Table of Contents


Important Note: Just to be clear, some of the work we will link here is not our own, if it links externally then the credits go to the original author of the content – this contents page just aggregates what is available. If you like a certain work made by someone which is not created by one of our members it will have an external link to where you can find it. Please do support their work if you like it!

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Note: The Arcs are divided in different phases. This division is not done by the author, but by the translators or by Witch Cult Translations. These are not official in anyway.

Arc 1 – A Tumultuous First Day

Credit for these translations belongs to SNUserTL, who has fully translated Arc 1! His chapters are now hosted here at Witch Cult Translations, but full translating credit belongs to them!

Arc 2 – The Chaotic Week

Currently, Eminent Translations is working on translating Arc 2. This page will be updated periodically with available translated chapters!

Arc 3 – Return to the Royal Capital

Most of Arc 3 is not translated as of yet.

Meanwhile, credit for the translations of the Arc 3 Interludes belong to SummaryAnon, whose only known identity is his email address, [email protected], as well as his Mega Archive. (This site is not affiliated with Summary Anon).

The anime adaptation left off at the end of Arc 3, without having adapted the interludes bridging Arc 3 and Arc 4; if you’ve just finished the anime, you’ll want to start with those, then proceed to Arc 4. If you are interested in reading the Web Novel version of Arc 4 and beyond, consider checking our Cut Content page, you can find several important plot points from both the Web Novel and Light Novel that were skipped by Season 1 of the Anime; this will prevent confusion when some of this cut content is referenced.

Arc 4 – Everlasting Contract

Arc 4 has been fully translated by SummaryAnon. Credit for these translations belongs to the SummaryAnon, whose only known identity is his email address, [email protected], as well as his Mega Archive. (This site is not affiliated with SummaryAnon).

If you are interested in reading the Web Novel version of Arc 4 and beyond, consider checking our Cut Content page, you can find several important plot points from both the Web Novel and Light Novel that were skipped by Season 1 of the Anime; this will prevent confusion when some of this cut content is referenced.

All credit for this art goes to Livia.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Phase 6

Following Arc 4 is a series of interludes known collectively as One Day II, which take place between Arc 4 and Arc 5 (One Day I was the series of interludes between Arc 2 and Arc 3, the stories there are linked on our Side Content document).

Arc 5 – Stars What Make History

Arc 5’s translation was completed on August 24, 2019, mainly thanks to DiscountAnon’s efforts, although certain chapter were done by other translators with specified due credit. The first 40 chapters have been compiled here for convenience of reading.

If you are interested in reading the Web Novel version of Arc 5 and beyond, consider checking our Cut Content page, you can find several important plot points from both the Web Novel and Light Novel that were skipped by Seasons 1 and 2 of the Anime; this will prevent confusion when some of this cut content is referenced.

All credit for this art goes to Rokaroka.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5


Arc 6 – Hall of Memories

All credit for this art goes to Rokaroka.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Arc 7 – The Land of Wolves

All credit for this art goes to Rokaroka.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4


Phase 5


Phase 6


Phase 7

Phase 8

Arc 8 – Vincent Vollachia

All credit for this art goes to Colegus.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5


Arc 9 – Light of a Nameless Star

All credit for this art goes to Rokaroka.

Phase 1


Phase 2


Side Content

Click here for our extensive side content document, which includes translated, canonical works by the author from Comic Alive, Shop Specials, etc.

Also, feel free to click here for a translation of the author’s Ten Year Anniversary Space.