: [I must push onward, to inform His Excellency about the success of his plan.]

As Abel played his card, the Flying Dragon Squadron of High Countess Dracroy, the air supremacy of the flying dragon flock was diminished, allowing Zikr to ascertain his surroundings.

Although he had charged at the front for the sake of the troop morale, Zikr was by no means competent as a fighter during live combat. He would instead order timely formation instructions and advance further into the heart of the enemy lines.

He would advance further towards General First-Class Moguro Hagane, who had assimilated with the castle wall, a threat which had all but abated thus far.

Zikr: [I pray Miss Beatrice is safe…]

And so, as Zikr raised his sword, a corner of his mind was occupied with the girl with pale-colored hair wearing a gorgeous dress―― the all-but-certain savior of his life, Beatrice.

The moment the Magic Crystal Cannon had been unleashed, as Zikr was prepared to face death, he saw the figure of a girl throwing herself in front of the incoming light to repel it somehow.

Beatrice was small to begin with, but high up in the sky she appeared to be the size of a pebble. Still, Zikr was convinced that that had indubitably been Beatrice.

To never mistake a woman he had once beheld with his eyes, that was Zikr’s special skill.

Therefore, Zikr was able to say with definite certainty that the one who had been able to deal with the Magic Crystal Cannon’s shot had been Beatrice.

The problem was, that he too was certain that no one could accomplish such a feat without a cost.

Zikr: [Please, be unharmed――!!]

He would wholeheartedly raise his voice for Beatrice to be awarded with the greatest medal of honor for rewriting this predicament, but above anything else, he wished for her to be safe and secure.

But Zikr, who had avoided certain death in the middle of the battle, had a role to play as a General.

So all Zikr could do was pray.

――That the entirety of his remaining fortune may fall to that girl.

Meanwhile, much like Zikr, who was praying for the safety of the one who had just contributed so much on the front line, Taritta had witnessed the moment the Magic Crystal Cannon had unnaturally vanished, and just who had accomplished it.

Taritta: [I was told to back off, but luckily I had a clear view of the battlefield…]

The rebels had been hit hard, but had managed to get back on their feet. Zikr, who had been about to launch an assault with them, had ordered the People of Shudraq to provide cover from the rear.

The decision to not include the Shudraq in the general strike, to which Mizelda had obviously raised a complaint, had been accepted by Taritta, since Zikr of all people would have thought this order through.

As for that, however, there was no way――,

???: [There’s no way that only we are unable to help in any way. We Shudraq are being looked down upon.]

Taritta: [Sister…]

Looking back on what had happened, Mizelda had every right to voice her anger.

The Crystal Palace in the Imperial Capital was originally the castle where Abel lived. It was hard to believe that Abel did not know about the Magic Crystal Cannon, and Zikr’s unnatural instructions were also difficult to take in.

Perhaps it had been Zikr’s own judgement to have the Shudraqians stand down.

Zikr had been ready to become a sacrificial pawn, and the Shudraqians had been prevented from following suit―― Mizelda had stated they were being looked down upon, but that probably was not entirely true.

It had been Zikr’s decision, born of compassion.


Taritta: [――I too, feel the same way as you, Sister. I’m not happy with Zikr’s concern.] 

Taritta came to the same conclusion as the belligerent Mizelda.

Known as the Womanizer, Zikr knew how to treat women with more than just a certain amount of respect, and neither Taritta nor anyone else had any right to say anything about how he should behave.

However, neither Taritta nor anyone else from the People of Shudraq had any obligation to let anyone dictate their ways.

So, Taritta gripped her bow with force, then declaring,

Taritta: [Let’s take that complaint directly to Zikr.]

Mizelda: [Hm, a good response. At this rate, Zikr and Jamal will take all the good stuff from us. ――You hear that, brethren!!]

Mizelda, dexterously thrusting her prosthetic leg into the earth and raising a large machete, called out to her compatriots.

All of the arrayed Shudraq responded to Mizelda’s words and Taritta’s readiness with their eyes, faces, and voices, as if they were of the same mind.

Then, with great enthusiasm, they headed towards the front line of the third bastion protected by Moguro Hagane. Just as the Shudraq’s group was about to march on――,

???: [――Seems like there’s quite the motivated group here.]

Hearing a cold, dry voice, Taritta and Mizelda turned around.

Taritta instantly grabbed an arrow from her quiver, nocking her bow, and lowered herself to a ready stance. The appearance of the other party had been so abrupt that it made the People of Shudraq raise their vigilance.

However, the caution of Taritta and the others quickly melted at the sight of the other person’s appearance.

Slowly stepping on the grass, approaching from the rear of the People of Shudraq’s party, was a girl with pink-colored hair swaying in the wind―― and above all else, a girl with a familiar face.

――No, that was not accurate either, the reason being that the girl before them was a person different from the one bearing the face that Taritta and the others knew.

???: [――? For some reason, you people are staring at me with complete wonder. Is it because I appeared out of thin air? In that case, the answer to that mystery is, I jumped off of a flying dragon.]

Taritta: [N-no. That’s not what we’re surprised about.]

???: [If so, then out with it.]

Mizelda: [――Your face looks exactly like that of a girl we know.]

The pink-haired girl tilted her head at the Shudraq’s gaze. Once Mizelda answered the girl’s question, she took a light glance at the girl’s light-crimson eyes.

Then, with a short breath the girl let out an “Is that so”,

???: [Did you get along well with that girl bearing the same face as I?]

Mizelda: [At least, we were rather fond of her.]

With a stern nod, Mizelda answered the question of the girl with light-crimson eyes.

It was perhaps a statement made on behalf of all of them, but Taritta had no objection to it. And all of Shudraqians had an inkling of the identity of the girl in front of them.

Natsuki Subaru had once mentioned it. ――He had stated that the girl had a twin sister.

The twin sister donning a face identical to that of the girl Taritta and her group were acquainted muttered an “Is that so” once more, and then,

???: [In that case, Ram is sure she and you guys will get along just fine.]

While stating that, the girl―― Ram stepped forward as if the way had been cleared for her, standing before Taritta and Mizelda like it was a matter of course.

As she gazed into those light-crimson eyes, Taritta nodded.

Taritta: [Yes, I hope so. What’s the situation?]

Ram: [Ram has gotten the gist of it. I assume that there aren’t any cowardly women here right now, am I correct?]

Looking around at the faces of the Shudraq, Ram quietly spoke.

She was able to see through the reason why the People of Shudraq were positioning themselves so far away from the battle for the third bastion occurring right in front of them.

After seeing through it, and acknowledging the thoughtfulness of the matter, she spoke,

Ram: [Men say things like “I’m worried about yooou~” and “You’d better stay baaack~”, but Ram would rather prove them wrong. ――And tell them to mind their own business.]

Taritta: [I agree.]

Stating that, standing beside Ram, who was holding a wand, Taritta repeatedly nodded silently.

Compassion, care, and concern on the battlefield were not welcomed by the Shudraq. Rather, these ways they had once discarded had to be taught to them.

With Ram feeling a certain realization, she faced forward with Taritta following suit. Then Mizelda lined up across from Ram, bearing a wild smile on her face.


Taritta: [I’ve never met you before, but I’m convinced. ――You, just like Rem, are a warrior.]


With a thud, there came a shock that resonated to his very core, as if his internal organs had taken a hit from a heavy weight.

Those out-of-the-ordinary sensations continued once, twice, thrice, four times, while the strain seemingly increased.

As the feeling of shackles around his hands and feet impeded his movements, one after another, he gave in to his violent urges to shake them off and step over them.


???: [Your approach’s too straightforward. Kafma might let’cha get away with this, but I ain’t gonna head into a fight with an opponent all haphazardly from the outset.]

???: [Kah.]

With five fingers of his outstretched, the old man’s face sank into the ground and disappeared, leaving behind his ridicule.

Immediately after looking him in the eye, he recalled the signs happening behind himself, and launched a backhand, splendidly so. From the tremendous response he felt, his opponent’s spine had been shattered, but the rebound he had sensed told him that he had hit something that was not the old man.

Looking at it, it appeared to be one of the corpses on the battlefield, which the old man had flung out from the sunken ground. By the time he realized that he had been successfully duped, it was already too late.

???: [Lookie here, you’re gettin’ caught again.]

The body flung over the backhand, and his shoulder was struck from behind. In other words, the Vicious Old Man―― Olbart had not moved from the ground he had dived into, but simply leapt to another location.

The small old man, having only casually touched his shoulder, escaped backwards while showing off his fine set of teeth.

He had merely touched him. He had neither struck nor slashed him. Was he just playing around? Or was he insulting him? ――No, Olbart never did things without meaning. There was always a meaning, a meaning, a meaning――.

???: [――Huuh!?]

The moment his thoughts turned red-hot, an even greater heat arose on his right shoulder, where he had been touched.

Taking a glance, Olbart’s handprint stood out, having been stamped in red upon his shoulder. From the handprint blood seeped and smoke was emitted, as it attempted to burn skin, flesh, and bone.

Immediately after determining it to be poison, there was no hesitation.

Garfiel opened his mouth wide to bite off the shoulder on which the red handprint had been imprinted, tearing off the poison eating away at him. The taste of his own poisoned flesh and blood was terrible, as the bones his fangs grazed brought him unbearable pain.

However, the pain was only momentary. The deep gouge that was the shoulder wound emitted steam originating from blood, as the wound was restored by a tremendous surge of flesh――.

Olbart: [That might be the best move, but ya sure are a reckless’un.]

Garfiel, breathing heavily, was then struck square on the nose by a kick from Olbart.

His head snapped back from the astonishingly powerful kick of the puny-looking old man, his nose was broken, and Garfiel was blown off his feet. With that, he tumbled and flipped across the rough ground, then coming to lie with his whole body stretched out, spread-eagled.

Were it not for Garfiel’s sturdy neck, the kick would have detached his head and sent it flying.

However, his head and torso had remained connected. Slowly lifting his hand, he placed it on his broken nose, and with one breath, he put it back in place. A harsh sound echoed, and the flow of his nosebleed ameliorated.

Olbart: […Geez, bein’ hard ta kill’s a weapon in its own right. Not in the sentimental sense, but in the physical sense. You’re too much trouble, y’know?]

Looking at the painful sight, Olbart sighed in exasperation.

Just how many times had this Vicious Old Man, who was waving his left hand in the air, attacked Garfiel with such relentlessness?

At the very least, the Vicious Old Man could not count them with the fingers on his only remaining arm.

Garfiel: [――Shut the fuck up, old man. This ain’t over!]

With blood-colored mist emanating from his shoulder with intensity, Garfiel slowly rose to his feet.

Bearing countless scars on his bare upper body, with the aftermath of his fierce battle with Kafma Irulux still fresh in his mind, he clashed with one of the strongest in the Empire, yet his fighting spirit still remained unwavering.

Even by the standards of the Empire, many soldiers would recognize his bravery as impressive and admirable, but unfortunately, he was facing a monstruous old man, a person who cared not for the values of a warrior in the slightest.

Shrugging, Olbart looked at him with an expression devoid of any admiration whatsoever.

Olbart: [I can’t hassle myself too much with’cha alone, can I? For some reason, the walls I’ve been slippin’ thro’ve got more of a weird smell ta them. There are some troublesome people out there, so things might get problematic if I don’t head back, y’know?]

Garfiel: [Some troublesome people…?]

Olbart: [Ya can probably hear ’em if ya prick up yer ears. Don’t tell me ya can’t hear better than an old geezer like me?]

As Olbart cupped his hand to his ear, Garfiel realized it himself as he narrowed his vision. Vexing as it was, once he did take a careful listen, he understood what Olbart was talking about.

Indeed, he was able to feel the sound of many, many extraordinarily powerful footsteps were shaking the earth, sensing the very atmosphere of this battlefield in his eardrums and on the soles of his feet as well.

Olbart: [Nah, ya can’t be for real. How brave do ya gotta be ta leave yerself defenseless in front of me?]

A moment later, explosives thrown by Olbart during this gap in attention exploded to the left and to the right of Garfiel’s head.

A thunderous boom and red light spread alongside searing heat, exhibiting power that would easily reduce a human being to dust, and Garfiel’s figure disappeared in the resulting blast of flame.

Olbart: [Well, that’s a tad――]

And, right after Olbart focused his eyes into the flames raging on.

Garfiel: [GAHHHHHHHH!!]

The moment Garfiel had been swallowed by the explosion, he had rushed towards Olbart shouting, using the flames as a distraction.

He had supposed that Olbart would make a move were he to show an opening. He did not know what exactly he had been plotting, but he gambled successfully.

Garfiel’s arms closed in on Olbart, who had been blinded by his own attack, and――,

Olbart: [So green ya are, young fella.]

His outstretched arms were crushed, and opening his eyes in surprise, Garfiel took an upwards punt to the jaw. As his face rose in height, Olbart leaped, stamping a foot of his on Garfiel’s face.

On one leg, Olbart stood on Garfiel’s face on one leg as the latter looked upwards, and in that position, the evil old man looked off into the distance, as if to tease the boy.

Olbart: [The troops Kafma pulled back’ll be enough ta defend this place… No one’s gonna get outta here without’cha.]

With this deliberate statement, Olbart declared his intent to no longer continue this battle.

With bloodshot eyes, Garfiel raised his arms despite his elbows being broken, attempting to crush Olbart’s miniscule frame atop his face. But Olbart jumped just in time to avoid both arms; during his flip, the right sleeve of the monstruous elder fluttered in the wind.

Olbart: [I do suppose you’ll die if yer head’s blown off, won’t’cha?]

Following this cold death sentence, Garfiel felt the sensation of a drawn blade running down his spine, so he put all his strength into his neck muscles, and attempted to leap away from his spot――,

???: [――The chest.]

The next moment, guided by the voice he heard, he unconsciously brought his fists together in front of his chest.

“Ugh”, a hoarse voice faintly groaned, followed by a series of violent noises ringing out, noises of steel being shattered.

What his fists had shattered, having been knocked against each other in front of his chest, was a blade that had been thrust―― in front of Garfiel, was Olbart, having lunged as to pierce his opponent’s heart with a concealed blade that took the place of the right arm he had lost.

With the tip of the blade shallowly buried in his chest, Garfiel’s body stepped towards the back.

Had he been even slightly slower to react, Garfiel’s heart would have been carved open, undoubtedly taking his life. No matter how powerful his regenerative ability was, even he could not replace a missing heart.

Had he disobeyed that advice, and stayed vigilant about his neck, he would have perished.

Even though he knew that――,

Garfiel: […Fuck off.]

???: [Oh, that rudeness is so disheaaartening~ to hear. I thought I’d at least get to hear some words of thanks.]

As Garfiel clicked his tongue, his back was being supported by someone standing behind him.

Even more, once his body weight had pressed on the one to his back, he could just feel a hint of a wry smile coming from the one supporting him. Feeling even more annoyed from this, Garfiel’s nose wrinkled up.

In general, Garfiel was not good at hating people, but amongst the types of people he hated was the one in front of him, Olbart. However, the person he unmistakably despised the most was standing right behind him.

Being caught in between two hated people, this was the worst possible situation for Garfiel.

Garfiel: [After my amazin’ self crushes that old man, you’re next…]

???: [Your habit of taking things out on me finally reaches its peak, huh? In a way, isn’t me being the one who has come here a stroke of luck? You wouldn’t want Ram to see you in this state, would you?]

Garfiel: [Gah…!]

Garfiel’s throat growled frailly as a nerve was struck.

The one behind Garfiel chuckled at the latter’s reaction. Olbart, whose concealed blade had been shattered, watched this back and forth from a short distance away, speaking,

Olbart: [I did say those who pass that line on the ground over there are pretty much gonna die, aight?]

???: [Pardon me, old man. I didn’t quite hear anything about that. After all, I just came down from the sky.]

Olbart: [From the sky, ya say?]

Glancing skyward, Olbart closed one eye.

Even his seemingly lethargic appearance was just part of the trickery employed by this old man to lead his opponents around by the nose. Garfiel exhaled as he restrained himself from inadvertently leaping forward.

He pulled the tip of the blade out of his chest, filling in the wound as he did so, and,

Garfiel: [If you’re here…]

???: [Ram is on a different battlefield. I told her to back off, but she didn’t listen.]

Garfiel: […To no one’s surprise. And ya went outta yer way to come here.]

???: [Of course, I also intend to be somewhat useful. I wonder if I should dub you fortunate, though.]

As he said this, the duo set their gaze upon the troublesome Vicious Old Man, and the man no longer stood behind Garfiel, but next to him. Not wearing his usual makeup, instead exposing his unfamiliar real face, the man―― Roswaal L. Mathers, closed his one blue eye as to hide his identity.

Roswaal: [――After all, I’ve fought to the death with shinobi, in the past.]

With a deeply vicious smile, one that rivalled his enemy’s, he stated thus.


――The moment the light was released, its power imbued with will, Emilia had a vision of her own Death.

Her competitive spirit was strong, she never lost hope under any circumstances.

For Emilia, who had strengthened her guts with that attitude, it had been a devastating thing.

Emilia: [――Ah.]

In her head, a small Emilia was screaming that she needed to move immediately.

However, her body would not respond with which way she should move, right or left. Even though she would usually move without thinking, she was unable to do so.

The reason for that was that her heart, rather than her head, had immediately sensed that there was no place to escape, be it right or left, be it forward or backward.

Emilia: [Icicle Line.]

So, instead of running away, Emilia had chosen to guard against it―― No, to deflect it.

She created a thick wall of ice in front of herself, which would make the light slide over its slanted surface. Whether she would indeed be able to pull it off or not, she would do it with the conviction that she had to do it.

When the Dragon’s breath had been loosened from Guaral’s skies, Emilia had immediately chosen the same manner of defense. However, Priscilla had been present at the time, and she had managed to cut through and disperse the light that Emilia had weakened, even if a little, with the red treasured sword in her possession.

This time, Priscilla was not there. Emilia was alone.

She did not know if she would be able to do the same thing. However, she had to accomplish the same thing.

Emilia: [Me, and the people behind me――]

At a glance, Emilia knew that there was no chance that the power of the light that had been released would blow away her and her alone.

Earlier, a light of a similar kind had been fired in the distance, but it only resembled this one. This light would assuredly sweep the battlefield whole, and destroy everything.


Emilia: [――Do your best, me.]

She braced her legs, created a wall of ice in front of her body, and tightly squeezed the sword of frost in her hand.

She had created the ice sword because Priscilla had used her treasured sword to cut through the breath. This ice sword did not hold power similar to the power the treasured sword held, but she had created it to give her good luck.

That, and Emilia’s bracing, where she put forth her all, was――,

Mezoreia: [Friggin’ disappear, human――]

The breath was released, and white light poured down, closing in on Emilia.

The fact that the voice had come forth from Mezoreia’s throat, the origin of the anger dwelling in its eyes, in that moment, she forgot all of it. She forgot, and braced herself.

And then, the moment when that breath obliterated the wall of ice, swallowing even Emilia――,

Emilia: [――Eh?]

After trying to align her ice sword with the light, Emilia’s eyes widened in surprise.

The light that had been emitted would have reached Emilia―― but instead, it had just slightly veered off to the side. Even so, an enormous shockwave was produced, almost tearing off Emilia’s silver hair and clothes.

While bracing herself and enduring it, Emilia looked at Mezoreia to see what had happened.

Mezoreia had released a breath, but its head was turned upwards and to the side.

It was not that it had changed its mind right before it happened. The orientation of its neck had been forcibly changed. ――Due to an impact from a deadly weapon that had struck it in the face from the side, the Flying Winged Blade.

Emilia: [That’s got to be what I threw over there…]

It was Madelyn’s weapon of choice, the Flying Winged Blade, which Emilia had accidentally hurled far away when trying to cast it right back at the former.

It had slammed into Mezoreia’s face. “No way”, Emilia said, her eyes widening.

Emilia: [Could it be that it now came back after I threw it?]

???: [Hahahahaha! That’s a really dreamy and wonderful thing to imagine! But, unfortunately, no! It was stuck over yonder, so I just kicked it off!]

Emilia: [Kyaa!?]

Having imagined a miraculous coincidence, Emilia was greatly surprised by the voice of a smooth-talking companion.

Once Emilia turned around flustered, she came to see the owner of the voice crouching down right beside her, staring fixedly at the ice sword in her hand.

???: [This is wonderful, quite the beautiful craftsmanship. I’ve been thinking that a legendary sword is what’s appropriate for me to carry around, but were I to carry things just for looks, I’d want to put this on my list of candidates.]

Emilia: [Uhhh, thanks?]

???: [No, no, if anyone should be saying thank you, it should be me.]

The person to whom that voice belonged―― was a boy with blue hair tied back, smiling cheerfully at Emilia, who had not expected to be praised in such a situation; hence, she thanked him out of reflex.

He straightened his bent knees and stood up, then,

Blue-Haired Boy: [The blue sky, split and shared by lights white and red! I was wondering which way to go, but once I came rushing in, I found a big Dragon and a beautiful woman waiting for me! As expected of me! Don’t you think my pull is too strong!?]

Emilia: [Uhh?]

Blue-Haired Boy: [Don’t you think it’s too strong!?]

After being asked once more with those sparkling eyes, Emilia felt compelled to answer, replying “I think it’s reaaally strong”.

At Emilia’s response, the boy’s smile deepened into a satisfied smirk, and,

Blue-Haired Boy: [Right!]

Saying that, he took a step forward from beside Emilia, into the gaze of the Cloud Dragon.

Emilia hesitated in saying “That’s dangerous” in an attempt to stop him. There was a sense of pressure. But it was not caused by the gigantic Dragon, but by the small back in front of her.

Because of what that out-of-place, cheerful boy had caused――,

Blue-Haired Boy: [The grand stage has come around! Everyone, come and witness! Don’t blink, don’t miss out on the big moment of the Blue Lightning, of Cecilus Segmunt, or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!]

Not taking even a single step back in the face of the transcendent Dragon, the boy―― Cecilus Segmunt, thus loudly and majestically proclaimed.


50 thoughts on “Arc 7, Chapter 100 – “A Myriad of Changes at the Bastions””

  1. Yay! Our Ceci is here and with Emi!

    Thanks for your translation and congrats with 100th chapter or this crazy arc!

  2. Well that wild chapter. Also interesting that a dragon can create a physical body and inhabit that body. I am going to go out on limb and say that it is to preserve mana as dragons don’t really have a physical body they are just pure mana if I recall correctly. I do not know if a dragon requires a body to create more mana. I dought even Tappei has answers between mana creating physical objects. You could probable ask a lot physics or chem questions to this topic none of which Tappei could answer.

    1. I mean I think the ground dragons have physical bodies and everything so it wouldn’t be to surprising if mana can make more permanent physical objects since ground dragons were created by volcanica

    2. Dragons have bodies tho? If they didn’t they wouldnt have blood just like spirits.
      Dragons from rimuru series are the ones that don’t have bodies, and physical bodies are a lot more important here in re zero

        1. at least he is way smarter, took him hundreds of chapter and multiple years of time skip to think ‘maybe i could try to make use of all those authority i stole hmmm….’

          1. remember that adult subaru is the epitome of anxiety and that shotabaru still vaguely shares his knowledge.
            overuse of authorities that don’t fit you (for example stolen ones) has a lot of bad side effects. Just using the hand makes his brain hurt and if he uses more than 9ish times he becomes unable to act from the pain.

            And remember that overuse of unseen hands made geuse kill fortuna without any of Pandora’s brainwashing

    1. well we have greatest magic user on our side (Roswaal), also Beatrice may have the knowledge of that effect, surely they can help.
      Its not sure that Olbart is going to be killed

    2. Just a theory, but maybe Patrache is doing the same thing as Madelyn. This could mean when Patrache met Volcanica he recognized her spirit, rather than her form. This might connect to lust’s dragon obsession? (Most likely to do with volg chan though)

    3. Gonna go out on a limb and say that the only way for Subaru to fix his little boy syndrome is to the hidden ninja village; cause japan. Also, because if anybody else tries to fix him satella will get all clingy again. Lastly, the offset to Subaru’s newfound confidence, would be that Subaru forgets about Emilia and the rest. (Forcing them to go see the hidden ninja village)

      1. I suspect that as well. I bet it also leads to restoring Louis and a solution to the memories eaten by Gluttony.

      1. yes in wrath if story, roswaal was able to dodge cecilus sword strike, that means roswaal is very strong physically as well

  3. Ceci? Where is your other sandal? You didn’t run from prison island to this battlefield with only one sandal, right? RIGHT?

    1. With the way he acts he 100% would if he thought it would help him reach the heavenly sword or if he just thought it would be fun

  4. Thanks for the translation! I really am wondering why all the ancient dragons seem to be so out of it….. Mezoreia seems to be properly present now though. Wonder what triggered that.

      1. Tappei is either implying mezoria = Madelyn true form or Madelyn’s dragon kin power of forcing dragons to obey her is because she can put part of her own consciousness/soul into them

      2. Thanks for the translations! Definitely didn’t expect the flying winged blade to look like a bigass boomerang as depicted in that last illustration lol!

  5. So the Mezoreia situation makes me wonder, if dragons can create “temporary bodies” and the main body remains with dragon alzheimers, where is Volcanica’s main body?

  6. Can’t go to this website with the wii u anymore please fix somehow

    Anyway enjoyable chapter kept up the good work

  7. Good chapter. Where can I read ex and short stories. I caught up and want to know more and not get spoiled anymore.

  8. Emilia in the artwork at the top of the chapter almost looks like she’s whining about spilt ice cream or something lol.

  9. Emilia is everyone’s mother. Even when it was Regulus, she just reprimands everyone and everything. I can’t wait to see the sort of leadership that entails.

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